Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 4471: Golden opportunity

"Hi, you are a fairy, fight it! If you can swallow the power of the stars in that starry meteorite, there may be a glimmer of life."

Jiang Chen knew that at this time he had to make the final decision. The starry sky meteorite did not know what was magical, but Jiang Chen knew that the starry sky meteorite must contain infinite power of the stars. When entering the body, the huge boulder will not suddenly burst into brilliant brilliance.

It is life or death, in one fell swoop.

"Xing Chen Gang, star light into the body!"

Jiang Chen tried his best, his face was extremely solemn, Luo Ying was also shocked, does Jiang Chen still want to fight to the death? But with so many monsters in front of them, can they still have any hope of alive?

Jiang Chen urged Xingchengang, jumped up, and sucked all the power of the stars in that huge starry sky meteorite into his body. In a flash, those monsters became extremely angry, regardless of Luo Ying. There was only one goal in his eyes, and that was Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen could feel that these guys were full of anger at him. They seemed to stand on top of the meteorite in the starry sky. They were worse than their eight generations of ancestors.

But he can't take care of that much anymore. It's strange to say that Jiang Chen felt the power of the stars of the meteorite in the starry sky, like a tide, rushing into his body crazily, making him refreshed, the power of the stars All over the limbs and hundreds of skeletons, the kind of joy and excitement is beyond words, Jiang Chen knows that his thoughts are completely correct, as long as he absorbs the power of these stars, he is absolutely confident that he will burst out of unprecedented terrifying power.

Luo Ying looked at Jiang Chen, full of doubts and couldn't believe it.

"He actually turned all the energy in the starry sky meteorite into his own use, how is this possible...how is it possible..."

Luo Ying had never heard of it. The power of the stars was nothing more than a legend. Could the energy in the meteorites of the starry sky be the power of the stars?

Before Luo Ying could return to her mind, Jiang Chen's sword had already fallen from the sky, carrying an incomparable and shocking infinite starlight, like a rainstorm pear blossom, scattered across the world.

"Chich chich--"

An ear-piercing hum burst in the air, and the starlight shone in all directions. Jiang Chen was like a god, condescending and daunting.

The power of the horrible stars spread all over the sky, and all the twelve monsters were forced to retreat. The light of the stars shot through their bodies, blood overflowing and riddled with holes.

Jiang Chen leaned his sword and spouted a mouthful of blood. He knelt down on one knee as if he had been emptied of his soul, his eyes lost, and his spirit and energy were all wilted to the extreme.

"Jiang Chen!"

Luo Ying was nervous and rushed towards Jiang Chen. At this moment, the monster beasts had all fallen to the ground, and the blood was flying across the scene. The scene was shocking, causing Luo Ying to gasp.

"I... okay!"

Jiang Chen shook his head, coughed twice, and lost his eyes, but he let out a long sigh of relief. The twelve monsters under his feet have become corpses, blood and sweat are dripping, Jiang Chen's eyes are finally There was an unspeakable relief.

"Too strong! That move, you actually directly obliterated twelve half-step constant star monsters, we finally escaped."

Luo Ying also smiled slightly, the feeling of the rest of his life was very refreshing, but Jiang Chen also overdrawn his body and was completely hollowed out.

Xingchen Gang, really powerful!

Jiang Chen’s choice was not wrong. If he hadn’t risked his life at the critical moment and swallowed the power of the stars of the meteorite from the starry sky, he would have become a pile of bones. Like the Zhang brothers, he would have died in these monsters. Under the claws.

The starry sky power of the starry sky meteorite was too strong. If Jiang Chen hadn't directly released it through the star change, he would probably burst his body, but fortunately, everything was within his expectations.

"It's just a fluke."

Jiang Chen waved his hand, his face was full of calmness, this place of hidden front is indeed Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, it is almost glorious here, but at this time he can leave here with peace of mind.

"It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's leave now."

Jiang Chen glanced at the movement around him, always feeling mysterious and mysterious, this hidden front place might not be as simple as they thought.

"No hurry, you quickly recover your body, your current body is too weak and too weak."

Luo Ying said that she also knew that it was not appropriate to stay here for a long time, but Jiang Chen's body was seriously injured, far more serious than her, so she must be well-conditioned.

"Just in case, I'll go find the way around first, and you can rest in peace here. These monster beasts are already dead, there should be no danger here."

After Luo Ying finished speaking, she was protecting Jiang Chen's law and checking the surrounding movements.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, took two pills, and began to restore his strength wholeheartedly.

But at this moment, Jiang Chen discovered that the surroundings started to tremble. Although it was very slight, it was real, not an illusion. His senses were very keen and he would never miss it.

Is it going to collapse here?

Jiang Chen's heart moved, and he saw that the starry sky meteorite that had lost all its energy in front of him was cracking a little bit, and the surrounding vibration became stronger and stronger.

"It looks like this is going to collapse. You have to leave here quickly."

Jiang Chen murmured, he had realized a sense of crisis.

"I can't leave now! Master, this may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you."

Just as Jiang Chen was about to leave, the Black King's voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

Jiang Chen was taken aback, but the words of the Black King had something in them.


"The twelve monsters, each of them has a demon crystal on it, but they are more than countless destiny stones. They survived on destiny stones. The destiny stones are the source of their lives, and the demon crystals are where they finally gather. The core of the Destiny Stone’s energy is stronger than the energy of thousands of Destiny Stones. Ordinary people would not have thought that the Destiny Stone could help them break through the natal star soul, because although the Destiny Stone’s energy is not small, it can The energy of the natal star soul is very few, so it is almost unrealistic to use the destiny stone to break through the natal star soul. But now and then, these monster crystals in front of you are too powerful, and they are simply beautiful. If you can At this time, the twelve demon crystals are completely integrated, then it is very likely to be a transformational baptism for you, and it is even possible...to break through your own natal star soul, it is not known. Because of these twelve demon crystals The energy in it is too huge, and the twelve demon crystals are constantly passing energy. If you don't take advantage of it now, there will probably be no such opportunity again."

The words of the Black King caused Jiang Chen to fall into contemplation. This was too important for him. The moment the Black King said it, he had already made a decision. Even if it was dangerous, he would not give up. The opportunity to make herself stronger, but if Luo Ying is forced to stay here like herself, it is obviously unfair to her.

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