Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 4079: Keel

Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog and the masters of the evil city played a guerrilla war. They did not leave the northernmost land. They circled around the northernmost land. The masters of the evil city chased along their breath, but they always chased. Not every time, every time I went to a place, I found that Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog had disappeared.

"Damn, how can the speed of these two guys be so fast."

Some people can't stand it. They have killed many people in their lives. It is the first time they have encountered such a difficult person to kill. It is simply muddy, and they can't catch it.

Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog are naturally impossible to leave. They should also pay close attention to the movement of the Dragon Palace. According to Jiang Chen’s expectation, the Dragon Palace is definitely not simple. There must be something big happening. It’s not so simple that there are so many monsters.

The entire exile area, only the Dragon Palace has been affecting the heart of Jiang Chen, otherwise, Jiang Chen directly left the exile area with the rhubarb dog, and returned to the Red East domain. The exile was allowed to be confused, and Jiang Chen did not. Half point relationship.

On the other side, on the coast, under the joint of the nine wicked people, the black tiger was finally killed. But the black tiger was too fierce. Even if he was killed, he seriously injured a wicked person before he died. He almost took half his life. .

At the moment when the black tiger was killed, it was incomparably arrogant. The Dragon Palace, which was constantly flying out of the monster, suddenly became calm, and the endless golden light disappeared. A dark and ink-like portal appeared.

The portal was opened, and the gate of the Dragon Palace was opened. This was the first time in the exile.

"Look, the gate of the Dragon Palace is open. After the black tiger is killed, there is no monster to come out again. It seems that this black tiger is the most powerful existence inside."

Said evil.

"We tried to enter the Dragon Palace and were blocked by this door. I didn't expect the door to open automatically today. This is a good opportunity for Tianda. I have to go in and see."

"I have to go in. In the past, there were a lot of babies flying out from inside. This Dragon Palace is a treasure house. If I can get into it and get the baby, it is not too good."

"I will come first to give you a big head and see what is inside?"


All the masters have been alarmed. All the dragon palaces have always touched everyone's heart. After all, many times in the past, many treasures were released from this dragon palace, which made the top ten wicked people very curious about the Dragon Palace.

They have tried to enter the Dragon Palace, and they all ended in failure. Now the door of the Dragon Palace is open to the public. This is a golden opportunity. If you don’t go in, it’s hard to be.

As for the monsters that are still fighting outside, the top ten wicked people simply do not pay attention to it. As long as there are not too many ground-sourced Jiuzhongtian monsters, it will not pose a real threat to the exile.

The evil spirit jumped out first, and in the blink of an eye, it was outside the gate of the Dragon Palace.

However, when the evil glow of a foot just about to enter the Dragon Palace, the abrupt change, an illusory golden mask appeared, and the mask was outside the portal.

A powerful and unrivalled force rushed out of the mask, and the evil glow was too late to dodge. It was hit on the front and made a scream, and the whole person was directly hit back.


The spurt of the evil spurts a blood, and the momentum is wilting on the spot.

Other people who were still eager to try, couldn't help but put away the steps that had already been taken out, and couldn't help but come out with a cold sweat. It seems that it is still not an easy task to enter this Dragon Palace, even if The gates of the Dragon Palace are open, and they also want to set foot.

"His mother, this Dragon Palace is full of surprises, can't get in."

The evil glow wiped the blood from the corner of the mouth, then swallowed a medicinal herb, and the injury on the body was relieved.

"Some people are panicking, and at the end they find that they are still doing nothing."

Someone sneered and sneered.

"Who are you talking about?"

The evil will not do it.

"What? Do you want to play one game? It is you."

The man was not afraid, and the momentum was shocked. It seemed that he would start playing when he said nothing.

The murderous teeth are gnashing their teeth, but they have to press down their anger. His current state is not suitable for fighting. If he is in his usual temper, he may have already shot it, but now, because of the counterattack of the Dragon Palace. Really fight, I am no longer an opponent.

This point, the evil is still very self-aware.


Just then, a deafening howling suddenly sounded from the Dragon Palace, immediately attracted everyone's attention.

A golden light swayed out of the Dragon Palace, and a golden spear rushed out from it.

The war spear, the golden light dazzling, the foot of a long, freely swaying out of the momentum, are frightening.

On top of the spear, it is engraved with the mighty dragon pattern. All the dragons gather together, which is the shadow of a real dragon.

"The keel of the keel."

Extremely far away, Jiang Chen’s eyes fell on the spear, and the source dragon in the body couldn’t help but start to move. Jiang Chen had a noble dragon blood, so you can see through the material of this spear at first glance. Made with keel.

"The level of this spear is not low. It is much more powerful than the sword you got from the Queen's grave. If I guess it is good, this spear is probably made of a cosmic dragon's keel." However, only the layers of the spears were banned by the people, and the power of the spear itself was completely sealed. Even so, the momentum of the spears has already reached the peak of the four products. The main warrior is arrogant."

The rhubarb dog looks at him with his eyesight, and naturally he can see the tyranny of this keel.

"The great Dragon Palace, this Dragon Palace does not know what kind of existence, there is such a powerful warrior inside, this keel war spear, it is said that in this exile, even if you look at the entire red haze star, it will cause the former There is nothing more than incitement, and countless star owners will have to take it."

Jiang Chen was so embarrassed that he was more and more interested in the mysterious Dragon Palace. There must be a mystery in the nine-story Dragon Palace.

However, let's not talk about the inside of the Dragon Palace. In front of this keel and spear, Jiang Chen is a must-have, and must not fall into the hands of the top ten wicked.

The value of the keel spear is immeasurable. If you get it, the combat power will increase. Only his true dragon blood can play the true power of the keel.

On the shore, almost all the land source Jiuzhongtian masters were attracted by the sudden appearance of the keel spear. Even Zhao Biao flew over for the first time.

There are people with eyesight on the scene. As long as they are not fools, they can see the horror and preciousness of the keel spear. It is definitely the best baby ever seen in the Dragon Palace.

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