Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3925: Copper face

"Jiang Shixiong, especially in the evening, the Colosseum is very lively. Under normal circumstances, the Colosseum is only open at night. Many disciples will watch the game every night. Everyone will press some bets. It will take a long time. This Colosseum, It has become a place of entertainment for the disciples of the Wuge."

On the road, Zhang Sandao.

"What is the difference between this Colosseum and a gambling house opened by Wu Ge."

Jiang Chen smiled and laughed, Wu Ge really did business, and the business was done inside the Wuge, but this is also indispensable, not a bad thing, for the disciples who want to fight and break through, to the beast The field and the monsters can kill themselves and improve themselves.

For ordinary disciples, come to entertaining, make some bets, win and earn some source stones, and more importantly, for most disciples, watching such battles can make them more in battle. Have a feeling.

"It is a gambling house, but the existence of the Colosseum is a win-win situation for the martial arts and the following disciples. For a long time, many disciples who have stayed at the peak of the origins for a long time have seen the five-year date. To be able to finally break through in the life and death of the Colosseum and the Wicked Beast, can you become a cabinet disciple and stay in the martial arts forever."

Li Si said.

"There are also many people who are shallow and shallow. They need the disciples of the source stone in their cultivation. They have no chance to go to the Colosseum to try their luck. In the end, they have really won a lot of source stones. Of course, they lose more."

Zhang Sandao.

Soon, under the leadership of Zhang San and Li Si, Jiang Chen three came to the front of the Colosseum.

The black-and-white door is hung with an unknown monster, and the three characters of the Colosseum are very profound.

At the entrance of the Colosseum, four strong and strong three strong men were blocked there. Jiang Chen had not spoken yet, and a strong man extended his hand.

"This is a source of three hundred."

Zhang San took out three hundred pieces of one source stone and handed it to the strong man. The strong man received the origin stone and let the road open.

"To enter the Colosseum, you need to pay a hundred source stones."

Zhang San explained.

Jiang Chen nodded. He said that Wu Ge would really do business. One hundred yuan of the source stone is not a big thing for the disciples of Wu Ge, but he can’t help but have a big amount. Every night, come to the Colosseum to see the lively people. I don't know how many of them, this Colosseum relies solely on the receipt of this ticket, which is a huge sum.

"The few Colosseum gatekeepers don't look like Wuge disciples."

Jiang Chendao, the four strong men, although not weak, has reached the point of origin of the eighty-nine heavens, but looking at their age, has already passed the scope of the disciples to recruit disciples.

"Yes, that is the guards recruited by the Colosseum. We have not only disciples in many places, but also many miscellaneous personnel. This is normal."

Zhang Sandao.

Jiang Chenming has a new understanding of Wu Ge.

"Jiang Shixiong, the Colosseum is located underground. There are two passages to the underground Colosseum. One is for the people to watch, the other is for the disciples who are participating in the beast. Let's separate from here."

Li Sidao.

After entering the Colosseum, there are two diagonally downward passages leading to the entire underground Colosseum.


Jiang Chen nodded. He was also supposed to be separated from Zhang Sanli. He came to the Colosseum this time, with a bronze mask, just to avoid revealing his identity. Zhang San Li Si has always been around, and it is easy to expose.

Going down the inclined ladder, there are about five or six feet. The light below is a little dim. On the stone walls on both sides of the inclined ladder, there is a moonstone embedded in it.

Jiang Chen went to the bottom, a black dark door. On the dark door, a vivid dragon was carved. Two strong men were placed on both sides of the secret door. The faces of the people who saw them were masked. People can't help but frown.

"Kid, can you take off your mask?"

A strong man said.

"How? Is the Colosseum still taking people with masks?"

Jiang Chen asked.

"Forget it, some people are mysterious and secret, and they are not willing to expose themselves. It is also a normal thing. Before the masked people in the Colosseum, it is not without it. Don't care, as long as there is strength to be able to come with the monster, it is the ability. ""

Another strong man said.

"Kid, let's go in."

The brawny snorted and pushed open the secret door, indicating that Jiang Chen walked in.

Behind the dark door, there is a huge room. There are more than a dozen high-level figures in the Colosseum. Each one is a master of the source. At this moment, these masters of the source, all eyes are staring. On the screen in front of the screen, inside the screen is a disciple-like disciple, who is fighting a scene with a tiger in the Colosseum.

After Jiang Chen came in, he did not attract the attention of these masters. They continued to watch the screen and did not look at the people who came in at all.

"Come to the battle, come here."

An old man came to Jiang Chen's side. He did not ask for Jiang Chen's mask. No matter who the Colosseum came from, they only looked at the strength of the people and the benefits they could bring to the Colosseum.

Jiang Chen followed the old man and came to a table next to him.

The old man sat down and picked up the pen and looked up at Jiang Chen: "Name, repair, report."

Jiang Chen thought for a moment: "The copper face people, the source of the source is a heavy day."

"Bronze people? Yeah, it doesn't matter if you don't want to reveal your name. According to your cultivation, I will help you choose a monster. How do you see this?"

When the old man finished, his finger clicked, and the crystal ball next to the table case, the crystal ball immediately burst into brilliance, and the image inside it also emerged.

Inside the image of the crystal ball, it is a violent male lion, and it is a faint flame. It is not a good master at a glance.

"The Nether Lion, a source of heaven, how? Do you accept it?"

The old man smiled and looked at Jiang Chen to see if Jiang Chen had any guts.

“Is there anything more powerful?”

Jiang Chendao, like this kind of goods, he didn't want to take a look at it. If he came to the Colosseum to fight this ghost lion, it would be a waste of his time.

"Boy, it seems that you don't know the power of the Nether Lion. The day before, there was also a arrogant boy coming in. The source of the heavens was repaired. As a result, no more than ten breaths were held in the hands of the Nether Lion. Finally, they were given by the Nether Lion. I swallowed it."

The old man sneered, apparently hating Jiang Chen, a person who is not self-sufficient.

"No problem, I want to challenge even more."

Jiang Chen continued.

"Hey! Not self-reliant."

The old man snorted and his finger clicked on the crystal ball again. The image changed again. It was also a ghost lion. It was dark and inky, and it was black and black.

"Do you have the guts of the lions of the second world?"

The old man said with no anger, listening to his tone, if Jiang Chen accepted this, you are no different from sending death.

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