Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 4213: Uneasy

Bang ...

Outside the door, a deafening sound sounded, and the entire city's main house fell into a very strong shock.

Yu Zhonglou was shocked. Several star masters quickly walked out of the door and saw Jiang Chen standing in the sky with the sword in the sky. The buildings in half of the city were destroyed. The entire city was filled with fire and smoke. Screaming endlessly.

"Yu Zhonglou, starting today, I want Yuling City chicken and dog restless."

Jiang Chen laughed and walked away.

"catch him."

Yu Zhonglou was furious. Several star masters chased after Jiang Chen. Unfortunately, when they caught up with Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen was gone.

Several star masters are aggressive, you look at me, I look at you, and then your face is full of shock.

"What happened? How did he escape?"

"The cultivation of Tianyuanjing has not even comprehended the power of space. Why can it disappear out of thin air as if it had never appeared before? I didn't even notice his breath."

"This guy must have a powerful means of escape. It should be a powerful escape weapon. No wonder he is so arrogant that he dares to run to the city main government to make trouble."


No one is surprised. A person who can escape anytime and anywhere can really help them. Whatever it is, it is not even the master of the Seventh Heavenly Master, Yu Zhonglou, and Shi Cai Jiang Chen is already on the eyelids of Yu Zhonglou. Run away underneath.

The crowd reluctantly returned and approached Yuzhonglou.

"Master City Lord, let him escape. This guy doesn't know what powerful means. The power of our space is useless to him."

Said one person.

"It is a powerful magic weapon in space. It must be a powerful magic weapon in space. Damn bastard, we must kill him at all costs."

Yu Zhonglou gritted his teeth, and he lived so big, he had never hated a person so much, killed his son, deceived his own saliva, destroyed half of the city's main government, and left.

Such an arrogant person has never seen him at Yu Zhong Lou.

Even more tragic is that Yu Zhonglou has nothing to do, and there is nowhere to vent his anger at this moment. Just about to explode.

"Master City Lord, this kid has a magic weapon to escape, and can escape under our eyes. We want to kill him, I am afraid it is not easy."

Said one person.

"What this person said is to make my Imperial City chickens and dogs restless, and I will definitely come back again. I will gather all the masters of Imperial City, and set up a network of heaven and earth in the city's capital. At that time, even if he has a magic weapon, he will never go through the imprisoned space. "

Yu Zhonglou's fists clenched, Yuling City is a city of elves, and there has never been such a huge loss, which made Yu Zhonglou the city's owner to stand, his son died, and rebirth, The city's main house has been destroyed by half. This is a real mischief. If Jiang Chen cannot be killed, how can the elves still mix after Yu Zhonglou, it is sure to become a laughingstock.

Outside of Yuling City, between a mountain range, Jiang Chen landed again from the sky with a smile on his face, followed by a big yellow dog and a black king.

"Ascending the ladder is really a good thing. Unfortunately, after the ascending ladder in my hand, it is still no problem to avoid the attack of the star master, but if the star emperor appears, the ascending ladder will be useful. If you can find other ascending ladders, then . "

Jiang Chen groaned, ascending the ladder is the supreme magic weapon, but unfortunately there are too few ascending ladders in his own hands. If there is one more ascending ladder, merged together, even if he is a master of the Star Emperor, he will never think of himself.

"Well, I'm afraid the guy in Yuzhonglou is going to be mad. This time it can be said that he lost his wife and lost his soldiers. It's a great pleasure."

The big yellow dog laughed again and again, thinking of what Jiang Chen did today, he couldn't help it.

"Master, what shall we do next?"

Hei Wang asked, he now admires his new master very much, and greatly appreciates Jiang Chen's style of doing things, which can be said to appreciate from the beginning to the feet.

"Everyone said, let the Yuling City chickens and dogs be restless. Since the Elves are not honest, they are united with the Yu people and mixed into my Terran Camp. Wang, you will release all the monsters, and put them all in the Royal City for chaos. I want to make this big city messy and uncontrollable. "

Jiang Chen said that a king is issuing instructions.

"Good host."

Heihe smiled, he just felt that following such a master was really happy.

As night fell, all shadows quietly entered the Imperial City, from all directions, like a ghost.

Ahhhh ...

In the entire city of Yuling, there are screams in the sky, the fire is flooded, and the city is thousands of miles away. There are monsters everywhere. Each monster is a body. It is a hundred feet in size. Wherever you go, countless buildings collapse. People, crushed by monsters, terrible.

Everywhere, there are too many monsters, these monsters are too powerful, the worst is also in the high-end section of the Tianyuan Realm, let alone the star monster.

For a time, the Yuling City was in chaos and became a pot of porridge.

On the side of the city ’s main palace, the Tianluo Di net has been laid out, waiting for Jiang Chen's arrival, but Yu Zhonglou could n’t think of it. Jiang Chen was even more terrible than he imagined. It really made the entire Yuling city uneasy. There is no peace in the whole city.

"Master City Lord, it's not good, it's messy, it's messy, it's all messy."

"There are monsters everywhere, and they can't be counted."


Many people were panicked, and Yuling City ushered in the biggest chaos and crisis in history. It is the end of Yuling City.

"Damn, why are there so many monsters suddenly appearing, is it that the dragon dust can't summon?"

Yu Zhonglou slaps the chair under the broken seat, the fury of anger cannot be concealed at all.

"It must have something to do with Dragon Dust. That guy is a cosmic dragon. The cosmic dragon is above Wanyue, and naturally has the ability to call Wanyue. Mother, just like the horse honeycomb, countless, there are monsters everywhere. "

The people below are about to collapse. Such a scene has completely exceeded their control.

"Don't be afraid. What are you afraid of? A group of monsters. The Wuhe people sent out the masters of the city's government to let these monsters know the power of our elves."

Yu Zhonglou shouted loudly.

It is a pity that the so-called Wuhe people in his mouth were His Majesty's Long Fu Tu at that time, and Mo said that this small Cabernet Astral Circle, even if it is the eternal world, is also a terrifying Floating Army.

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