Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 4415: Is life or death, there is always life

"Although this guy is full of decay, I have to admire his courage and be able to play dozens of moves with Yi Zhongxian. This result is enough to be proud of. If it was not for Yi Zhongxian, Jiang Chen might be able to advance easily. ."

"Yeah, both Sheng Yu and He Shengliang, Jiang Chen is very strong, but it is a pity that he met a warrior who was stronger and more abnormal than himself, and it was over."

Jiang Chen is already struggling. Yi Zhongxian's methods, such as Mount Tai's pressure, do not give him a chance to breathe. This time, with Fan Luoquan, Jiang Chen must be directly killed.

Jiang Chen knew that what Yi Zhongxian had to do was not only killing himself, but also Liwei!

He was already well-known, and later he came to the top, Feng wolf was in the position, and he was in direct pursuit. He wanted to step on his body, let everyone know him again, and lay the glory of his blood-blooded **** of war.

Moreover, all his eyes were full of fierce killings, without any hesitation. It seemed like he had a deep hatred. This was what made Jiang Chen most surprised, but the more he was, the less he could let the other party take advantage of it. Alive, stepping on the pinnacle of Tianqi Galaxy City is Jiang Chen's goal.

The iron-blooded God of War in front of him is just a small obstacle, and Jiang Chen must not sink in this way.

"Dragon scales!"

Jiang Chen directly displayed the dragon's inverse scale, although it was only a dragon's inverse scale, but it was still enough to shock everyone. He was afraid that he would make six dragon inverse scales, which would directly make the city master Tong invincible and even full of coveted. .

The scale of the dragon is the symbol of the eternal dragon family!

Jiang Chen appeared in the form of a dragon, so no one felt wrong, but the appearance of the dragon's counter scale also caused a lot of shock to the people present. After all, the eternal dragon family is a big family, and it is one of the best in the eternal world. .

"I didn't expect it, but I didn't expect it. This Jiang Chen turned out to be a person of the Eternal Dragon Clan. It is said that only the bloodline of the heirs within the Eternal Dragon Clan will have an anti-scale."

Some people thought deeply, shocked, and Jiang Chen also raised a glimmer of hope again.

"Dragon's counterscale, this is the great treasure of the eternal dragon clan, Jiang Chen is the person of the eternal dragon clan, which is beyond everyone's expectations."

"Is Yi Zhongxian really dare to kill the eternal dragons? I can't see it."

"That's not necessarily true, although the Eternal Dragon Clan is powerful, but after all, the Emperor Tiangao is far away. For a dragon clan master in the Star Emperor Realm, the Eternal Dragon Clan may not necessarily violate the power of the clan."

"Right, this is not a conspiracy of scheming, this is a fair showdown, not to mention the eternal dragon clan, even the emperor Laozi can't control it, but Jiang Chen sacrificed the dragon's counterscale, it seems this The war has started, quack, even if Ten Yi Zhongxian wants to solve Jiang Chen easily, it is not that simple."

As soon as Dragon's Inverse Scale came out, even Tong Invincible's face became serious. Jiang Chen already had the means to contend with Yi Zhongxian by means of Dragon's Inverse Scale. This battle is now really beginning. It's hard to say whether it won or lost.

"I knew that he would not fall so easily."

Tong Ling said with a smile, full of confidence. At first, she was indeed worried about Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen's strength reached the eighth heaven of the Star Emperor Realm, and there was a dragon's anti-scale shield, Yi Zhongxian wanted to break his Golden body is not so easy.

"It seems that you really have confidence in Jiang Chen."

Tong invincible petted his daughter's head and said with a smile.

"When Jiang Chen led us away from the ancient snow, that was the killing. In the ancient snow, hundreds of Star Emperor Realms could not help us. This time, Jiang Chen must not I will be disappointed. His desire for Apocalypse Galaxy is more persistent than I am, and I believe in her."

Tong Ling gradually regained confidence in Jiang Chen, and he was the most dazzling star in the highly anticipated ring.

"Ancient Snow..."

Tong Wudi murmured, a complex look flashed in his eyes, fleeting.

"you like him?"

Tong Ling turned red and shook his head:

"I don't like it, he is not the type I like, but Jiang Chen is my good friend. Like Balzaha and Sang Zhuo, he is a brother of life and death, don't give up, don't give up."

Tong Ling's serious expression relieved Tong Wudi's relief. It seemed that he was worried.

Fighting continued, Jiang Chen, with the dragon's counter scale and dragon transformation, was invincible with Yi Zhongxian. The dragon's counter scale made Jiang Chen's seemingly soaring straight, and began to'love each other' with Yi Zhongxian. .

Although Yi Zhongxian is not surprised, although Jiang Chen is a member of the eternal dragon, he is not a fuel-efficient lamp. In this battle of the ring, he will not be merciless.

The dragon's counter-scale defense is amazing, Yi Zhongxian can't break through Jiang Chen's defense at all, and the unbridled confrontation between the two is even more bloody, but it is him, who has become a little afraid to be too aggressive because he is also the first to encounter Jiang Chen's hard bones, under his own brutal impact and rampage, even the mountain meteorite has been smashed into a sparse rotten, but he surprised himself again and again, the power of the dragon's flesh and blood, the dragon's counterscale Jiang Chen’s pressure on Yi Zhongxian is also not small. The two attack and defense are separated. You punch and slap me. The most primitive impact gives people the most **** and intuitive experience. Both of them are early. Gasping for tired.

Yi Zhongxian retreated with a single blow, steady footsteps and calmness, but he knew he had to go all out.

"Let me use the Dillon gun to kill you, you are also proud of yourself."

Yi Zhongxian stretched out his hand and pulled out the Dillon gun above the ring. The gun pointed straight, terrifying, cold and fierce, and vast!

Yi Zhongxian no longer underestimated his enemies, his eyes full of bloodthirsty war intentions.

"It's useless to say more, it's life or death, there is always life, and today's battle will be your end."

Jiang Chen pulled his sword up, and the Dragon Dragon took advantage of the situation, slashing towards Yi Zhongxian, and once again aroused the cheers of countless people. This battle touched everyone's heart.

"court death!"

Yi Zhongxian snorted, Jiang Chen, a little-known person, wanted to come up later, and dove to occupy the magpie's nest. He must kill himself quickly. On the land of Norton City, he had not served anyone. Jiang Chen suddenly emerged, and his heart was filled with resentment. This battle can be described as a strong duel. In exchange for anyone, they have already won. Jiang Chen will not wait until this moment, and Yi Zhongxian will not be so moved. .

"I'm going to set the quota to enter the Tianqi Galaxy City."

Gun Mang and Jian Feng were intertwined in an instant, starry, arrogant and awe-inspiring, Jiang Chen was also polite, and his first move was a trick.

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