Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 4356: Geocentric Spark

Jiang Chen went all the way down, and there was an end to the abyss, but this Ishii had no end. There was chaos and mist around him. The only deep experience he felt was that there were only two points. One was that the source gas was getting richer, and the other was It's getting hotter and hotter, and the heat from the heart is disturbing. Not only the skin surface is hot, but the heat in the heart seems to be thinned out.

Even if Jiang Chen has the five elements of Shenhuo body, it is still worthless. If you want to resist this horrible heat, it is simply impossible to achieve. If there is no Wuxing Shenhuo body, Jiang Chen believes that the ordinary people have already been melted, and the dust will disappear.

"It's too hot here, is it too evil?"

Jiang Chen's brow furrowed and sweat continued to flow down from him.

Time passed by one minute and one second, Jiang Chen felt that his internal organs were going to explode hot, and even all the sweat on his body was directly evaporated, even the five elements of the fire are already a lot of money.

Jiang Chen kept diving, and he didn't even know how long he had reached, what position he had reached, only knew that he was about to reach the limit of his body in the heat, but he still couldn't find the position of the star core .

"I must find you!"

Jiang Chen is more and more determined that there will be a star core here, otherwise it will not be so difficult here, making him almost impossible to walk, every time, the heat in the body will invade his body again and again, as if it is wrong. Bone, tearing flesh and blood.

However, Jiang Chen still clenched her teeth and stood up. No one knew how painful he was, and no one knew what he had experienced. Jiang Chen probably reached the bottom of the earth in this abyss. in.

Finally, the emperor won't live up to anyone!

Jiang Chen finally came under a rolling subterranean magma. The magma was red, exuding endless heat energy, which made Jiang Chen's breathing extremely difficult. The heat wave was screaming, and the five elements of the fire kept protecting Jiang Chen's comprehensive, slightly It is possible that the poor pool will kill Jiang Chen.

Above the magma, Jiang Chen saw a fiery red oval sphere, about ten feet in size, constantly spinning, and the surrounding air continued to emit bursts of sound, and the surface of the sphere was uneven. But Jiang Chen was able to feel the terrifying source of gas emanating from it.

"It's it! It's it! It's it! The star nucleus, this is the star nucleus of Elder Dragon!"

The Black King said excitedly in the Futuro Tower, his excitement was beyond words.

"You mean this big fireball is the star core?"

Jiang Chen's eyes also burst into a blazing glow, his pupils squeezed, his heart dignified, and the star core, finally found the star core?

Jiang Chen was very glad that if he had given up halfway, maybe he would have missed the star core, but he still struggled deep into the ground and searched for a long time. If he did not have the blessings of the five elements, he would definitely not be here, no wonder The Black King said before, even when his old master reached the star powerhouse, he dared to devour the star core. The environment here is already terrifying, the powerhouse under the star power, Entering this place is undoubtedly mortal. This burning fire energy is enough to melt it instantly.

"Yes, this is the core of the star, the energy of the endless stars. The reason why the stars can rotate all the time is because of the existence of the stellar core, combined with the gravitational force between the stars and the celestial bodies, forming a star that has been rotating constantly."

"However, it is a pity that the life of this star core is not long, only ten feet in size. But it will just absorb it with you. I have seen the largest star core, almost as large as a thousand feet, quite scary, but even so , This star core is also enough to support the ancient dragon star for a billion years. The power of the stars contained in it is constantly compressed, and the roasting of the star fire in the core makes the power of the star continue to burn and transform into the source gas from the center of the earth. The depth is constantly emanating, so it will form the scene we saw before. Without this stone well, the source gas will also penetrate the earth and reach the surface of the planet. The penetration curve is different, which forms the In some places, the source is full, and in some places it is very dry. "

The words of the Black King, for Jiang Chen, was almost like a divine initiation, which also made him suddenly realize that the origin of the original source of gas was all caused by the nucleus. A ten-foot-sized nucleus could even support a star ten. The supply of gas for hundreds of millions of years is really terrible.

"So to say, if I devour this star core, wouldn't it make Gulong star collapse?"

Jiang Chen frowned and asked in a low voice.

"No, the star nucleus is just the core of the source gas. When you see this star nucleus, the core of the star fire has burned the star nucleus for more than half. That is to say, the source that exists under the entire ancient dragon star land now. Qi is enough to support Gulongxing for one billion years, and even if the heaviest Gulongxing gradually loses its source gas, Gulongxing will not collapse, but it will become a rough place, and the source gas will gradually become thin and become It ’s just an abandoned planet. There are countless such stars in the universe. Do you know how many years the universe has passed? I do n’t know, and no one knows. It ’s not so easy to find a planet with a star core. Some Larger planets, even the star ’s core burning out, can support billions or even tens of billions of years. Even if it is a leafy and dense planet, the star core may no longer exist. , This time your luck is pretty good. "

The Black King solved the puzzle for Jiang Chen, and he didn't seem to understand the star core.

Jiang Chen nodded silently. It turned out that this was the case. Before that, he was worried that if he took the star core, he would destroy the entire Elder Star and destroy hundreds of millions of creatures, then he would become a real murderous demon.

"It seems that my luck is really good, otherwise, as you said, even if it is a planet with rich gas, it may be waste. I can't find the existence of the star core. If I find too big, I may not be able to bear it. , Hahaha, it ’s just God helping me. "

Jiang Chen said very excitedly.

"It's just that terrestrial sparks are really terrible. I can't even resist my five-element sacred fire. If I could take away this terrestrial spark, it would be perfect."

Jiang Chen's eyes were dissatisfied with the coveted look.

"I don't want my master, this geocentric spark is too domineering, and it is impossible to collect it as its own. Even if this star core is burned out, if it is collected into the body, it will melt instantly."

The Black King hurriedly said that if Jiang Chen really did such a stupid thing, he would have to die.

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