Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 4308: new world

"How's the teleportation team doing?"

Jiang Chen said solemnly, this is the top priority. Whether they can leave the Cabernet Star depends on the teleportation array.

"Don't worry, my grandfather is out of the way, how can it not work? We can leave here early in the morning. You look at it."

Rhubarb is confident.

There was no word overnight, and Rhubarb never closed his eyes overnight. He was always studying this teleportation matrix. It is not easy to leave the Cabernet and reach the apocalypse through this teleportation matrix.

At this moment, the royal garden was full of people, Lin Zhuo was ahead, Lin Tianlin was on the side, and the owners of the four houses and one battalion all came to see Jiang Chen off. The battle was very large. For them, Jiang Chen was Their savior, the grace of a lifetime, will never forget.

"Sister, you must come back to see me in the future!"

Mu Yizi hugged her sister tightly, tears flashing in her eyes.

"Rest assured, I will."

Mu Yibai's eyes were reddish. At this time, I don't know what year and month will be able to return, but she can't bear to be apart from her sister.

"No! One day, I will leave here and go to Tianqi Xing to find you, Brother Jiang Chen, Rhubarb, brother-in-law, and you, Xiaolong! Waiting for me, I will definitely look for you."

A Zixin vowed, wiping away the tears in the corner of his eyes, and his sister looked at each other.

"Teacher, Tianlin has a lot to learn from you. From now on, Tianlin will work hard. One day, I will be like your teacher."

Lin Tianlin said extremely earnestly.

"Okay! I believe you."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly.

"People go higher, Mr. Jiang Chen, to help you have a peaceful day, Cabernet Sauvignon, someone will always be waiting for you."

Lin Zhuo focused his head, his eyes were heavy, and his heart was even heavier.

"One day, I will be back. Good-bye, everyone."

Jiang Chen said goodbye to everyone, a group of five, set foot on the teleportation matrix, and prepared to leave the Cabernet Star.

Jiang Chen looked at the vast land of Cabernet Sauvignon, and his heart was quite emotional. The moment he left Divine Realm, he went to the eternal world with his elder brother and brother. On the occasion of separation, he stepped into Cabernet Sauvignon. Today he finally wants to Once again on the journey, because Feng Er has no news, Jiang Chen can never stop his own footsteps.

As a father, no one understands that kind of worry and sigh.

"Enable the formation, Rhubarb."

Jiang Chen said.

"Okay, take off, go to Apocalypse, quack."

Rhubarb started to start the formation, the next stop, Apocalypse!

Jiang Chen and others are quite excited. Of course, Mu Yibai's heart is full of catching up. After all, marrying chickens and chickens and dogs and dogs and leaving the father and sister, this is the first time she has gone so far Maybe next time, it will be a century, a thousand years.



"what happened?"

Jiang Chen frowned, looking very serious.

"No, it may be a problem with the formation."

Da Huang sank, and gritted his teeth.

"Your sister, dead dog, do you want to kill us all? Once there is a problem with the formation, what if we die in this universe? Even the star emperor cannot pass between the stars."

Long Thirteen rolled his eyes and said.

"You thought I would."

Rhubarb grunted, but he knew that if there was a problem with the formation, everything they faced could happen.

"Don't say so much now, maintain the array, now it's useless to say that."

Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"let me try."

The zodiac.

The next moment, rhubarb quickly took charge of the formation, but could not achieve it.

"I said before that this formation method must be mastered by a star emperor, and it needs the power of the star emperor. I thought it could be replaced by a source stone.

"what happened?"

Xiaolong asked in surprise.

"I can no longer control the array, which means ... we are likely to be obliterated in the vast universe, and if we are lucky, we don't know where it will be transmitted."

Rhubarb smiled bitterly, and his heart was extremely low.

All of a sudden, everyone became silent.

"Sorry, Xiaochenzi, I didn't mean it."

Rhubarb's voice was extremely low, and he didn't want to, but in the end it hurt everyone.

"No one blame you again."

Long Thirteen said that he was just kidding Rhubarb just now.

"Rest assured that nothing will happen."

Jiang Chen smiled. At this moment, he also tried to control the array, but after several times, it didn't help.

Along with the passage of time, the sound of ‘哧哧 哧’ in the formation is getting louder and louder, it seems like a boat that may break at any time.

"We're holding hands and we'll be fine."

Mu Yibai pulled up the hands of Dragon Thirteen and Rhubarb, and they clung tightly together.

However, Jiang Chen always had an ominous foreboding, hoping it was just his illusion.

Suddenly, a white light flickered, everyone closed their eyes, because the light was too strong, the stinger couldn't open his eyes at all, Jiang Chen's heart sank, he knew that the end was still coming.


Xiaolong screamed exhaustedly, but this voice was getting weaker and weaker in Jiang Chen's ears. The whole person was spinning in circles, the light in front of him was bright, and no one was beside him at all.

Jiang Chen only felt that he had gone through thousands of rounds of reincarnation, and finally fell from the sky, smashed onto a large mountain, and smashed the entire mountain into a large cave.

Jiang Chen stretched his muscles, jumped out of the mountain stream, stood on the top of the mountain, staring around, his heart was extremely gloomy, no matter what he saw in front of him, but unfortunately, rhubarb, dragon thirteen, mu yibai, Xiaolong, Are no longer.

"This is where?"

Jiang Chen murmured.

In the distance, the vast Cangshan is endless, thousands of miles away, except for Cangshan, which is the earth, except for the rivers, which are lush dense forests. Apart from nothing, here, it is more like a deserted and inaccessible place. Pristine land.

The morning sun is rising, but the light is extremely dim, just like a rainy day, even darker than a rainy day. The air is filled with a wet smell. Jiang Chen glances around. He wants to find rhubarb and dragons. Thirteen and so on, but unfortunately, he found nothing.

"Woo ---"

A howl of a wild wolf rang through the mountains. The world here seemed to be between darkness and light. Jiang Chen was beating with drums, full of doubts. Where is this?

Is it somewhere in the Cabernet Sauvignon? Is it an uninhabited area of ​​Apocalypse? Or is it an area he doesn't even know?

"Well, this **** formation, rhubarb, rhubarb, you **** me."

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly and looked sad, but he had to find a way out as soon as possible, at least he had to know where he was.

Suddenly, Jiang Chen felt that the earth seemed to be trembling, trembling and trembling, the peaks at his feet were shaking violently, but in the distance, two behemoths roared, growled, and kept pounding.

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