Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3994: Big counterattack

In fact, the captain and the eight sons of the feathers at the moment are also a little impatient in their hearts. They did not expect that the defense of the big yellow dog would have such power.

After all, even if all the martial arts disciples jointly deliver energy, the defensive ability is too strong. The only explanation is that the rhubarb dog is a horror in the tactics of IQ, and it is a solid foundation. So, there will be such a terrible defense.


The people of the Yu nationality were violent, and they all showed their own efforts. They wanted to break the defensive array of Wuge as soon as possible.

In the middle of the array, the martial arts disciples were sweating one by one, and they did not dare to have the slightest scorn. They tried to support the defensive array while their eyes fell on Jiang Chen’s body. At this moment, Jiang Chen is their only hope. It is.

Jiang Chen’s hands and flowers are used to form a ban, and the tactics are flowing, but when you look at this skillful action, you have confidence.

At the moment, on the other two sides, Li Long and Ji Tian’s brigade, the losses began to change gradually. Among them, there are no such people as the big yellow dog and Jiang Chen, and they can’t make a big battle, and they can’t break eight. In the fascination, from time to time, there were martial arts disciples who were sneaked and killed, and almost all of them fell into despair.

"The **** feathers have deceived us all."

"Conspiracy, this is a big conspiracy, the so-called ruins of the main star, just a trap."

"The Yu people want to destroy my people and not give us a way to live. We are now trapped in the battle, and there is no way to do anything.


The disciples of Wuge are crazy, and all eyes are red, filled with their hearts, it is endless despair.

I couldn't see the slightest way out. I didn't even see it in this way. Not to mention that I had to break it. Even their captains Li Long and Ji Tian were helpless. They could only lead the disciples of Wu Ge to die here. support.

But when they can support it, they don’t know it themselves. Maybe when the real support can’t go down, it’s the demise.

Time passed quickly, but for the disciples of Wuge, it was a second, and the screams that accompanied it continued to stimulate their souls.

On the other side, within the eight-door fanatics, Jiang Chen suddenly shouted and waved a large amount of light. At the same time, Jiang Chen screamed: "Rhubarb, remove the defensive array."

Jiang Chen’s voice was shocking, his voice just fell, and the big yellow dog directly withdrew the defensive array, and all the energy of the Wuge disciples was recovered.

At the same time, the light of Jiang Chen’s work fell on the eight-door fanatic array. He only listened to the sound of the roaring sound of the array. The almost instantaneous effort was completely broken and completely broken by Jiang Chen. .

The removal of the eight-door fanatics also made the strong supply of the feathers directly frustrated, and even suffered some shocks. The feathers of the earthquake continued to retreat, and because the eight-door fanatics were broken, they could not see the feathers. The disciple saw the feathers outside, and it was as if they were coming out of the darkness.

"Kill, kill these birds."

The next moment, I don't know who was smashing a scorpion. All the disciples of Wuge immediately turned red eyes, as if they had beaten chicken blood and went crazy to the feathers.

Yes, it’s crazy, it’s been too long to suppress, and the Wuge disciple’s grievances are going to go mad. The feeling that I can only sit still and squat, it’s too uncomfortable, and now it’s a good day.

Seeing the fierceness of the martial arts disciple, Jiang Chen’s mouth couldn’t help but overflow a smile. The high-level of the Yu’s family had to make such a come out. It was originally intended to sever the future of the Terran, but did not expect to inspire the Terran. The genius and bloodyness of geniuses.

Everyone who has experienced death will put aside life and death, and everyone who will be out of life will undoubtedly be terrible in the battle. It is like the Wuge disciples at the moment, each of which is a tiger, full of blood and strength. Full.

They all felt that they had regained their lives. They said unceremoniously that they are now fighting for their lives, not to be killed, but they are earning anyway.

On the other hand, the Yu family, the original good situation was a big chaos, the entire camp was in a mess, facing the mad attack of the martial arts disciples, and immediately the chaos, even the flight of the wings did not.

"What happened? How is this going on? How can they break the battle? Isn't this the pattern of the masters of heaven and earth? How can this group break?"

"Damn, the formation is broken, they can see us now."

"Everyone stabilizes, stabilizes their positions, and fights with them. Our feathers have great advantages and are not afraid of them. Even if there is no formation, we can still kill them. This is a big test of our feathers, killing them. These human beings will destroy the future of the human race."


The feathers were in chaos, and the eight sons quickly reorganized, and the folding fan in their hands became a beautiful gun at this moment.

I have to say that the eight sons can still be priced, and they can stay awake at key moments and take the lead.

But in fact, the eight sons at the moment, the heart is also a panic, and the heart has already begun to marry her mother. He is very clear about the eight-door fanatics. Such a horrible big squad, according to the genius of the Terran, is sure to be right, how is he? I can't figure out why the array method suddenly fails. It must be said that some of these martial arts disciples can break the battle, and they will not believe in killing the eight sons.

At the same time, on the other two sides, the eight-door fanatics were smashed with tears. The martial arts disciples who were desperate and in desperate, saw the formation break, and the feather disciples were showing their smiles as prey. At that time, screaming in an instant, directly killing the past.

The disciples of Wuge have a stern look. I don't know why this law suddenly fails. But this is always a good thing, and it is the hope of their people.

"Kill, kill me, avenge the dead brother."

Li Long’s nephews are all hoarse. As the captain of Wu Ge, they witnessed the following disciples die one by one. However, he has nothing to do. He can’t do anything. His heart has long been wronged. At this moment, he sees the enemy in front of him. Can still resist, he held a sword in his hand, and forced the six sons Zhao Zhaokun to go, it seems that all the inner grievances should be vented.

"Kill it..."

The Wuge disciple initiated a desperate reunion. Whoever broke the formation method is no longer important. At least it is not important for the time being. Now it is important to kill the feathers and avenge the dead.

During this period of time, although Wu Ge died some disciples, but because the overall number of disciples of Wuge is more than Yu, there is still a strong fighting force.

Plus one by one is angry and not good enough.

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