Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 3997: Painful

A sword kills the feathers of the Eight Heavens, and Jiang Chen is a great **** of war. It provides the disciples of Wuge with the fundamental confidence. belief.


Jiang Chen’s sword took the initiative to attack, and the sword of no border was cast to the extreme in his hands. This is the peak of the sword, the essence of the sword, the meaning of the sword, all of which are perfectly reflected in a sword.

For Jian Xiu, Jiang Chen is the originator of the sword. He has just displayed a sword that is enough for countless people to study for a lifetime.


The fierce screams rang again, and it was a feather man who had a good source of eight heavens and died under the sword of Jiang Chen. In the face of the sword of no border, the feathers had no counterattack force, and their wings were fast. However, compared with the dragon wing of Jiang Chen, it is still not a level.

Jiang Chen Long Wing is in the body, whether it is speed, lethality, or swordsmanship, all superhuman, under the source, almost invincible existence.

"Nie Xiaoying, look at the sword."

Jiang Chen’s momentum changed again, and the sword light flashed in his hand. A sword like a stunned sword was shot in a very beautiful way to another feather.

Nie Xiaoying quickly looked over and looked stunned.

Because of her horrified discovery, the swordsmanship that Jiang Chen used to perform this time turned out to be his own swordsmanship, and it was a perfect and improved version.

"It turns out that the real swordsmanship is like this."

Nie Xiaoying's eyes are shining. She has been practicing the swordsmanship for many years and has encountered many bottlenecks. Jiang Chen's performance is almost perfect.

Nie Xiaoying was excited and shocked. The excitement was that her swordsmanship was perfect. Jiang Chen’s sword was enough for her to perceive many years. If this sword is self-understood, it is not a problem to promote the two-day sky.

What is shocking is that Jiang Chen only looked at the swordsmanship that he and the captains of the feathers used to fight, and they immediately came out. The ability to be so horrified has not only been described by enchanting and metamorphosis.

I can't find an adjective, it's too strong.

Nie Xiaoying is unceremoniously convinced that the entire Chidong area, the entire Wuge up and down, to say that in the cultivation of rumors, even if the Wuge's head Wu Changtian, compared with Jiang Chen, it also has to shout A teacher.

"Thank you for your guidance."

Nie Xiaoying's face is full of excitement. At this moment, she looks at Jiang Chen's gaze. In addition to worship and respect, she is actually a little more love.

However, there is no way for this. The man like Jiang Chen, the personality charm, is really too big. It is said that Nie Xiaoying, think about the wife of Jiang Chen’s lower bounds, which one is not a beautiful girl.

After being pointed by Jiang Chen, Nie Xiaoying, the body of law, turned, the sword method began to change sharply, he turned up, and the feather captain fierce confrontation, instantly took the absolute advantage.

"Damn, when did the Terran appear so powerful?"

The captain of the feathers is about to vomit blood. Nie Xiaoying is already very powerful. It is quite hard to fight with him. Now, after Jiang Chen’s pointing, it is completely like changing a person. He is not an opponent at all, in case Nie Xiaoying is in battle again. Advance to the second world of the source, how to get it.

In this star's main space, the strongest is the source of the earth, if there is a genius of the earth's source, it is enough to change the entire occupation.

All of this was caused by the white-haired youth like the **** of war. The Terran had such a terrible figure, and the Yuzu didn’t even know that this was the most mistake.

"You killed the nine brothers."

The eight sons felt the breath of the nine sons from Jiang Chen, and suddenly angered.

"Yes, your nine sons, and all the feathers in the land where they are flying, are killing me, but you want to take revenge, I am afraid there is no such strength, but I can fulfill one thing for you, that is to kill. You, let you go to reunite with your brother."

Jiang Chen looked at the eight sons, not salty and not light, said that he had killed nine sons, he does not care to kill one more.

No, more than one, all the feathers in the entire star space, Jiang Chen did not intend to let go.

Since the Yu design is such a big conspiracy, and wants to set the Terran to death, then Jiang Chen will naturally not be polite. The so-called humanity is still the body of the people, in the Red East, the Terran and the Feather, sooner or later There must be a battle between life and death.

To get rid of all the feathers here, the idea is not just Jiang Chen. All the geniuses of the Terran are thinking this way. They will not forget the things of the Eight Heroes, and they will not forget the feathers in the formation. Those disciples who sneaked and died.

They can imagine that if Jiang Chen happened to be here, he broke the eight-door fanatics, and they only had one, and they ended up destroying them.

When the enemy is thinking about killing you, then there is nothing to be polite. The only thing to do is to fight back and use life to fight back.

"The tone is very arrogant, I would like to see, how much skill you have, this son personally shot, kill you first, revenge for the nine brothers, as long as you die, Wuge disciples, have to finish."

The eight sons are like a rainbow, murderous, and he is ready to shoot in person, and he has already seen that it is necessary to kill Jiang Chen before he can really make this war prevail.

Not to mention whether it is to avenge the hatred of the nine younger brothers. As long as Jiang Chen is killed, the belief of the human race is interrupted, and the belief of the human geniuses is extinguished. Even without the help of the eight fans, the feathers still work. Can win.

More importantly, the eight sons really saw the threat of Jiang Chen. The Terran had such a bad character. If it could not be removed early, one day it would become a big worry for the Yu people.

In other words, Jiang Chen is now a big worry. As a son of the Yu family, he has 10,000 reasons to get rid of Jiang Chen.

The strength of Jiang Chen’s display is too strong, and the feathers of the eight-day sky are not his opponents. Even his body can’t be close. Now, in the camp of the entire Yuzu, it’s only two. People, one is himself, and the other is the captain of the feathers.

But the captain of the feathers is now struggling with Nie Xiaoying, let alone vacating his hand to deal with Jiang Chen. Nie Xiaoying will not allow the captain of the feathers to deal with Jiang Chen.

In this case, the arduous task of killing Jiang Chen falls on his eight sons.

The eight sons burst into a slap, and the volley hit a palm. The huge palm print was like a sky-barrier, and it was pressed against Jiang Chensheng.

"The teacher is careful, the eight sons of the Yu family are not good."

Zhang Qing quickly said that the eight sons of the Yu nationality are different from the ordinary ones. The talents are outstanding, the strength is strong, and the general source of the nine heavens is not enough in front of the eight sons.

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