Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 4381: The Power of the Snow Mountain Troll

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

There was a heavy deep voice in the throat, and the echo changed among everyone. Jiang Chen and others suddenly turned around and found seven snow mountain trolls standing in front of them, looking down on them.

"Lying trough!"

Sang Zhuo's complexion changed, and this time he completely planted his heels.

"Is it a legendary human being? The figure is so short, it looks so weak."

"It should be, but why have we never seen it, where did you come from?"

"Humans are the most insidious. Our snow mountain trolls and human races don't share the sky. I can hear that our snow mountain trolls' ancestors died in human hands."

"Yes, kill them and avenge the ancestors!"


Faced with Jiang Chen and the others, Xueshan trolls were really full of hostility. They had already met each other as soon as they met. It was impossible for Jiang Chen to speak to them, and they had already issued a death order to them.

"We just broke in unintentionally, without malicious intent."

Sang Zhuo said.

"Unintentional intrusion? That would have to die, the trespasser died! This is our snow mountain troll's territory, you, you all have to die."

The headed Snow Mountain Troll, gasping continuously, two snores, breathing cold, staring straight at Sang Zhuo.

"If you don't stay, you won't be forgiven!"

The Snow Mountain troll snarled, stomped, and punched a heavy punch, rushing directly to Sang Zhuo.

Sang Zhuo was shocked and retreated several tens of meters, rolling and climbing, his face green.


The snow mountain trolls are sturdy, full of indignation, charged, and terrifying. For Jiang Chen and others, these people are not much different from humans, and their body shapes are almost the same. Only the blue crystal armor and strange face Human beings totally disagree.

"Grandma, the tiger doesn't show his power. You really treat me like a sick cat."

Sang Zhuo snorted.

"Don't run fast, what do you do?"

When the painting style changed, Sang Zhuo ran out for the first time, and Jiang Chen and the three were stunned, and they followed closely. Even the Snow Mountain troll thought he was going to show his power. Whoever wanted this guy to run out of his legs, didn't do anything Any pause.

"Chasing! These people must be killed. This is the territory of our snow mountain trolls. They must want to encroach on our territory. They must be brought to justice."

The headed Snow Mountain troll was furious and was tricked by Sang Zhuo. These human beings have touched his bottom line.

Jiang Chen was ahead and ran faster than anyone, but in the face of the Snow Mountain troll, they were still their younger brothers. After all, this is their place. After a while, the Snow Mountain troll had already caught up.

Running again and again, Jiang Chen watched that these three guys had been caught up. Even if he ran fast, he was dragged back, could he really put down everything, could he leave alone?

Obviously, it cannot be. Since it is a companion, it is to die with the same life and death. Jiang Chen ran away alone, and may not be able to leave here, so he chose to face it with everyone. The seven snow mountain giants The demon has surrounded them, and the feeling of extreme depression has sprung up. Everyone's strength is actually above the eighth heaven of the Star Emperor, and there is even a nineth heaven of the Star Emperor.

"Why don't you leave Jiang Chen."

Tong Ling frowned and said, Jiang Chen could have run away, but he didn't do that.

"You are all here. Wouldn't I be alone when I ran away."

Jiang Chen shrugged and said helplessly.

This one, Balzaha and Sang Zhuo, when they looked at Jiang Chen again, was also full of gratitude, the tacit understanding between the brothers, this is the real life and death, and it is worth entrusting to the back.

"You brother, I recognize it! No matter where you can't go, you are my brother of Balzaha."

Balzaha said solemnly.

"Me too, if I can go out, I won't fart anymore."

Sang Zhuo's face was bitter, but he could see his respect for Jiang Chen. At this moment of life and death, Jiang Chen did not leave them aside. He left alone, and died together, the real team.

"A group of guys who don't know what to do and don't want to run. You can't escape my palm. Hey, kill me!"

The headed Snow Mountain troll sipped and immediately swarmed up. Jiang Chen and others guarded the east, south, west and north respectively and began to fight with them.

Because they have no escape route.

"In this case, we will fight against the water, this snow mountain troll is our knocking brick to the Colosseum."

Tong Ling said, pulling open the battlefield, ready to die with these snow mountain trolls to the end.

"Here is their site, everything is careful."

Jiang Chen and Tong Ling looked at each other and nodded silently.

After talking, Jiang Chen went straight away, and immediately met the two snow-capped trolls of the star emperor and eight heavy heavens. With his bare hands, Jiang Chen felt the cold chill, and spread all over his body as if it was frozen. In a strange way, a layer of ice crystals appeared on his body, covering his arm.

Jiang Chen opened and closed, with one enemy and two, not falling down at all. At that moment, Tong Ling and others looked dumbfounded. They did not expect Jiang Chen to be so strong. Are you forced? Is this the Sixth Heaven of the Emperor? They used to look down on Jiang Chen.

"Not yet, when to wait."

Tong Ling shouted, and was also greeted by two star emperors and eight snow heaven trolls. Compared with Jiang Chen, she was not so lucky. On the arms, hands, and bodies of these snow trolls, all Full of chilling chills, when Tong Ling ’s palm touched them, layers of ice crystals immediately appeared on her arm, making her a shocker all over her, not only her, Balza Ha and Sang Zhuo also felt this cold pain, but fortunately the two of them just met a snow mountain troll, otherwise, it is estimated that the situation might not be better than their age.

"It's so cold!"

Tong Ling, the whole person is shrinking together and fighting back. There is almost no chance to fight backhand. It is not easy to stabilize this situation, let alone defeat, and they do not know these snow mountain trolls. How strong is it, this time it is completely understood.

The body of the snow mountain troll is extremely strong and hard, and there are no flaws at all. The tricks are useless for them, because they will choose to confront you hard, and the cold they bring you will make you The whole person is like an ice cave, which makes your strength continue to decline. Under the trade-off, basically no one will be their opponent.

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