Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3981: One finger pointing [six more]

Zhang Qing’s heart is full of turbulent waves. His mood at the moment is exactly the same as that of Xie Ting in Qingyuan Leichi. He was completely shocked. His own problems have never been said to outsiders. He has been searching for solutions. Law, but it does not help.

"The teacher saved me. In the last half of the year, I found that there was a problem in cultivation, but I could not find the reason. Especially recently, when I was practicing and fighting, I felt that my blood was not smooth, even the meridians were painful. I have been unable to find a solution."

Zhang Qing said, he said all his problems. He didn't even know where his problems were. He just practiced according to the practice. He didn't know when to go against it, but he can be sure that he is himself. The cultivation process is definitely a problem, and it is a big problem.

Today, Jiang Chen spoke out his own roots and let Zhang Qing be shocked. He has reason to believe that Jiang Chen can find his own roots and he must have a solution to help him.

Others are also dumbfounded, even though they have already believed that Xie Ting’s leaps and bounds are due to the guidance of Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen’s eye-catching eyes on Zhang Qing’s eyes are actually too shocking.

This person is too terrible.

But at the same time, several people actually saw hope from Jiang Chen’s body. As Xie Ting said, they have encountered such problems in their cultivation. Many problems cannot be solved in the heart. If you can get Jiang Chen’s instructions, The benefits that can be obtained are simply endless.

"Simple, when you practice again next time, you should remember to go to a small Sunday, not to go to a big Sunday. If you don't leave for a month, your problem will be solved. You must break through the ground in six months."

Jiang Chen said.

"Little week?"

Zhang Qingyi, a feeling of enlightenment suddenly rushed into the heart, and then slammed the brain, the whole person has a feeling of openness and openness.

"Thank you for your guidance."

Zhang Qing got up and gave a deep ritual to Jiang Chen. He has been depressed for a long time. At this moment, he was pointed out by Jiang Chen. He only felt that the whole person was refreshed and saw the future again. If he could really break through the land within half a year. If it is the source, it is just too good.

"Teacher, my name is Han Dong. I also have problems. I have been suffering from abdominal pain for a while, and I am very cold and uncomfortable. It is difficult to get in, so I came out to practice and try to get opportunities."

A little fat man grabbed Jiang Chen’s shoulder and his eyes were full of cravings.

"You have a cold poison, cold poison has already infiltrated into Dantian, and then no treatment, it will not be saved."

Jiang Chen looked at Han Dong and said faintly.


When this was said, Han Dong was simply a thunderous thunder. The whole man was sweating like a rain. The clothes were soaked in sweat instantly. His face was pale and he felt weak all at once.

Cold poison, yes, three months ago he fought a cold ice beast, although he finally killed the ice beast, but he also suffered the attack of the ice beast, did not care at that time, now want to come, this cold poison, sure It is a cold beast.


Like Zhang Qing, Han Dong slammed in front of Jiang Chen; "The teacher saved me, I must save me."

Han Dong knows that his problem is more serious than Zhang Qing’s. He has no cold poison and he does not know it, but Jiang Chen can see it at a glance. Moreover, according to Jiang Chen’s words, if this cold poison is not disposed of as soon as possible I am afraid that I am really saved.

Han Dong, who knows the truth, is as dead as he can only ask for help in front of Jiang Chen. He is very clear that now I am afraid that only Jiang Chen, who is omnipotent, can save his life.

"stand up."

Jiang Chendao, in the command of the tone.

Han Dong dared not to obey, trembled and stood up from the ground.

Jiang Chen grabbed Han Dong’s wrist: “Let go all your defenses, don’t resist.”

"it is good."

Han Dong nodded and nodded, knowing that Jiang Chen had to help himself solve the problem, naturally it was very obedient and did not dare to have the slightest disobedience.

A dragon from the dust of Jiang Chen's palm, slammed into the body of Han Dong, along the meridians, straight into Dantian.


Han Dong was shocked and subconsciously wanted to resist, but he quickly released the defense and let the fire dragon raging in his body.

At this time, Han Dong has no choice but to trust Jiang Chen, and he believes that Jiang Chen will not harm himself. After all, Jiang Chen’s ability, if he wants his own life, is directly shot, he is not an opponent at all, completely There is no need to resort to any conspiracy.

In an instant, Han Dong was in a fire, and the fire dragon entered his body. Although it was effectively controlled by Jiang Chen, the hot feeling made Han Han extremely uncomfortable.

But Han Dong knows that Jiang Chen is trying to use this fire dragon to destroy the cold poison in his body. What's more, this pain, he can still bear the pain, after all, the pain of this pain and cold poisoning is far worse.

Just ten breaths before and after, the fire dragon followed Han Dong's body and re-entered Jiang Chen's palm.

"The cold poison has been cleared, no problem."

Jiang Chen said faintly.

"Thank you teacher, thank you teacher, help you, don't think it is reported, but in the future, there will be a dispatch, and my winter will go through the fire, and I will die."

Han Dong was so excited that his face was grateful. As a master of the eight-day sky, he could feel that the cold poison in his body had completely disappeared. His whole body felt light. Many, unspeakable comfort.

The remaining three disciples have already been dumbfounded, and the heart has set off a stormy wave. This is too powerful. This is not a human being. This is God. The so-called omnipotence is what it is.

Understatement solves Zhang Qing’s cultivation problems and waves to help Han Dong solve the cold poison. This means is really against the sky. If you don’t see it, you can’t believe it.

"Teacher, I have a problem too."

"Teacher, I have it, I have it too."

Where the three are willing to let such a great opportunity, Jiang Chen is a man of God, the real master, so rumored in cultivation, the entire Red East domain and even the entire Chixia Star, can not find a second.

They don't know the repairs of the four-day days in the Jiangchen District. Why do they have such inscrutable cultivation experience and the ability to be so horrible?

But these are no longer important. What is important is that they can really benefit from Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen is not embarrassed, and the problems of the remaining three people will be solved one by one. Their problems, even if they don’t say it, Jiang Chen is fully aware of how eyed he is. These people are in his eyes as if they are transparent. The same.

Moreover, they had previously fought with the feathers in front of him, and everything was exposed to Jiang Chen.

[Complete the cash, six more, continue to five more guarantees tomorrow, do not ask for anything else, everyone voted for the sword, the last two days, thank you. 】

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