Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 4466: My heart will never die, my will to fight

"Jiang Chen, I know you, the most arrogant person in the freshman assessment is you."

Zhang Baisong stared at Jiang Chen and stood with hands.

"Why aren't you arrogant now? Wasn't it arrogant before? Tsk tusk, the tiger has become a cuddly species? Hahaha."

"Yes, I thought how capable you are. It's really disappointing. Brother, I can hit ten of this kind of stuff."

"Anyway, they are the double champions in the first and second stages. You can't be so stubborn."

"Just him? I just want to step on his face today, to see how he stands up, the garbage must have a sense of garbage. Compared with our brothers, this guy is also called human?"

The four Zhang brothers were all ridiculing. Killing Jiang Chen, they can become famous, and they can also get mysterious treasures. Why not?

"I didn't expect to meet you in this situation, disappointed, so disappointed. Hey."

Zhang Baisong sighed, only loneliness was left in his eyes, Jiang Chen was already like a beast in his eyes, and he had no fighting power at all.

"Jiang Chen..."

Luo Ying's lips were squirming slightly, and she blamed herself for harming Jiang Chen, otherwise he would not appear here, nor would he be subject to these guys, and they had no way back.

"It's a mule or a horse, and you have to pull it out for a stroll. Who wouldn't be ruthless and want to kill me? Hehehe, it depends on whether you have this ability."

Jiang Chen, who had been silent for a long time, finally showed a cold smile and said calmly.

"Oh, hello? Brother, he still wants to make gestures to us? Interesting, it's really interesting. Quack."

Zhang Baile said with a bright smile.

"Let me meet you. It would be too much fun if the double champion loses to me like this."

Zhang Baile is eager to try, Jiang Chen is already at the end of the battle. If he can't solve him at this time, how will the Zhang brothers get mixed up in the future? The Knights of the Apocalypse, they will definitely enter, and no one can stop it, so killing Jiang Chen today is an appetizer to let everyone know that their Zhang brothers are leaving and carrying Jiang Chen’s corpse to go out. Everyone was frightened.

"Bong to the end."

Jiang Chen drew his sword out. At this time, he had nowhere to go, so he could only let it go.

"You will die Jiang Chen."

Luo Ying's heart trembled. She was caring about Jiang Chen. This was something she had never thought of. It was a real concern, not the worries of her peers. She didn't want Jiang Chen to lose out and lose in a mess.

"My heart is immortal, my will to fight is endless."

Jiang Chen said unswervingly, the sword shadow was like a waterfall, and the cold light suddenly appeared, and he faced Zhang Bole.

"Have a backbone, like a man, but your death date is today."

Zhang Bole clenched his fists, charged into the battle, and slammed Jiang Chen with a heavy fist. Jiang Chen was as stable as Mount Tai with a defensive attack. In Zhang Bole's eyes, it was like a tortoise with no fighting power.

"It's boring! Go to death for me."

Zhang Baile shook his head, his fists were startled, but he couldn't catch Jiang Chen with every move. He seemed to have hit Jiang Chen. He could always escape from the cicada. This guy is as slippery as a loach. Zhang Baile is even more depressed.

Jiang Chen's figure was so fast that Zhang Baile couldn't catch it at all. After he flashed away, he hit the mountain and ran into Zhang Baile instantly. Zhang Baile staggered and backed away, his face was full of anger.

"A Le, I didn't expect you to be such a dish, haha."

"I can't beat even a dying person, right? A Le."

Zhang Baijiang and Zhang Baichen said with a smile.

"Fuck off!"

"Grandma's, let's die!"

Zhang Baile snorted coldly and shook his hands. Two huge copper hammers appeared in his hands, weighing more than ten thousand kilograms, and they swung to them. The tigers and tigers bred into the wind, as if they were driving the billowing thunder, they would come down, filling Luo Ying. Shocked, she worries about Jiang Chen even more, but she no longer has the strength to fight anymore. She can only rely on Jiang Chen alone. Even if his shoulders are enough to bear the strength, she still can't see any hope.

Zhang Baile danced in the wind, the giant hammer was rampant, and the sky was smashed in the dark. Jiang Chen was in charge of the Heavenly Dragon Sword and began to compete with Zhang Baile. The battle between the two became more and more fierce. Jiang Chen's strength continued to recover. Zhang Baile is the same name, and the two have a win and lose, and the fight is inextricable. Zhang Baile is very depressed. He wanted to take Jiang Chen's knife, but he didn't expect that it would end like this. Jiang Chen not only was not suppressed by himself, On the contrary, there is a tendency to raise his head. If this continues, his face can be ashamed. Although the four of their brothers have no outsiders, anyway, he is also a half-step constant star master.

"Asshole, Storm Tyrant Sky Hammer!"

Zhang Bole used his housekeeping skills. The violent wind blew up and the storm was invincible. He faced the giant hammer and kept smashing at Jiang Chen, but the horror of the Tianlong Sword also left him with lingering fears. Jiang Chen did not advance and retreated, changing his previous decadence. , The Boundless Sword took advantage of the victory to chase, and brought Zhang Baile a lot of trouble.

"It seems that the fourth child is a bit difficult."

Zhang Baisong said lightly.

Jiang Chen's recovery ability is stunned, but his injury cannot be fully healed, but this has already made Zhang Baisong a little depressed. This guy seems to need a quick fight.

"I'll help him."

Zhang Baichen nodded, and flew up, stepping on Feiyan, approaching Jiang Chen.

The two and a half-step constant star masters are all in the first heavy star change, but for Jiang Chen, the pressure is constantly increasing, and his fighting spirit has never been extinguished.

"Fourth old brother, come to help you, haha."

Before Zhang Baichen spoke, the two of them had already stood beside Zhang Baile and looked at each other. Although Zhang Baile was unwilling, but he had been fighting Jiang Chen for a long time, and he couldn't stand him anymore.

The two brothers joined forces, naturally their strength doubled, and they became more and more at ease against Jiang Chen.

Luo Ying was always worried about Jiang Chen, but he didn't shame himself at all. He got more and more courageous. Even if he faced two and a half step constant star masters, he was still as stable as Mount Tai, his momentum was undiminished, and the indomitable dominance. , So that the Zhang brothers were very shocked.

Zhang Baile and Zhang Baichen were angrily. If the two of them still couldn't take Jiang Chen, they would be too unreasonable. A Star Emperor Eighth Heaven, still injured, can beat them to this field?

Even they themselves felt that their faces were dull, and as this continued, Jiang Chen's arrogance had to become more and more arrogant.

Just as the Zhang brothers expected, Jiang Chen used one enemy and two, and his fighting spirit was undiminished. The Heavenly Dragon Sword had long been united with swords. With the oppression of the two brothers, Jiang Chen gritted his teeth and put more pressure on himself. Only in adversity can we continue to grow. The fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. How can we see the rainbow without experiencing a real wind and rain?

The fighting spirit in Jiang Chen's eyes is high, let the storm come more violently! Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Chen is going to attack the Ninth Heaven of Xinghuang!

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