Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 4455: Labyrinth of Rocks

"This is simply a maze, and there is no way out."

Tong Ling said with frustration, they had been looking for half an hour, they had no clue, and Jiang Chen and Luo Ying were all at a loss.

"This is the natural barrier of Beiming Mountain. If these rock formations can be easily taken out, they don't have to be used as a freshman assessment."

Luo Ying solemnly said.

"It's not a formation, it's better than a formation. The stone formations here are all naturally formed, but it's a bit interesting to lose us. I'm afraid that if you want to go out, it's as difficult as going to heaven.

Jiang Chen surveyed for a long time, and found that there is no trace of the formation method. Everything is moving at random. There is no way to find a way out. It is really too difficult. But since the people of the Apocalypse Knights regarded this as a battlefield of trial, there is absolutely trace to follow, and they will not be completely trapped here.

"The rock formations here are ever-changing. To leave here, it is not just luck, but also strength. Sometimes the impact caused by the circulation of boulders is not something we can resist at all, ranging from serious injuries to heavy injuries. Crushed here. Be careful—"

In the meantime, Luo Ying pulled Jiang Chen and Tong Ling away, and saw a huge stone rolling down, full of weight, directly rolling down, impacting, accompanied by rumbling giant The ringing made the three hold their breaths and did not dare to neglect. After the boulder flipped over, several people were ready, but the road in front of them was cut off again, and they could only go back and continue to find a way out.

"It's really ugly. It's terrible."

Tong Lingxin said with palpitations that there is no sky here and there is no way to fly in the sky. In the entire Tianqi Galaxy city, many places cannot fly in the sky, some are caused by the geographical environment, and some are no-fly airspace.

"This road doesn't work, we have to find a way again."

Luo Ying is also helpless, but unable to do anything, can only rely on luck, and now only by finding a way out as soon as possible, they can advance to the third level, each step is related to their destiny, no one dare to underestimate.

Not only Jiang Chen and others, but also hundreds of masters, all of which were held back and forth in the rock formations again and again, unable to find a way out at all, just like the ants on the hot pot.

"I try to use the array to see if I can find a way out."

Jiang Chen was looking at the way around while looking for a way out. The boulders kept shifting, just like living. Jiang Chen could only rely on his instincts to find a way out. , Can't grasp the clue, everything seems to be destiny!

However, if you are strong enough to find more outlets, you will have more opportunities to get out of here.

Opportunity and strength coexist, is the impeccable strong!

"Damn, I have found hundreds of ways. No one can leave here. The deeper I go, the longer I will leave here."

"That's why I'm about to be suffocated. I can't do it! Can I admit defeat?"

"Look at your point of interest. If you don't enter the tiger's cave, you can get a tiger. If you persevere, you will find a way out."

"What you said is easy. You are going out. Laozi's brain is about to burst. There are hundreds of thousands of roads. None of them can leave alive. Even when I turned around, the original road has changed."

Jiang Chen could even hear whether there was a shout of shouts and screams around him. Obviously, it was really difficult to get out of this mess of stone.

The constantly moving boulders, the constantly changing paths, the ever-changing, tens of thousands of paths are all it. How do you find a way out?

Jiang Chen's formation can't change the situation, because you can't find it at all. The basis of the formation is to have a changeable formation foundation, and there must be rules to follow, even if an irregular formation is formed, it also needs The initial setting and shop were done, but this turbulent stone formation made Jiang Chen head like a fight!

"You are a fairy board, is this really a matter of luck?"

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly, although it may not be very difficult to leave here, but if they do not break through as soon as possible, they will be brushed down, and the Knights of the Apocalypse will also say goodbye to them.

Jiang Chen is not reconciled! Not to give up so easily!

"I must become a member of the Knights of the Apocalypse."

Tong Ling is also unwavering. Her sister is a member of the Knights of the Apocalypse, and she is still the captain. If she fails, she will be very frustrated. She loses Norton City’s face, her sister, and her father’s face. For Tongling, the pressure on her is also very great.

"It's not a way to go down like this. We don't know when we can go out. Even if we go out, I'm afraid we might not be able to enter the top 100. The rest will be ruthlessly eliminated. We must find a way."

Jiang Chen's expression gradually became grim. This is not a child's play, they can do it, they must strive for the first.

"If there are one hundred people leaving the turbulent rock formations of the North Ghost Mountain, then the rest will be found by the masters of the Apocalypse Knights, leading them to leave here, of course, it will be eliminated."

Luo Ying said.

"How much do you know about the rock formations here?"

Jiang Chen looked at Luo Ying, full of anticipation.

Luo Ying frowned, and what she knew was limited, and not everything was understood.

"The reason why the rock formations here are constantly moving is the same as that of living creatures, because the law of their movements is nowhere to be found, but as far as I know, their movements are caused by the rotation of the apocalypse, and the planets rotate. These megaliths are attracted to the apocalypse due to the existence of gravity, and they rotate to form the ever-changing spectacle of the North Stone Mountain Stonehenge, so this natural barrier will be formed. I originally thought this was only part of the Stonehenge. For fear, but what I think is too simple."

Luo Ying sighed that she did not fully understand this Stonehenge, and could only entrust everything she knew, hoping to help Jiang Chen.

"You can't fly in the air here, don't you think it looks like a place?"

Jiang Chen thought for a moment and looked at Luo Ying.


Tong Ling froze.

"It really looks like."

Luo Ying pondered.

"Jiang Chen and I have died a lifetime before, and the places we have been to are somewhat similar to here."

"So, do you have a way to Jiang Chen?"

Tong Ling said in amazement, it was hard to conceal the joy in his eyes.

"I'm not sure, but I can give it a try."

Jiang Chen said in a deep voice.

"You mean..."

Luo Ying's eyes narrowed slightly.

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