Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3976: Death Lei Lian


This scene was seen in the eyes of people in the scene, whether it is the people of Wuge, or the people of the Yu nationality, all of them are horrified eyes wide, one by one, they are shocked to the extreme, look at Jiang Chen’s eyes, just like seeing ghosts.

"Teacher's talents are simply shocking. Even if you look at the entire eternal world, I am afraid it is difficult to find the second one."

Xie Ting is very embarrassed, and Jiang Chen’s admiration is on a higher level. He is very self-satisfied with genius. Few people in the whole Wuge can compare with the left and right, but compared with Jiang Chen, they feel that they are so small.

If Jiang Chen said that he is a genius, then other people, who still call genius, if he is a genius, Jiang Chen is the enchanting enchanting.

"It’s really good."

Zhang Qing’s expression is very exciting. I have seen it before, and I have never seen it to such a degree.

Others are also inspiring and have seen the power of Jiang Chen. At this moment, they are against the feathers. They have no weakness and fear in their hearts. It seems that as long as there is Jiang Chen, everything can be easily solved.

"Separate people and besiege Jiang Chen."

The leading young feathers shouted, this Jiang Chen is far more terrible than they thought. If they can't gather all the power to kill Jiang Chen, these feathers are likely to be killed by Jiang Chen.

You know, these feathers, except for the young feathers who lead, no one is the opponent of Jiang Chen, and the young feathers are entangled by Zhang Qing, and they can't get away.

Zhang Qinghe’s source is not to mention Jiuzhongtian. There is also a Xie Ting who is pedaling the Black Hawk. It is also a fierce force. The feathers of the same level are not his opponents at all.

This has a great advantage, because a river dust, was suddenly chaotic, and even the eyes will be reversed by the other side.


The youth feathers fell, and one feather man was slammed up, four or five feathers, and Jiang Chen was completely trapped.

As a result, the disciples on the Wuge side have been relaxed a lot. They were all one enemy two. Now most of the enemy firepower has been attracted by Jiang Chen, and the pressure on them is a loose.

Although there is not much advantage in playing against Yu, but relying on flying characters, Yu people want to kill them easily, and they are also delusional.

Now look at Jiang Chen and Zhang Qing, or to see Jiang Chen, Zhang Qing is only playing the role of entangled young feathers, and it is extremely difficult to kill each other.

Among them, the most lethal, Jiang Chen.

However, Jiang Chen is now surrounded by four or five feathers of the eight-day source, and the situation does not seem so good.

The five sources of the eight heavens, even if they are changed to Zhang Qing, they must be dwarfed by the resistance, let alone Jiang Chen only has four sources of origin.

"Architecture, together to kill."

A feather man shouted.

In the next moment, the wings of the five feathers were all spread out, and a beautiful wing formed a huge net, connected to each other, completely trapping Jiang Chen.

These wing joints are combined by a mysterious array method, which makes the unmanned combat forces intertwined with each other. Only a moment of effort, their breath is soaring, and the power of the nine-day sky can be erupted.

"Do you use the array in front of me?"

Jiang Chen’s mouth overflowed with a smile. If these people do not use the array method, he may still have some taboos. After all, it is the union of five eight-day masters. Once they cooperate, they want to kill one by one. It is very incomparable. difficult.

However, these feathers are eager to seek success, and they want to use the array method to trap Jiang Chen, and then use the powerful combat power after the integration of the array method to kill Jiang Chen.

The idea is correct, and there is no problem with the array. It is a dead end for any person.

It is a pity that they are not very lucky. They are Jiang Chen, a ancestor who plays the tactics. The formation of the feathers is mysterious, but in the eyes of Jiang Chen, it is as transparent as the bullet can be broken.

Once they break their formation, these feathers will suffer the rebellion of the formation, greatly affecting their own combat power. Once the combat power is weakened, Jiang Chen will kill them again, like killing chickens and dogs.

"Death Lei Lian."

Jiang Chen burst into a burst, and a smashing Lei Lian floated out. The five kinds of death Lei Lian, which was condensed by the gods, was also a big card of Jiang Chen. Its lethality was not weaker than the sword twenty-six.

Compared with the sword twenty-six, the death of Lei Lian's range of damage is more extensive, just like this moment, the death of Lei Lian appeared, directly into a sinister face, horrible.

Jiang Chen joined the ban in the death of Lei Lian. Once it was applied, the formation of the feathers was broken in an instant, and the death of Lei Lian would cause unimaginable harm to them.

"what is that?"

The five feathers changed their faces. They felt the horrible smell from the Lei Lilian at the top of the head. It was the breath of death.


Without giving them a chance to respond, the death of Lei Lian burst into bursts, and the loud roar of the sound began. For a time, the entire sky was covered by thunder, dark and dark, like the end of the world.

"Quick withdrawal."

Those who are fighting in the distance not far away, feel the breath of death, all face madness, can not help but withdraw like other directions.

Ah, ah...

The fierce screams began to sound, and the five feathers fell into the colorful Thunder Sea, suffering from inhuman torture.

Their formation was broken by the power of lightning, and all five people suffered from the anti-phagment of the battle. The lethality of the death of Lei Lian, screaming at the opportunity of their rebellion, they killed without a bit of counterattack. force.

If these five feathers are not so bad, after all, they are all masters of the eight-day sky, and their own tyranny, even the death of Lei Lian, under their union, it is difficult to directly cause fatal damage to them. .

It is a pity that they should not use the formation method, especially in the battle. It is not the same as the general formation. Once the battle method is broken, people will suffer the counter-attack and the combat power will be impaired.

In an instant, all the five feathers became burnt bodies and fell from the sky.

When the power of thunder and lightning disappeared, Jiang Chen was like a **** of war, standing in the air, his eyebrows flashed infinitely domineering, just like the only between heaven and earth.

At this moment, the originally chaotic battlefield, instantly became extremely quiet, and there was only the sound of cold wind in the void, Jiang Chen became the focus and became the only one.

Everyone is quiet, they are still immersed in the horror of the Thunder Sea just now, Jiang Chen is like a thunder, it is terrible.

The cards, endlessly endless cards, constantly refreshed Xie Ting's knowledge of Jiang Chen.

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