Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 4400: Muxiu Yulin, the wind will destroy

"Musiu is in the forest, and the wind will destroy it, Jiang Chen, you have to be careful. The next battle is very important to you."

Tong Ling said calmly that only Sang Zhuo had not participated in the battle of the beasts. As for the second hurdle, it continued the next day, allowing one day of rest.

Sang Zhuo also lived up to expectations. All four of them entered the second hurdle.

However, in the whole battle of 1,000 people, only 96 people were left. The brutality can be seen, and even less than one-tenth of the people. The difficulty factor of the second level will also increase wirelessly, especially For Jiang Chen, he attracted the attention of the audience and the firepower of the audience. No matter which group he draws, it will become the target of everyone to deal with.

Early the next morning, after the break, the entire Colosseum was already overcrowded. Hundreds of thousands of people gathered together. That was a horror. The vocals were full of excitement, and the whole body was full of blood.

"It's time to draw lots, prepare."

Balzaha said that more than ninety people who entered the second pass were all drawn, and Jiang Chen was in a group, Tong Ling was in a group, and Balzaha and Sang Zhuo actually got a group.

"I didn't expect the two of us to be the most destined. Hey."

Sang Zhuo sighed.

"Rolling! Who is rare to be with you."

Balzaha said unkindly, piercing Sang Zhuo's heart.

"You have no conscience, wait a moment to see how I clean up you."

Sang Zhuo laughed and scolded.

"be careful!"

Jiang Chen glanced at the trio, and the group battle at the second level, with 32 people in each group, was the real test of strength and endurance. As the saying goes, whoever laughs last will be the best laughter. that person.

"You are the same, you are more difficult than us, this time you will definitely be the first to attack, be careful."

After Tong Ling's instructions were over, they finally entered the Colosseum. These three battles were completed in one piece. Three Colosseum, the battle of hundreds of people, will be presented together in the Colosseum, giving Everyone has the strongest and most exciting combat experience.

Hundreds of people entered the venue successively. Jiang Chen felt a lot of eyes cast on him. It seemed that Tong Ling and others were right. At this time, he had already become a target. He blamed him for hitting the first level. Killing nine thunderbirds made everyone realize themselves, and his threat coefficient is also the highest. This group attack is definitely the first person to kill.

"Jiang Chen! Jiang Chen! Jiang Chen!"

There was a roaring roar from one to the other, and Jiang Chen smiled bitterly in the heart of the Colosseum. They all blamed you guys. It was not too much to see the lively. If it were not you, Lao Tzu was pushed to the top of the wind and waves? Now that he has stood at the peak, enjoying the eyes of the audience, the impact he will suffer next will also be the biggest.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight!

Jiang Chen became the object of envy and jealousy for everyone, and also made him stand on the tuyere.

Jiang Chen naturally didn't want to be the target, but he couldn't help it, he could only stand on his head.

"Jiang Chen may be finished this time. Now everyone is staring at him."

"Then what can I do, who made him wonder if he was converging? Now he is being stared at, and he deserves it, hum."

"You really stand and speak without backache. Yesterday I met the existence of the Nine-headed Thunderbird, which is comparable to the existence of the ancient Warcraft. Do you think that you can be low-key? It is bound to be a blockbuster, but it is a pity that the Nine-Headed Thunderbird has forced out his full strength, and also let everyone see this potential threat. How can he pass the second level without leaving him?"

"To be quite right, Jiang Chen is estimated to have no way of doing things. At this time, he is no longer able to decide himself. Faced with so many eye-catching masters, which one is not alone? It can only be said that her time is unlucky."

"I hope Jiang Chen can once again develop his own style, since it is a black horse, then it will be black, quack."

"That's the fantasy of night! If everyone doesn't know his strength, maybe he hides, shows his enemies weakly, and finally breaks out, passing the second pass, it's not difficult, but now, it's too late to regret."

There were divergent opinions on the high platform. Jiang Chen's matchup also undoubtedly attracted everyone's attention, but whether he laughed at the end was not necessarily. After all, he can participate in the battle of the beasts, and no one can win. Warcraft entered the second hurdle, it is the elite of the elite.

Although Jiang Chen is well-known, yesterday's World War I became the focus of everyone's attention, but it is also the thorns in the eyes of these beast warriors. If you want to win the title of beast warrior, if you want to go to Tianqi Galaxy, then you must Eliminate all obstacles and defeat all opponents.

The moment Jiang Chen walked onto the Colosseum, he felt the other thirty-one cold eyes and cast himself on it, which was full of fighting spirit.

Jiang Chen couldn't hide it, Jiang Chen could only let go.

"It looks like it's gone."

Jiang Chen sighed in his heart. The soldiers came to cover up the water and the earth. Only one battle could solve the worries.

Faced with so many Star Emperor Jiu Zhongtian, Jiang Chen simply wanted to scold his mother. On the other two Colosseums, there was no such atmosphere as he was so stiff.

"Jiang Chen, if you choose to quit now, you may still have a chance to live, but if you are stubborn, then don't blame us. You want to die, we can fulfill you."

"Yes, if you quit now, we can let you go, otherwise, hum, we attack together, no matter how ruthless you are, you have to bow down obediently."

"If you want to live a few more years, I advise you to retreat. Jiang Chen, even if you are strong, can you beat so many of us?"

"Yeah, hahaha, don't toast or eat fine wine."

More than 30 people all looked at Jiang Chen with a sneer. If they can succumb to the soldiers without fighting, it is naturally the best. They are completely standing in the same camp, fighting with the enemy and unanimously, only defeating Jiang Chen, They only have a chance, although they may not really be afraid of Jiang Chen, but this guy defeated the nine-headed Thunderbirds, in order to be foolproof, so they must do this, they must strangle Jiang Chen in the cradle, otherwise they will suffer. It's them.

Although there is no agreement, these people completely exclude Jiang Chen, and only in this way can they ensure the chance of promotion.

"This is too unfair? So many people have shot Jiang Chen, and it is abominable to want to kick him out of the game. Originally, I wanted to watch their life-and-death battle. Now Jiang Chen was kicked out directly. If that’s the case, I’m not expecting it in vain.”

In the auditorium, someone said quite dissatisfiedly that Jiang Chen felt worthless for him.

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