Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3971: Chiling Mountain

"After the pass, the teacher gave me the instructions. After I went back, I went straight to it, and the training was successfully promoted to the seven days of the source."

Xie Ting quickly said, it is difficult to say joy in words.

"Well, very good, Xie Ting, you are a good talent, and the future will not stop there. This little red east domain can't hold you."

Jiang Chen said that this is not a compliment. This is Xie Ting. It is indeed that he has seen the best talents after he came to the eternal world. If there is still one person, it is the Chen Yi people who have played against him once.

"Thank you for your guidance."

Xie Ting listened to the joy. He believed in Jiang Chen’s vision. Since Jiang Chen said that he can do it, it is naturally inferior. It is not polite to say that Jiang Chen’s sentence makes him thankful and confident in cultivation. I don’t know how many times I have increased before.

"You Jiang Chen, what you have learned all your life, all show it again, let me see."

Jiang Dust Road.

"it is good."

Xie Ting’s excitement almost didn’t pick up. He waited for Jiang Chen’s words. Since the last time he was pointed out by Jiang Chen, he has been dreaming of this day. Even though he is talented, he has encountered Xu in his cultivation. Many problems, whether it is exercises or combat techniques, always encounter some bottlenecks, or problems like this.

Some problems, even if I am the oldest son of Tianyuan, can not answer.

If Jiang Chen can help him solve half of the problems, his own cultivation will surely take it to the next level and reach a new height. If all the problems are solved, he is confident that he will be promoted to Heyuan within one month. Eight heavens.

Without the slightest delay, Xie Ting is even more afraid of exposing his lifelong learning, and he also believes that these things that he has learned are not in the eyes of Jiang Chen, and that people are not in sight.


In the other hospitals, the wind whistling, the source of the tumbling, Xie Ting did not hide a trace, and his own exercises, combat skills, soldiers, all of them were displayed, bit by bit.

And what happened next made Xie Ting really shocked.

Because Xie Ting showed his own learning, he didn't have time to say a word. Jiang Chen pointed out all his shortcomings.

Not only that, after Jiang Chen’s lack of point, he even pointed out that Xie Ting pointed out how to do it more perfect.

Xie Ting was shocked by the whole person. At this moment, he was really screaming and waking up, and his inner shock was no worse than those of the Promise.

"The teacher is really a god."

Xie Ting thoroughly admired, not convinced, this is simply a god.

Xie Ting practiced on the spot according to Jiang Chen’s instructions.

As Jiang Chen said, Xie Ting's talent is extremely strong. Compared with the payment, he must be strong on two heights. After the drills in accordance with Jiang Chen's instructions, in a short period of time, his cultivation has directly reached the source. It is only a step away from the Eight Heavens of Heyuan.

Such a huge improvement can really disappoint Xie Ting. In his opinion, this is just like dreaming, so unreal.

In fact, this is normal. The most rare thing for monks is to comprehend. Once you understand something, your potential will be stimulated, and your own conditions will go up. It is normal to cultivate on the spot.

Unconsciously, the sky has dimmed. Xie Ting is almost a day of learning here. When he puts up his momentum, he only feels that the whole person is refreshed, can’t say comfortably, and is improved. Make him look more confident and calm.

Too great, I have never seen such a horrible person.

Xie Ting gave a deep gift to Jiang Chen: "Teacher Da En, Xie Ting has no teeth."

If Qingyuan Leichi is pointed out by Jiang Chen and Xie Ting is only lucky for Jiang Chen, now, Xie Ting’s admiration for Jiang Chen has already penetrated the bone marrow. He has grown so big that he has never admired a person so much. .

In Xie Ting’s heart, although Jiang Chen’s cultivation is not high, but the learning is too great, it can’t be described by people. He has seen several masters of heaven and earth, but that kind of tolerance, and that kind of knowledge. Yuanbo, compared with Jiang Chen, is not at a level.

Xie Ting has no doubts, even if it is a star owner, standing in front of Jiang Chen, I am afraid I have to shout a teacher.

What kind of luck is it to be able to follow with people like Jiang Chen. If you can follow Jiang Chen in the future, it will be a lifetime of honour, and future achievements are absolutely limitless.

Xie Ting’s biggest wish in this life is to be able to reach the heavenly source and become a powerful figure like him. But now, Jiang Chen has let his eyes go further and can’t be limited to this little red. In the East, he even felt that he had the hope of attacking the stars in his life.

"The way to practice is to rely on yourself, or not to be arrogant, not to be eager to seek success, I can only point you, but how far the road can go, or rely on yourself."

Jiang Dust Road.

"Xie Ting understands that I must live up to the teacher's hopes."

Xie Ting said with respect and respect.

"Well, well, let's go."

Jiang Chen waved his hand and signaled that Xie Ting could leave.

"Right, teacher, there is one thing."

Xie Tinggang turned and suddenly thought of one thing.

"what's up?"

Jiang Dust Road.

"I heard that there was a vision in Chiling Mountain not long ago. I intend to invite some people. After three days, I will go to Chiling Mountain to experience it. I don't know if the teacher is not interested. Do you want to be together."

Thank you very much.

"Chiling Mountain?"

Jiang Chen’s eyebrows, this name is the first time I heard about it.

"It seems that the teacher does not know the Chiling Mountain. The Chiling Mountain is the largest mountain range in the Chidong area. The beasts are rampant and dangerous. But there are also many treasures. We will go to experience it on weekdays. This time is different, because there is a vision in Chiling Mountain. I heard that many feathers have also gone. You also know that in the Chidong area, we are both human and feather, and that is the opposite, they want to destroy each other. Dominating the Chidong domain, we also have rewards when the martial arts disciples go out to practice. If they can kill the feathers, the martial arts will directly reward them. Now there are disciples who have begun to go to the Chiling Mountain. I want to wait and see again. Depart in the future."

Thank you very much.

Wen Yan said that Jiang Chen’s eyes suddenly slammed, and the big yellow dog that was squatting on the stone pier, jumped up and brushed his eyes.

"Well, I will go with you."

Jiang Chen almost agreed to it without even considering it. Wuge was too calm. He and the big yellow dog had already been smashed, and he did not say how unusual the sound of Chiling Mountain appeared. Jiang Chen's interest.

Jiang Chen took a bit of revenge with the Yu people in the land of the broken fly. The beasts in the Chiling Mountains are rampant, and with the addition of the Yu people, it is definitely incomparably hilarious. How can such a thing be less? Their brothers.

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