Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 4438: Maoshan Spell

The sky of thunder and fire, flooded Jiang Chen, covered most of the mountain tops, Luo Ying, who had just woken up from a coma, his face also became very ugly. This is just like the end of the world, Jiang Chen, which can’t stimulate the source of energy, It is estimated that it has been completely ashes?

The thunder shines, the anger is thin, and it is destroyed on the mountain top.

"Jiang Chen!!!"

Luo Ying's eyes were split, but everything was too late.

"Fight me, my next life. Huh!"

Mao Yuxin said dismissively, but it took him a lot of trouble to deal with this kid. In other words, the average person has already died, and he can still persist for so long.

"Really? If you want to kill me, I am afraid you will have to do it in your next life."

In the thunder fire, Jiang Chen was born in a fire, thunder struck his head, unscathed.


Mao Yuxin stepped back two steps, a look of terror flashed in his eyes.


Not only him, but Luoying was dumbfounded, Jiang Chen was still alive? Isn't this guy jumping out of the stone crack? Can't this die?

"What a terrible body."

Mao Yuxin was shocked in his heart, knowing that he had encountered a hard stubble this time, Jiang Chen’s actual combat level was quite scary, plus this guy was almost comparable to Vajra’s body, even the proud of the thunder and fire signs. Break through his defense.

"It seems that if you don't come up with some housekeeping skills, you don't know who you are facing."

For the starry sky meteorite, Mao Yuxin made all preparations, it is necessary to kill Jiang Chen.

"Yishan Reclamation!"

Mao Yuxin blood sacrificed the sky, using sword symbols to mobilize the surrounding mountain boulders, falling into the sky, falling between them, roaring.

Jiang Chen held the Tianlong sword in his hand, looked up, covered the thorns and thorns, and faced a heavy mountain of stone falling, the Tianlong sword slashed one by one, but Mao Yuxin's moving mountains and reclamation symbols filled Jiang Chen with a dignified color. The boulders in the mountains are like the stone rain in the sky. If this continues, Jiang Chen may be exhausted, which is more severe than wheel tactics.

"Maoshan spell?"

Luo Ying said very seriously.

"Jiang Chen, be careful! His fuzhuan are hallucinations, don't be fooled, you can only believe your own heart!"

Luo Ying's words made Mao Yuxin frown, but where did the girl come from? Dare to spoil his good deeds? It's definitely not easy for this woman to know his background!

"Maoshan spell?"

Jiang Chen was stunned, but he was deep in thought. He didn't understand Maoshan's spells, but he felt powerful. Maoshan's spells were unique and awe-inspiring.

"Illusion, magic..."

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and closed his eyes. At that moment, he had a trace of enlightenment. Wasn't this the same as his formation? To put it bluntly, the fighting method is different, the formation is more powerful, but it also takes more time and physical strength, but the spell and seal are completely different. Strive to kill with a single blow, the practicability is extremely strong, and the formation is more tested. It's time and details, without preparation, even if it's a big formation, it can't trap a dragon.

"Then I will use one's own way and give back to the other!"

Jiang Chen directly released thousands of monsters, using monsters as the base and arranging soldiers into battles. He knew all these monsters well, and when he came to his mind, he could all arrange troops according to his own ideas and fight against this so-called The Maoshan technique is a method.

The monster body is much stronger than humans. Jiang Chen slashed through the sky and swept all the boulders. Although very passive, thousands of monsters were arranged in a row, completely resisting Mao Yuxin's spell.

Mao Yuxin looked grim, clenched his fists, and was full of anger in his heart. The powerful star of his own star would be so suffocated!

"Now, it's time for me to fight back."

Jiang Chen sneered, turned his hands, and let go of the Futu Palace, and once again thousands of monsters rolled out, drowning Mao Yuxin's figure.

Mao Yuxin knows that the general trend is gone. This guy has more means than himself. With so many horrible monsters and densely packed, even if he has too many means, it won't help.

"Lao Tzu will never let you go!"

Mao Yuxin performed the technique of stagnation, leaping into the eyes of Quan.

Jiang Chen wants to chase away, but this guy's escape is also mysterious, and there is Luo Ying behind him, Jiang Chen can't leave like this.

After Mao Yuxin left, those in Wuyin Village also regained their wits and looked back to Jiang Chen, with a look of shame, especially Mo Ke, and they didn't even know how to explain to Jiang Chen.

"I'm sorry, brother, we were blinded by the thief. I have offended many people before. I hope to forgive me."

Mo Ke said with a fist, Xiang Jiang Chen bowed his head, very sincere.

Jiang Chen smiled indifferently, did not take this matter to heart, they were also kept in the dark.

"We should go too. If we don't go, I'm afraid it will be too late."

Luo Ying Shen Sheng said, looking at Jiang Chen.

At this moment, when Jiang Chen raised his eyes, he discovered that the seven huge blood-colored coffins had flew into the void, and turned into a black farthest point, disappearing without end.

"How is this going?"

Jiang Chen was stunned.

"I don't know, we have never seen it before. I didn't expect that there are even these incredible things in the Bainiao Mountain."

Mo Ke was shocked.

"Engong, look, that spring eye is shrinking."

Bess pointed at the spring eyes in the air.

"It seems that I should leave too."

Jiang Chen nodded at Mo Ke and others. Since the seven blood-colored coffins had disappeared, he had nothing to chase, and the two of them strayed into Gwangju Rift this time. Now that the exit has been found, there is no need to stay.

"Eun Gong takes care!"

Hundreds of deafening shouts made Jiang Chen feel warm. Although they were hostile to themselves at the beginning, they were also out of self-preservation. When they knew that they had been deceived, they were also full of gratitude to themselves, so simple. Simple people, they are not wrong.

Jiang Chen took Luo Ying's hand, stepped on the ladder, and rushed into the spring eyes, and then, after the spring eyes disappeared, the sky, another three thousand feet of the Void Spirit Spring emerged again from the sky.

"It seems that our Wuyin Village is not a real paradise."

Mo Ke sighed.

"I said it long ago, and what he said makes sense."

Bess murmured, and Moko blushed old, glaring at him, but said nothing.

When Jiang Chen and Luo Ying left Wuyin Village, they crossed the springs and finally fell into a mountain depression outside the Great Rift Valley of Gwangju, and fell to a mountain waterfall.

The two looked at each other, and they were all awake like a dream, especially Luo Ying.

However, he finally ran out of the unknown Jedi in Wuyin Village, and it was the rest of his life.

"I didn't expect that I could walk out of Gwangju Rift Valley as if it were a dream."

Luo Ying said with a smile, more brilliant than flowers.

"By the way, what did the fake patriarch in Wuyin Village come from, you know?"

Jiang Chen always held Mao Yuxin's heart, and that person's strength, Jiang Chen always felt much stronger than himself. It was absolutely luck to win him, occupying the right place and the right place.

"Maoshan Spell...Hey, it has been lost for more than ten thousand years. Unexpectedly, the Apocalypse was reproduced again."

Luo Ying smiled and said seriously.

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