Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3965: Xie Ting's invitation

On the next day, early in the morning, Xie Ting came to the residence of Zidange Jiangchen early.

Xie Ting is really interested. He always remembers Jiang Chen’s time for customs clearance. For Jiang Chen, this teacher can be said to pay attention to it.

In the other courtyard of Jiang Chen, the big yellow dog is running back and forth, and the hard dog's head has broken several stones.

"boring, boring, so boring."

The rhubarb dog slammed into the stone while screaming like a madman. It is no wonder that rhubarb, his character, can't adapt to the life of Wuge, and is wandering around Jiang Chen.

At this moment, the rhubarb dog is also extremely powerful. In a short period of time, the cultivation has been upgraded to the triple date of the source.

For his metamorphosis, promotion can never be used to common sense. He cultivated, there is almost no bottleneck, and promotion is too easy.

"Dry, you and his mother have dismantled Laozi here."

Jiang Chen scolded, but this does not swear by okay, ridiculed that rhubarb not only pretends not to hear, but has become more serious.

"boring, boring, boring, dog boring..."

The rhubarb dog went crazy and became a mad dog.


Xie Ting, who stepped in and just saw this scene, the whole person was dumbfounded on the spot.

"Where is the dog coming?"

Xie Ting immediately screamed, and the momentum was shaken. He waved his hand to the big yellow dog. Xie Ting thought that Jiang Chen had a mad dog here, which was being vandalized and disturbed the cleaning of Jiang Chen.

Where can Xie Ting allow such things to happen, naturally take the opportunity to show up in front of Jiang Chen and subdue the mad dog.

"Come on, do one with the dog."

The rhubarb dog saw someone shooting at himself, not angry and rejoicing, the golden light on his head, and the crazy impact on Xie Ting.

Xie Ting hit a punch, and the wind screamed at the dog's head.


Jiang Chen screamed, although the rhubarb dog has reached the triple point of the source, and the head is hard, but it really is not the same as the opponent of the Seventh Heaven of the source. If Xie Ting is full of damage to the rhubarb, it is not I want to see it.


Xie Ting was shocked, but this time I wanted to close my hand, but I could only get half the strength. The fist still hit the dog head of the big yellow dog.

Xie Ting is silent, and he is likely to make a mistake. Because Jiang Chen’s mouth is blocked, then this dog is probably a dog of Jiang Chen, and the strength of his fist, even if it is half recovered, is still not a source. The three-day dog's head can resist, and Xie Ting seems to have seen the scene of the rhubarb dog's head blooming.

However, what surprised Xie was that his fist was like playing on the pig iron, and it made an iron-like sound. This dog's head is really too hard.

"The trough, so hard."

Xie Ting’s eyes glimpsed, and then looked at the eyes of the rhubarb dog. The earth-shaking changes have already taken place. A dog’s head should be so hard that it will hit the front with a punch. Not only is it unscathed, but its fists are even shocked. Hemp.

This is a bit too outrageous. This is a metamorphosis from where it came from. Jiang Chen is already shocking enough. I didn’t expect a dog around me to be so fierce. If it’s not seen by myself, I can’t believe it. .

"Yes, your kid's fist is quite hard."

The rhubarb dog praised.

"Rhubarma, be honest."

Jiang Dust Road.

The rhubarb dog is also very interesting. It is sure that this person is looking for Jiang Chen, and he has indeed vented it.

"Xie Ting, are you looking for something?"

Jiang Chen asked.

"Teacher, two days later is my birthday. At that time, I will have a feast at the Shenwu Mountain Villa in Shenwu City, and invite some young generation geniuses from Wuge and Shenwu City. I don't know if the teacher has time?"

Xie Ting said that he did not turn around and directly said his intentions.

"There are some, the day after tomorrow is, Shenwu Mountain Villa is right, no problem, we must arrive on time."

Jiang Chen has not spoken yet, and the big yellow dog has already promised him for him.

Jiang Chen shook his head helplessly. This guy was going crazy. If he didn't take him out and turn around, he wouldn't break the stone in his house next time, but he would directly dismantle the house.

Xie is very happy, and gave a vertical thumb to the rhubarb dog, but still looked at Jiang Chen with a look, not going, or Jiang Chen nodded.

Xie Ting has already thought about it. The young talents of Wuge and Shenwu City will be summoned the day after tomorrow. They will give them a grand introduction to Jiang Chen and let them know what is a real god.

"Alright, I will pass on time."

Jiang Chen nodded and promised. Anyway, after he went out of customs, he had nothing to do. He went to Shenwu Mountain Villa and turned around. It was also a good thing.

Moreover, the face of the gods of the city of Shaowu is still to be given, and people invite themselves, a teacher, this face is not appropriate.

More importantly, Jiang Chen’s impression of Xie Ting is not bad. He has seen too many Xie Ting this kind of young master, all of them are arrogant and arrogant, and the old man is his second child, like Xie Ting. Kind, still rare.

"Well, then I am waiting at the Shenwu Mountain Villa, the teacher is driving."

Xie Ting is very happy. I can go to Jiang Chen. In Xie Ting's opinion, he is more excited than anyone else. Since the day at Qingyuan Leichi, Xie Ting has wanted to come together with Jiang Chen.

If Jiang Chen is now open to appreciating his apprentice, Xie Ting may not be hesitant to go directly to the teacher.

Shortly after Xie Ting left, Fang Tianhuai came and came together, as well as the grandson of Fang Tianhua.

These four people have undergone earth-shaking changes compared to the previous ones. Fang Tianhuan three people, repaired directly to reach the ground source, crossed a big realm, one by one, and even walked with the wind.

Fang Wei’s cultivation has reached the peak of the five-day peak of the source. Such a big progress is inconceivable to him. It was originally unthinkable, and all of this was given to them by Jiang Chen. .


"Zu Shiye."

At the same time, the four people spoke at the same time and gave a deep ritual to Jiang Chen. In their eyes, Jiang Chen was a real **** man, so that they could not produce the slightest heart.

"Well, it's all good, almost the same as I expected."

Jiang Chen nodded. The changes of these four people were all in his expectation. With his eyesight, he could even see through the talents and potential of these people and judge their cultivation as the limit.

"It's all the merits of the master."

Wang Dongxue said.

"Yes, if the ancestors did not point me out, I might be able to make progress so soon. Before I rushed to the ancestors, it was damn."

Fang Wei smiled and finally completely set his own posture in front of Jiang Chen.

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