Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 4404: Incomprehensible

"It's a terrible formation. I feel a chill here. The people in this formation seem to be so fierce."

"That's right, how can Jiang Chen come up with such a powerful formation, is this too terrible?"

"With an enemy of thirty, ha ha ha, this Jiang Chen is simply a super big pervert."

"No, it should be said to exist like a **** on the shoulder."

Above the auditorium, more and more people exclaimed and were shocked. Eighteen beams of light and eighteen sword shadows blocked everyone on the ring. Jiang Chen stood proudly, fighting like blood. The God of War is average.

Who could have thought that a master of the Seventh Heaven of the Star Emperor Realm would have such a great means?

This is simply going against the sky. More than thirty people are banned in the formation, and as many as ten people have died.

Tong Wudi's face was silent, he wanted to shoot, but he finally refrained, because he felt the perversion of this method, if he forcibly broke it, it might be feasible, but the result is that he can't afford it, the entire Colosseum , All will be razed to the ground.

The energy of the one hundred fifty-five-grade source rock bursts, and the formation of the backlash, may turn this huge colosseum into a tiankeng.

Even with countless deaths and injuries, even he could not be confident to be preserved.

This formation is too fierce and too perverted.

"Although this formation is terrifying, but... it seems that it has not reached an irreversible point. Relying solely on the formation's own operation, it will be able to make more than thirty star emperors defeated by the ninth heaven. How many source stones are needed."

"According to my estimation, this formation may cost hundreds of millions of five-level source stones to make the formation completely stable, and the endless stream, even if the star powers want to intervene to destroy this formation, are impossible."

"Really? Really?"

"Hundred million yuan of five-grade source stones? My goodness! Is this still human?"

"This Jiang Chen is too terrible."

Many people who know the formation method take it seriously, and take a breath.

One hundred and five hundred yuan source stone, it is an astronomical figure for them!

A star emperor who has nine or five heavens, can have a source stone of 3 to 5 million, is already extremely rich, and this formation cost hundreds of millions of five source stones, enough to see, its terror is not unreasonable.

There are hundreds of millions of five-grade source stones used to cultivate him is not fragrant? In this battle, I must be desperate. With this hundred million yuan source stone, I am afraid that most people have enough to break through the star power. Of course, this is only an ideal. Many people are fundamental for their entire lives. There is no chance to break through.

The formation created by Jiang Chen with hundreds of millions of source stones is so overbearing that everyone is shocked. This formation has completely transformed into a peerless killing formation that can’t even be broken. The people in the formation have no People can come out alive.

Jiang Chen's eyes were not squinted, his eyes were cold, all this was because they blamed themselves, all this was because they deserved their sins, they didn't have to have to make you die, but they didn't dare to let Jiang Chen live, then they would become their advance The obstacles will make them full of thorns and bumps on this strong road.

Without killing Jiang Chen, they were uneasy.

Therefore, Jiang Chen beheaded them, and there was no guilt or hesitation in the same way, and I was invincible and prevented me from dying!

Jiang Chen's eyes were as cold as frost, and no one could stop him.

"His grandmother, Brother Jiang is going to go against the sky. With so many people, I am a good boy."

Balzaha shuddered, his face was very ugly, his eyes were full of shock, they couldn't help but squeezed a sweat for those in the formation, but they also took their own blame, joined forces, and wanted to kill Jiang Chen Now, I only know that I kicked on the iron plate. This iron plate made them all change their colors, one by one, howling, the breath of death permeated the entire Colosseum.

"It's right to do so. The group of guys don't know what to do, and they want to siege Jiang Brothers. Now they know that they regret it? Help? Heavenly King Laozi can't save your life."

Sang Zhuo sneered and was relieved and excited for Jiang Chen.

Killing people and drinking blood is right and proper. Only those who survive are the strong and the losers. No one will be remembered.

"But Jiang Chen has made a lot of anger, he is too cruel, and he has not left a way for these people."

Tong Ling said without worry.

"Why? If they kill Jiang Chen, should they deserve it? Isn't Jiang Chen killing them?

Sang Zhuo disagreed.

"Thirty people kill you, the law does not blame the public. If you kill thirty, that is the murderous executioner."

Balzaha glanced at Tong Ling and whispered.

"But no matter what, Jiang Chen is not wrong, he was forced to do nothing. This is the case."

Tong Ling said that at the moment of life and death choices, Jiang Chen struggled on the verge of death numerous times. He was able to fight back and win. Why can't he kill everyone? Although this battle of the beasts does not advocate the choice between life and death, Jiang Chen's approach is not wrong in the face of enemies who want to put him to death.

Jiang Chen's formation was completely death-killing, and even the invincible child was helpless.


"Master Lord, help, please."

"Jiang Chen, I was wrong. I beg you to let me go. I don't want to die. I still have wives, children, and children. I can't die, ah..."

"I admit defeat! I quit, I don't play anymore! Ooo."

"Why, why are you so cruel, why are you killing all of us!"

"Jiang Chen, you devil, I will never let you go as a ghost!"

The roaring sound, roaring, echoed above the Colosseum, this competition seems to have become a massacre.

"Jiang Chen, let them go."

The invincible voice of Tong Invincible appeared in the sky, and the atmosphere in the Colosseum became extremely depressed. It was close to the masters of the twenty star emperors and nine heavens, and they fell into Jiang Chen's formation one after another. In the past, there was a wave of enthusiasm, but some people were full of doubts. Jiang Chen is completely the executioner.

"The formation is complete, unsolvable!"

Jiang Chen raised his eyes and faced Tong Tong's invincible eyes.

"You are slaughtering, which has violated our original intention of the battle of the beasts. A true warrior of the beasts should not be full of killing and hostility, let alone... be a devil?"

Tong Wudi frowned and said coldly.

"That is, this guy's heart is too bad, killing people like hell, even so arrogant, the lord of the city must not let him go."

"After a good competition, he was regarded as a place of slaughter. This kind of vicious person, even if he became a beast warrior, is probably a master of evil."

"Hey, this year, people are not old, and who can stand on the ring, which one is not covered in blood."

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