Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 4004: Feather's despair

"Ha ha ha..."

Ji Tian screamed and laughed. After so long, he has never been so happy. Looking at the incomparable warhammer in his hand, and even the thunder and lightning, Ji Tian has a feeling of breakthrough.

Looking at Jiang Chen again, Ji Tian’s eyes have completely changed. This is a strange person, omnipotent.

"Thank you for your guidance."

Ji Tian hugged his fist against Jiang Chen, and the guidance of the few words was enough to make Ji Tian respectfully shout a teacher, just as he was in the Qingyuan Leichi.

"Impossible, who are you? Can you reincarnate?"

The captain of the feathers was full of shock, and said that he had been fighting for a long time with him. He had already known the tricks of Ji Tian, ​​and his strength was definitely to crush the field, but this Jiang Chen came. After that, three or two sentences, let Ji Tian completely changed a person, the hammer in the hands of a fierce mess.

"Where is the trough, is Jiang Chen's brother so arrogant? Just pointing a few words, even so that Master Ji Tian is so powerful, he will immediately pull back the defeat."

"Yeah, this is amazing, I don't know if I can give pointers to us."

"This is better than the elders of our martial arts."


The disciples who followed Ji Tian were shocked.

"That is nature, the teacher is omnipotent, I don't want you, we just got the guidance of the teacher, basically have made progress, the combat power soared, and in this very short time, the entire team of the feathers was destroyed. people."

"Yes, if you can get the guidance of the teacher, it must be like us. I am confident that after this battle with the Yu people, my cultivation will be improved immediately."

"The teacher is a **** man. I guess the teacher may really be a reincarnation. Otherwise, I will not be proficient in so many things, alchemy, arranging, breaking, omnipotent. I used to take classes in our Wuji Pavilion. Even our elders must call him a teacher."


The disciples who were pointed out by Jiang Chen, all of them are proud of their faces, and they began to brag about it. Of course, they are not bragging. What they said is true. The truth of the truth is that they will make progress. Great progress.

"Teacher and teacher, can you give me some advice?"

"Let the teacher give pointers."

"Brothers, doing this with the birds, we all have to learn all the life, let the teacher point us."


The Wuge disciples once again boiled up, yelling one by one, especially those disciples who had not been pointed out by Jiang Chen. One was more excited than one. They saw Jiang Chen’s ability with his own eyes. Even Ji Tian shouted a teacher. , let alone them.

Moreover, the disciples who have just arrived have been pointed out by Jiang Chen. They have also seen the battles of the talented people. Those who have been pointed out by Jiang Chen are indeed more sophisticated than before.

Many people here live together on weekdays, even friends, brothers, and they know a lot about each other. Whether the strength of each other is refined or not is naturally clear.

No one wants to miss such an opportunity to improve themselves. Jiang Chen’s eyes are poisonous and can be pointed out in battle. No one wants to miss such a great opportunity.

In the process of cultivation, it is difficult to go to heaven. Every one of them will encounter such problems in the process of cultivation. In the process, if there is a high person pointing, there will be many detours.


The roaring sounds, the Wuge disciples broke out completely, and the blood of an unprecedented one was boiling.

Jiang Chen did not let them down. He stood in the middle of the sky, pointing his fingers at the river, and the powerful soul power spread out. Almost all the martial arts disciples above the entire battlefield were in the control of Jiang Chen. .

Jiang Chen pointed out in the past, all the shortcomings of the people, all in one language, the tip of the prompt.

More importantly, every disciple who has been pointed out by Jiang Chen is unusually excited, because this kind of pointing is really too in place, and it is completely ignorant.

The battlefield exploded, the feathers were beaten and defeated, completely defeated, on the battlefield, flying feathers everywhere, flesh and blood everywhere.

This kind of battlefield is completely war. Here, death is everywhere. This is the real Shura hell. There is only real killing here, not whether you are dead or me.

For the Wuge disciple, this war is of the utmost importance. It is unkind to say that after the completion of this war, there will be no difference in the future achievements of those who have gone alive.

Only after living and dying can you really test a person and really improve one person.

Ah, ah...

The fierce screams are filled with the sky, the feathers are not tempered, the former arrogance, was completely suppressed, and the martial arts disciples are like a hungry tiger, madly plundering their prey.

On the other hand, the biggest hope of the Yu family is also being pressed by the count, and the ramming method is getting stronger and stronger. The field is getting more and more smooth, and it is getting more and more fierce. The captain of the feather has been beaten a little. There are no tempers, and the guns in their hands have been shattered.

"Captain, can't fight, let's withdraw."

A nine-heavy Tian Yu, a source of blood, shouted.

"Withdraw, withdraw, and withdraw quickly."

The captain of the feathers shouted loudly and unwillingly. He was indeed unwilling. This is a big conspiracy under the feathers. It is specifically for the disciples of the Wuge, but the situation in front of them is totally different from what was expected. It is too far.

"Withdrawal? Now withdrawing, I am afraid it is already late."

The voice of Jiang Chen sounded again, like the voice of the **** of death, and sentenced the feathers to the feathers.

"what did you say?"

The captain of the feathers looked at Jiang Chen and shouted.

"I have already laid a big squad here, and today you all want to escape."

Jiang Dust Road.


The captain of the feathers was shocked, but his expression had begun to panic.

If the words are said from other populations, he must be a joke, but this Jiang Chen is really too different. He just pointed out the Wuge disciple, but he listened clearly, even if it was an enemy. He also had to worship Jiang Chen as a god.

"You will know when you try. The Yu people use the big array to break the future of the human race. We can also, I want you to know that the feathers are lifting their own feet."

Jiang Chen is extremely powerful. He is like a heavenly supreme, and he stands there. One person can make the enemy tremble, and one person can drive the morale of the entire human race.

"There is really a big battle."

Some people have tried it and can't rush through the invisible array.

At this moment, everyone was in a panic, and they could not escape.

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