Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 4083: Floating prison palace

Upon seeing this, Jiang Chen was deeply relieved. It turned out that the true dragon blood in his body is the most noble lineage between heaven and earth. Even the cosmic dragon above the top can't catch up, in front of his own blood. The cosmic dragon will also surrender.

This is probably the reason why the keel spears choose themselves.


The keel spear once again trembled, and it had an unprecedented sense of relatives to Jiang Chen. The spear was constantly revolving around Jiang Chen. At this moment, Jiang Chen became the master of the keel spear.

At the same time, the violent energy is also raging from the body of Jiang Chen. The repair of Jiang Chen instantly broke through the four-day sky of the source, and all the way to triumph, breaking through the five-day sky, the five sources in the ground. The level of Tianzhufeng stopped.

Jiang Chen in these states can be said to be full of confidence. In the state of dragons, the whole place of exile is invincible. The top ten wicked people are not their opponents. Even the most powerful poisonous old people are in front of Jiang Chen. It is also a shit.

In fact, in Jiang Chen’s eyes, the most worrying thing is to poison the old people, because the most powerful thing is to use poison, and Jiang Chen’s poison is not invading, and the poisonous old man who lost the poisonous advantage is in Jiang Chen. In front of it, that is the real vulnerability.


Just when Jiang Chen had just become the master of the keel, and the repair was successfully promoted to the five-day sky of the source, the scene in the Dragon Palace suddenly changed.

The original dim environment has suddenly become bright and bright, and there are dazzling lights everywhere, completely becoming another country.

At the same time, a light appeared, and the light of the gods squirmed, like a living thing, appeared on the top of Jiang Chen's head, and then brushed into the body of Jiang Chen.

The light tank body, the dust of the body of the river dust, the mind became infinitely clear, and the originally restricted **** thoughts were released at this moment. The scenes in the entire Dragon Palace are clear at a glance.

Jiang Chen's body movement, can then go to any place in the Dragon Palace, here is his back garden, and his Jiang Chen, apparently has become the real master of the Dragon Palace.


A tiger screams in the void, and a black tiger covered with black armor appears. This black tiger looks exactly the same as the black tiger that was previously killed in the exile by the top ten wicked, but it is more real.

The black tiger flew to the side of Jiang Chen and became a middle-aged man wearing a black armor. The man carries the position of the tiger king, his body is as strong as a tower, and the repair of this black tiger is already The Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak of the ground source is in an infinite proximity to Tianyuan.

Moreover, the blood of this black tiger is incomparably magical, high above it. Although it is a nine-fold peak of the earth's source, its fighting power, once it is fought, Jiang Chen absolutely has reason to believe that even the general Tianyuan is a master of heaven. Not necessarily the opponent of the black tiger.

Jiang Chen’s face was calm, and he saw the black tiger coming toward himself. There was no color of tension, because he did not feel a little hostility from the black tiger. Maybe he wanted to know all the information of the Dragon Palace. This black tiger knows.

The black tiger stood still in front of Jiang Chen, and bowed deeply against Jiang Chen: "Black King has seen the master."

"the host?"

Jiang Chen's eyebrows.

"Yes, with the recognition of the keel and spear, it is the owner of this floating prison palace, the battalion palace has been exiled for 3,000 years, and finally waited for the new owner."

Black King said that his emotions seemed a little excited.

"Float Palace, is the name of this Dragon Palace?"

Jiang Chen asked, this dragon palace with a prison word, quite imprisoned, it seems not as simple as one imagined.

"Yes, I will explain to the owner about the Holocaust Palace, because from this moment on, you are the owner of the Float Palace."

The black king said openly.

Jiang Chen nodded and prepared to listen calmly. For this Dragon Palace, Jiang Chen itself is very interested.

"There was no such thing as the Holocaust Palace, but the nine-day floating tomb of the eternal world. The supreme is the universe. Gongye, a self-contained family, is called the floating butcher. Three thousand years ago, our floating butchers offended the eternal Lord and suffered the suppression of the eternal Lord. In fact, the eternal Lord is afraid of the talent of the floating patriarch, fearing the floating patriarch Continued to grow will **** the status of his eternal Lord, so find an excuse to the floating Buddhism chief, this nine-day floating Tudor Palace, by the eternal mainstream, it will become the floating prison palace, the people of the floating family, all sealed here, Our cultivation is exploited, and in this floating prisoner's palace, our cultivation is impossible, and there is no longer a little growth in life. The entire floating butchers have suffered the curse of the eternal Lord. My cultivation is for three thousand years. It has been falling, and not long ago, it has fallen below the source of the heavens and turned into a source."

The black king is full of sorrow: "The only thing that can break the curse is to find a new master in the Holocaust. Today, you finally came. The floating patriarch once worked for the eternal Lord. I am not a dragon, but only a floating sect. A prince under the patriarch."

"In addition to the floating butchers, even the entire universe of dragons have been implicated, I estimate that in the past three thousand years, the days of the cosmic dragons will not be better, hehe."

The black king said that his eyes were reddish, and he remembered the Buddhism Army of that year. What kind of mighty power, the three words of the dragon float, how tremble the eternal world.

Nowadays, they are exiled to such a remote place, and people are not ghosts.

Although the black king said that there is some ambiguity, Jiang Chen can still hear a rough story. This is a tragic story of a person who has brought the world together. He has brought too many people, the black king in front of him, and the monsters who went out before. They all followed the dragon float, and their strength, the peak period is far more than this. For three thousand years, the floating prison palace has weakened their cultivation. In Jiang Chen’s view, this black king is probably in the peak period. At least one star owner.

"The black tiger that went out before, is your avatar?"

Jiang Chen asked.


The black king’s eyes lit up and he couldn’t help but see a change in the eyes of Jiang Chen. To be honest, when he saw the new owner of the Buddhism Palace at the beginning of the period, the black king’s heart was extremely disappointing. Forced, supreme, the new master turned out to be a child of the land.

But now, Jiang Chen can see through his own avatar, which is enough to show that this person is still somewhat capable.

Of course, it can be selected by the keel and spear, and it can be wrong. The keel and spear, but the dragon battalion's life war.

[The veil of the eternal world is beginning to show up. Recently, because the trivial update is somewhat sloppy, everyone will forgive me, Laosu will resume normal update as soon as possible. In addition, everyone pays attention to my WeChat public account, thank you. 】

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