Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 4333: Murder

The baby is in hand, but there is no guarantee that during this period, no one will **** it. The mixed source beads in Jiang Chen's hands must have also raised their safety to the limit.

"That's right, it seems we have to be more careful."

Jin Xiaoxiao and Jiang Chen glanced at each other, and Bai Zhufeng battled. For them, the battle for ranking is still second. Whether they can keep this mixed source pearl is the top priority. This hot potato is likely to be They were sent to a million robberies.

"Perhaps it's too late."

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly.


Jin Xiaoxiao's heart sank, and his face changed suddenly, because Jiang Chen's words were not falling, and two terrifying breaths had blocked them in it, and there was no way back.

"Ba Tianchen!"

Jin Xiaoxiao's voice is very serious. This guy is the best master of the dinosaur family. Compared with the previous Klader, he is more than that. His appearance makes Jin Xiaoxiao feel quite tricky.

"Calendar Wing!"

The flying dragon of the Aotian dragon family is also a master with vision comparable to the domineering. These two guys are geniuses who have become famous in recent hundreds of years, and they are also very popular candidates in this ranking battle.

"I didn't expect us to be so destined, Xiaoxiao girl, we met one hundred years ago, but I have always been enchanted by you. Ha ha ha."

Likong Yi said with a smile, a thin figure, a slender body, a white robe, giving a very humble, very gentleman feeling, and even a little feminine feeling of unclear, but Jin Xiaoxiao knew this guy It is a generation with a decent appearance, who has done a lot of dirty things in the background, and is the top **** among the Aotian dragons.

"Yeah, but I have a bad memory. I didn't remember it."

Jin Xiaoxiao sneered, these two guys, obviously come bad.

"Let's talk nonsense, give it away, otherwise, there will be no amnesty!"

Ba Tianchen said coldly, a body with a height of more than one foot, the whole person is also a muscle burst, it is completely that kind of strong feeling like a cow, he stood there, as if a wall, a mountain, a rooted in The towering giant trees at the feet are quite stressful.

"I didn't expect that the two of you would be stirred up together. It was really a raccoon dog."

Jin Xiaoxiao pouted and teased.

At this time, no one was more nervous than her, because she knew that these two men were more terrible than Klader. There was no chance of winning in this battle.

Jiang Chen stood beside Jin Xiaoxiao, and these two guys were always watching, and it seemed that they had been premeditated.

"This is a bit hurtful, Xiaoxiao, do you know that the people I think about every day and read every night are not you? As long as you join forces with me, I am afraid that few people will be our opponents. Would n’t it be wonderful to join hands and practice together? Since you killed Krad, we ’ve been staring at you, and we were planning to start, but did n’t expect him to make a major discovery, so you can live a little longer. "

Likong Yi smiled and looked at Jin Xiaoxiao as if he were enjoying a wonderful picture.

"I'm afraid I don't have this blessing. If you want to find someone with double cultivation, I am afraid that there are more than three or five thousand in your proud Tianlong tribe?"

Jin Xiaoxiao said indifferently, it turned out that they had already been stared at, and it seemed that the other party was bad.

"How can those vulgar fans compare to you? Don't compare them to you, it's an insult to you."

Likong Yi shook his head.

"I didn't expect that you guy is a fool and a fool, but it's a pity that you are blessed."

Ba Tianchen is always staring at Jiang Chen, and his goal is only one, that is Jiang Chen, that woman, he does not care.

"Ba Tianchen, Likong Wing, do you two want to get started?"

Jin Xiaoxiao's momentum was outstretched, and she was suddenly stronger than before, even if she was against these two people, she would not back down half a step.

"Sure enough, it's a shame that I won't let Xu Mei, but unfortunately today, you are destined to be my woman, hehe hehe."

The whimsical calendar.

"I'll try to stop them later, and you run quickly! These two people are not Klad's, we don't have any chance at all, you have my own way to escape, otherwise you will only become my burden, you know? ? "

Jin Xiaoxiao sent a message to Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen smiled helplessly. These are his usual tricks, but he also knows that the fierceness of these two guys is definitely more terrible than they thought.

Jiang Chen kept silent, Jin Xiaoxiao looked at him, his brow furrowed. This Jiang Chen looked disappointed. Would n’t you want to fight these two guys to death?

"Go, go together! Go die, die together."

Jiang Chen ’s eyes were extremely firm, Jin Xiaoxiao ’s heart was more and more warm, but she knew that it was not a time when her children had a long relationship, and it was not an easy thing to want to leave here. Will let them go.

"What if I don't want to?"

Jin Xiaoxiao's eyes were burning.

"I just kill him and grab the treasure."

Ba Tianchen stared at Jiang Chen without blinking. Obviously, he was already impatient.

"I'll lose some money, as long as you are willing to follow me, everything is easy to say, but if you are not willing, I don't mind using strong, of course, I won't kill you, I will slowly ravage you, you The mixed source beads in my hand will also be used by me. In fact, I also have one mixed source bead, and I want you more. "

Likong Wing gradually converged and smiled, her feminine and terrifying eyes radiating bursts of glare.

"Xiaoxiao, don't you challenge my bottom line, my patience is limited."

"OK then!"

Before Jin Xiaoxiao finished his speech, he had already pulled Jiang Chen and started running.

Jiang Chen didn't expect that Jin Xiaoxiao's movements weren't too slow. He rose directly into the sky, broke through the cave, straight up, and galloped away.


Ba Tianchen glanced at the calendar sky wing coldly. The calendar sky wing was also very indifferent and murderous.


The two looked at each other, the murderous burst out of their eyes, running through Changhong, chasing away instantly.

"Want to run, you are too tender."

The Likong wing is almost instantaneous, and it is better than the original velociraptor by three points. The representatives of the Aotian dragon family and the flying pterosaur are the family of the Likong wing. The speed is fast, running through the entire Elder Star, the number of people who can match it is very rare.

Jin Xiaoxiao's heart sank and her face became very ugly. Likong Wing completely blocked her way to Jiang Chen. There were strong enemies in the front and chasing soldiers in the back. Ba Tianchen had already arrived, and the two had no room at all. Having said that, Jin Xiaoxiao knew that this battle was inevitable, even if he knew the hope was slim, it still didn't help.

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