Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 4267: Crazy Knife Subei [One More]

The four houses and one battalion have always been the mainstays of the forest country, and even the generals of the forest country. The five leaders of the four house and one battalion also have the right to be fired. For the entire forest country, the four houses and one battalion are absolute rights. Under one person, over ten thousand people, because they are finally the emperor of the kingdom of Lin, no one can order them. Even the queen of the motherland or the prince of the East Palace has no right to give orders to them. The existence of a battalion in the forest country is strong and detached.

However, in the eyes of Jiang Chen, even the emperor of Lin Guo was no exception. Whoever dared to touch his brother had to collect this account.

White Tiger House.

Jiang Chen took rhubarb, dragon thirteen, and Mu Yibai and Xiaolong and his five called in front of the door.

Not long after, there were a lot of people in front of the White Tiger House, all of them were from White Tiger House, with varying strengths, but they gathered quite a lot.

"Who is this? Dare to call in front of our White Tiger House, do you want to find death?"

"Jiang Chen! The final winner of the four-house, one-battle camp, our White Egret and Bai Zhe, died in his hands."

"What? He is Jiang Chen? Asshole, who killed our goddess of White Tiger Mansion, still want to come to our shout? It's just too bullying."

"His grandma, this guy is eating a bear heart leopard, isn't this **** on our white tiger house?"

All the masters of White Tiger House are all excited and full of anger. When the four houses and one battalion were compared, he was blackhanded against White Tiger House. This time, he dared to go alone and called Banbaihu House. When they were White Tiger House, Are you bullying?

"Where is the owner of your White Tiger House? I just ask your owner to come and give me an explanation, it has nothing to do with you."

Jiang Chen said faintly, looking indifferent. As far as he is concerned, these masters of White Tiger Mansion are only the minions of Bai Bijiang, the master of the house. As long as Bai Bijiang is defeated, he can dispel the hatred of his heart.

"It's up to you? Hahaha, it's really arrogant. Do you think you have beaten many masters in the four camps and one battalion, can you be reckless? Is it possible for you, our houseowner, to meet you when you don't know it? ? Since you killed the egret and Bai Zhe, today you are here to stay. "

In White Tiger House, a thin young man, carrying a broad-leaved sword, walked slowly from the White Tiger House and stood out from the crowd. The thin body seemed to be likely to be caught by the broad-leaved sword at any time. Overwhelming.

"It's as thin as a stalk. Can your little puppet handle represent White Tiger Mansion? Gaga."

Rhubarb laughed.

"Dead dog! What kind of thing are you? I will give you a lesson today in North Jiangsu. It is arrogant to have capital!"

In northern Jiangsu, Huo Ran suddenly showed a nine-foot silver ring sword, which looked like a shadow.

"Then I'll go and meet him, Xiaochenzi, you rest first, let me come!"

Rhubarb swayed to the front, Jiang Chen nodded slightly.

"The knife is wild in North Jiangsu, this person is very good, you have to be careful of rhubarb!"

Mu Yibai whispered.

"Brother Su, go through them. Are these groups of things that don't know how good they really are? Are we Baihufu a vegetable market? Any cat and dog can come to challenge!"

"That is, they hit their teeth all over the floor. I think Kirin House is not a good thing."

Behind North Jiangsu, countless people shouted flags for him. He was even more confident. He held his head upright and held a big knife in his hands.

"We are no longer the people of Kirin House. From now on, you don't need to take care of anything. In this battle, there is no victory or defeat, only life and death!"

Jiang Chen looked indifferent, the corners of Rhubarb slightly lifted, and his foot step was steady. The sound of "嗖" slammed out and collided directly with Northern Jiangsu. The iron head rushed to meet the wild knife of Northern Jiangsu. Su Bei gritted his teeth, holding a mad knife in his hand, sweeping across the sky.


A harsh voice was shocking. No one could imagine that the iron head of Rhubarb could block the mad sword of North Jiangsu, and even the arm of North Jiangsu was sorely sore that it was extremely shocked.

"Come again!"

Rhubarb yelled, never regressed, and North Jiangsu's eyes moved, his figure was erratic, his body was short, and he was holding a silver-broad broad-leaved sword in his hand. The sharpness attracted a lot of disciples in Baihufu.

For a while, they fought back and forth, so wonderful!

"Evil dogs eat!"

Rhubarb grinned, and between the growls, the sharp claws continued to wave down, repulsing each blade, the momentum was turbulent, and there was a feeling of seeing the clouds.

Although North Jiangsu was not shocked, he kept his figure and his atmosphere was calm. He represented Baihufu. Once he defeated him at this time, not only him, but even Baihufu would have no face. So many teachers and brothers looked at him. Be sure to dry the other side out of this bad breath. As one of the best geniuses of White Tiger House, the strength of the Seventh Heavenly Master, that is an example for countless people to learn. At this time, he wants to show his own strength. The power of White Tiger House, kill a hundred, in order to make a difference!


Wherever the blade passes, such as the same screen, blocking all the retreats of the rhubarb, the strong oppression, making the rhubarb appear very passive and stretched.

"Grandma, the tiger doesn't show his might. Take me as a sick cat."

Rhubarb's eyes were faint, iron head sprinting, ramming, and his body was comparable to King Kong. The sharp claws directly tore the edge of the blade. North Jiangsu's face changed suddenly. He did not expect Rhubarb's defense and charge to be so fierce. Without any defense, the endless blade was directly torn by Rhubarb, and the proud method was unbearable in the opponent's hands. After the blade, the northern Jiangsu resurrected, but Rhubarb did not give him any chance, a note Sweeping, even the legs and tail, overturned Northern Jiangsu to the ground, a black tiger took heart, directly pressed the dead of Northern Jiangsu, the blood sprayed thin, and splashed out.

Suddenly, there was an uproar in front of White Tiger House!

The mad knife stuck in the ground and shook constantly, but northern Jiangsu fell completely.

The geniuses of Baihufu are all stunned and staring at each other. No one expected that this big yellow dog was so fierce. Even their white tiger maniac knife North Jiangsu was not an opponent, but they could rank among the top five geniuses in their entirety. Compared to egrets and white philosophers, they are not hesitant to let go. But in the end, it was extremely miserable. The blood cave above the chest was so clear and shocking to all the disciples in White Tiger House.

"Baihufu, it seems so. Hehe."

Rhubarb dismissed and said with a sneer, his eyes were like swords, glanced at the crowd. Among the crowd, there was noisy, but no one dared to step forward and stare at him.

"A dog can walk like this in White Tiger House. You are so disappointed."

A low voice made many Baihufu disciples look bright, looking back, surprise in their hearts, overflowing with words and excitement, rolling like tide.

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