Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 4368: Enchanter

The size of the apocalyptic star is completely beyond Jiang Chen's imagination. Now even a Norton city has made him very big.

Fengyun Jiucheng is the nine major cities around the apocalyptic galaxy city. Each city is comparable to the ancient dragon star, making Jiang Chen very shocked.

It took seven days and seven nights from the coast of the forest to reach Norton City. During the period, it crossed more than one million miles. The size of the apocalyptic star has made Jiang Chen more and more curious.

During this time, Jiang Chen also asked Tong Ling and Balzaha, no matter whether it was Dragon Thirteen or Rhubarb, they didn't have any news. The wind was the same. Jiang Chen was very headache. Now he can do it. Just make yourself stronger and stand in the center of Tianqi Galaxy City! Only in this way can they see themselves if they are in the apocalypse.

In addition, Apocalypse is too big, Jiang Chen simply can't imagine how difficult it is to find such a haystack.

However, what comes after is safe, Tong Ling is right, if he wants to go to the Apocalypse Galaxy City, he must pass the test of the Colosseum. Only if he becomes a beast warrior can he be qualified to go to the Apocalypse Galaxy City and challenge the arena. There is a long way to go to become a true apocalypse knight.

Norton City was a hundred thousand miles away. After arriving here, Jiang Chen realized that Tong Ling turned out to be the daughter of the city master. No wonder Balzaha and Sang Zhuo protected her so much and loved her all the way. In the courtesy, Tong Ling could not be unclear, but she did not catch a cold, and treated them like brothers.

"The two of you are bothered, and you can't leave each other. I'm going to be home, grandma, okay."

Tong Ling said impatiently, Balzaha buzzed around her like Sang Zhuo and Flies.

"At the beginning, we promised the Lord of the City, to send you back unharmed, we can't say anything. We worshipped all the eighteen prayers, can we still be shivering? Hey."

Balzaha shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly that Jiang Chen could see that although the two of them liked childlike spirits, they were not conspirators. It was indeed a matter of being trusted by others.

The Tong Mansion is very large, like a garden, with countless houses, pavilions, countless pavilions, mountains, forests, birds and beasts, clear springs, stone trails, and a vision of a royal garden!

The guards around the guards are all of good strength. Jiang Chen has walked all the way and has seen dozens of masters of the star emperor's forty-five days. This city's main palace is really extraordinary.

Finally, they beat the world of incense sticks, and came to the most magnificent city hall in the center, ten feet high, towering, a group of silver armor soldiers, guarding the side, meticulous.

A middle-aged man in a silver robe, standing calmly, stood above the stone steps of the high platform, looking at a young man in white, with a smile in his eyes, full of relief.

"Isn't this Master Liu?"

Sang Zhuo said with a shock in his eyes, the light flashing in his eyes.

"Master Liu? Which Master Liu?"

Tong Ling froze.

"Of course it is Liu Deshui in Yilan City, Master Liu, Master Liu is a real enchanter, well-known and well-loved. Whether in Norton City or Yilan City, he has a very high reputation. I was so lucky to see him in the main palace. "

Balzaha also said quite excitedly, obviously they all regarded Master Liu as an idol in their hearts.

"Oh, he's the enchanter? I've heard of it, I didn't expect to be quite young. Hee hee!"

Tong Ling smiled playfully. Both Balzaha and Sang Zhuo felt a big head. If they were facing an enemy, would this person not become their competitor? They have loved Tong Ling for a long time. This Master Liu looks young and has a lot of accomplishments. It can be seen by the Lord of the City personally, which is enough to see his ability. It is absolutely extraordinary.

"Father, I'm back!"

Tong Ling shouted.

"Just come back, just come back hahaha, my heart finally let go."

The middle-aged man said with a smile, his face was kind, but he did not have the slightest power, giving people a kind and affable feeling. Is this the master who controls the Norton City? It gave people a feeling of intimacy, Jiang Chen thought to himself.

"Who is he?"

Tong Wudi noticed Jiang Chen's existence and could not help asking.

"He should not be our apocalypse, but he saved the three of us. If there is no Jiang Chen, maybe I am dead now."

Tongling Road.

"People who are not apocalypse ..."

Tong Wudi murmured, but did not neglect Jiang Chen, after all, he was the life-saving benefactor of his daughter.

"Thank you for your help, Norton City is always open to you."

"It's not enough to hang your teeth."

Jiang Chen smiled.

"Then what are you doing here? If you make it clear, you just want to ask the city lord to ask for some benefits. Huh, I've seen more of you like you. I don't care about it. In fact, my heart is full of flowers and intestines."

Liu Deshui said with a sneer, disdainful, Jiang Chen's strength could not be looked at, he was chatting hot with Tong Wudi, he suddenly appeared, making him very uncomfortable, but when he saw Tong Ling, Liu Deshui There was a smile of relief on his face.

Jiang Chen frowned, he didn't know him, but he did not speak badly, could he offend him? It ’s not like that. There is only one answer, that is, the dog looks low and the appearance of Jiang Chen is like premeditated to him.

"Master Liu, you are speculating about others with your own villain's heart, but you might be a little demure."

Tong Ling's mouth slightly raised, although she and Jiang Chen only met with Pingshui, his strength is correct, but anyway, he is his life-saving benefactor.

"Miss Tong said, why should I be angry with these ordinary people, he is not qualified to make me angry."

Liu Deshui said indifferently, Tong Ling was speechless, is this guy so arrogant?

Tong invincible and unmoving, in his eyes, offended Jiang Chen and offended Master Liu, he will definitely choose the former, after all, Master Liu is a real enchanter, and Jiang Chen is just a star emperor's six-fold boy, although Saved Tong Ling, but as a city master, he didn't mean much to himself, and Master Liu was different. Enchanter, that was the most noble occupation of the entire Apocalypse Star, no one!

"Is Master Liu's mouth so stinky? Raise yourself to debase others, this is the master who is doing it? Ha ha, I think you are just a reputation for being famous, just self-righteous."

Jiang Chen said with a sneer, wanting to step on him, and also weighed him a few pounds.

Balzaha and Sangzhuo are all looking to each other. Is Jiang Chen looking for death? Offended an enchanter, he probably didn't even know how to die, and the enchanter's appeal is quite strong. Jiang Chen, a star emperor with six emperors, has such a guts? Even if he saved Tong Ling, it is not enough to make him so unscrupulous in front of Master Liu, right?

A true enchanter, even the invincible Tongcheng Tong, is unwilling to offend.

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