Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 4092: The threat of the Nether

Above the Chiling Mountain, the wind and thunder rolling, the sound of the drums filled thousands of miles, and the dense figure shrouded the entire sky.

The infinite momentum is rolling, the battle has not yet started, and the whole void has begun to mess.

The murderousness is filled, the whole void is filled with murderous murderousness, and the strong fighting spirit and the murderous gas are mixed together. Today's Chiling Mountain is destined to become a hellish infernal existence. This battle must be bloody. The wind, the blood flows into the river, I don’t know how many people are going to die.

There are tens of thousands of people on both sides. This is the pinnacle of the Red East. Both sides are holding a vision of dying, especially those high-level people from the ground, with bloodshot eyes. This is no way out. In the First World War, many people are ready to die in the battlefield.

Whether it is for the Terran or the Feather, this battle can only win, can not be defeated, defeated will become the slave of the other side, was enslaved for thousands of years.

No one wants to be a slave, so no one will retreat in this battle, maybe he will die, but if he does not fight, he will not end well.

Therefore, there is no retreat, only life and death fight.

The war has not yet begun, and people have already foreseen the cruelty of this war.

On the other side of the Yu family, above the void, a huge black altar is suspended in the sky, and the altar is incomparably embarrassing, exuding the coldness of the breath, which is a strong death.

Wu Changtian and others saw the Nether Terrace, and his face could not help but undergo some changes, becoming more dignified.

From the very beginning, Wu Changtian and others did not consider the factor of the Nether Platform to be inside. In their view, the Yu family dared to release the gauntlet, and the biggest reliance was that Zhao Lingxi’s cultivation was promoted to the Tianyuanjing triple heaven. That's it.

Now it seems that this is not the case at all. This is the most cuddly of the Yu people.

"Wu brother, this is a quiet place, not simple."

Xie Yunpeng screamed.

"Xie Xiong also saw it. This altar is very dark and full of endless evil spirits. It seems that the Nether Terrace has been transformed by the perfection of the Yuzu. Now the atmosphere of the tens of thousands of people in the Nether and the Pai Connected together, once the battle is unfolded, as long as the people with the blood of the feathers can rely on the Nether Platform to fight, the cultivation is greatly increased, especially for those who have the source and the source, relying on the Nether, Their combat power, at least one level, is extremely unfavorable for us."

Wu Changtian screamed.

"Mother's, it turns out that this secluded Taiwan is the biggest reliance of Zhao Lingqi. There is a secluded stage. The feathers can have a steady stream of energy. How can this be played? I am afraid that the Terran will lose morale and fighting spirit at the beginning of the battle. ”

Zhenyang said that the human race is naturally well prepared. Numerous disciples and elders are full of enthusiasm, and because of the strong morale that Jiang Chen brought to them, the Terran owners are full of confidence in this battle. But now it seems that this confidence is likely to be broken in an instant.

"There is no way out, only a battle."

Danqingzi Road, Zidan Pavilion this time prepared a large number of medicinal herbs for use in the war.

In the midst of the war, Zidan Pavilion can play a great role. The healing medicine of Zidan Pavilion can be called the most in the Red East. At this moment, in the face of the survival of the human race, Zidan Pavilion naturally cannot hide. Almost all of the family was given out.

"Wu Changtian, Xie Yunpeng, today's World War I, to solve the final affiliation of the Yu and the Terran in the Red East. After this war, I am Zhao Lingyi, to become the absolute hegemon of the entire Red East."

Zhao Lingqi said with aloud, at this moment, his temperament is arrogant and arrogant, and his words are full of endless self-confidence.

"Hey! Zhao Lingwei, you don't want to be too early, how the end of this battle is not known."

Wu Changtian snorted.

"Ha ha ha, my feathers have the help of the Nether, can enhance the fighting power of the entire Yu family, you guys, why fight with me."

Zhao Lingxiao laughed and laughed and went to the side.

"Where is Jiang Chen? Come out and die."

At this moment, a loud drink rang, the feathers of the big son came out of the crowd, a beautiful gun in the hand, the prestige of the wind, he came up directly called 嚣江尘, kill Jiang Chen, it was this time he came The biggest intention was that he wanted to kill Jiang Chen and avenge his dead brother and tribe.

Moreover, Jiang Chen’s recent reputation is too great. For Dagongzi, if he can kill Jiang Chen, he must become famous in the first battle. In the majesty of the Yu people, there is no difference. You must know that Jiang Chen can be from his own. The person who escaped in the hands of the money, killed Jiang Chen, the name is too big.

"Jiang Chen is not here, I am afraid I will disappoint you."

Xie Yunpeng said.

"Does Jiang Chen have to shrink the tortoise? The critical moment of the survival of the human race, he himself has hid."

Dagongzi despise the words, the disappointment between words, disappointment is not only him, the tops of the Yu people are disappointed, after all, killing Jiang Chen is more important than killing the entire Terran, even today they killed the Terran, occupied Throughout the Chidong area, as long as Jiang Chen does not die, the Yu people can not sleep without even having a good river.

"You are afraid, as long as Jiang Chen does not come out, you will have trouble sleeping."

Yun Sinan laughed, the mind of the Yu people, how can he not see it.

"Hey! A little one will, my feathers have not been put in the eyes, waiting for me to kill you, do not believe that Jiang Chen does not come out, today's World War, is destined to be the end of your race."

Zhao Ling is cold and cold.

"The patriarch, needless to say so much, go straight to war."

A master of heavenly source can't wait.

"Getting started."

Zhao Lingqi waved in the hands of the sword, and the decisive battle was officially launched. This war, regardless of whether Jiang Chen appeared or did not appear, is imperative.

"All people listen, fight for dignity, fight for survival, we must never retreat and kill."

Wu Chang’s innocent arms shouted, and the masters of the characters flew out from the warships. The two armies ran rampant and quickly succumbed together.

On the human side, people who have not reached the ground source have stored a lot of flying characters in their hands, which is enough to support them to fight against the Yu people.

This kind of battle is very clear, generally it is to find a relatively good enemy battle, from the source to the ground source to the heavenly source, one level.

Ah, ah...

The screams of screaming screamed in the sky above the Chiling Mountain, and the blood spurted, bringing a bright red color to the sky.

This is the real life and death fight, you live and die, almost there are casualties, but it is a race of race, no one shrinks.

The sword and the sword, the **** hurricane, the entire Chiling Mountain, was instantly obscured by the fighting gas.

[Thanks to the brothers for their rewards, and there will be updates for a while. 】

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