Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 4486: Despicable doctor

"Sorry Jiang Chen, my elder brother him"

Jiang Chen waved his hand.

"It's okay, go see your mother first."

Although Jiang Chen didn’t care about it, Luo Ying kept it in her heart. Even if Jiang Chen didn’t cure her mother, she wouldn’t blame Jiang Chen. As for the eldest brother, she would never let her kill her. He threatened Jiang Chen every bit.

Together, the two entered the small building between the water pools. The bamboo house was quiet and elegant, quiet and simple.

As soon as he entered the room, Jiang Chen saw the middle-aged woman lying on the bed and lying in the green veil. Her breath was weak and her pulse was hanging. It seemed that she was about to run out of oil and the lamp was about to die. There was no vitality at all. After three days, I am afraid that she will die. Her condition and injury are too serious.

Jiang Chen couldn't help frowning. It seemed that it was not an easy task for him.

"Mother, I brought my friend, Young Master Jiang Chen, to see you."

Luo Ying whispered, not daring to speak loudly, for fear of shocking her mother.


Luo Ying yelled again, and couldn't help but pull together.

"She is in a coma."

Jiang Chen said.


Luo Ying stepped forward and lifted the cyan gauze. As expected, her mother's breathing became extremely slow, her face was pale, and her face was like golden paper.

The woman's body is graceful and elegant, even if her vitality is weakened, she still has the peerless style of the past, no wonder she can give birth to such a handsome daughter.

Luo Ying's expression was very embarrassed, her mother's situation was worrying, life and death was unpredictable, and now she was in a coma, making her very nervous.

"Jiang Chen, I beg you, no matter what, you must heal my mother, even if I am a cow or a horse for you, I will do it."

The mist in Luo Ying's eyes was hazy, and Jiang Chen was extremely touched by her filial piety, but at this time, she couldn't solve it in a few words, even if she was a cow and a horse for herself, her mother's condition might not necessarily Then it can get better, everything depends on the destiny, and see if Jiang Chen has the hope of pulling her mother back from the ghost gate.

"I do my best."

Jiang Chen said solemnly, his eyes were dignified, he lifted the Qingsha, and stretched out his palm to touch Luoying's mother's pulse. His face became more solemn, Luo Ying knew that it seemed that the situation was not optimistic.

"What pill did your mother take before, and who has treated her?"

Jiang Chen asked.

"The genius doctor in Galaxy City treated my mother, but the most serious one had to choose to give up. By the way, medicine!"

Luo Ying hurriedly went to the table to find the pill bottle. When Jiang Chen opened it, he found that there was no pill in the bottle, and could only smell the faint herbal smell.

"This should be an elixir for strengthening the body and prolonging life. I am afraid that it will not help your mother's elixir."

Jiang Chen's words made Luo Ying tense again.

"What about the Sanshenghua you got before? Why don't you give it to your mother? Sanshenghua should be of great help to your mother."

Jiang Chen said.

"The genius doctor said that the sanshenghua medicine is too strong, so it must be refined into a pill before it can be reused. Therefore, he used the sanshenghua to refine the medicine to treat my mother's illness. Unfortunately, the effect of the pill was very low. ."

"No! Sanshenghua's medicinal properties are extremely strong, and it has unique medicinal effects. Even if it is refined into a pill, the medicinal properties will not be weakened at all, but I smelled this pill bottle, but nothing The breath of Sanshenghua, your Sanshenghua has probably been stolen and replaced."

Jiang Chen shook his head and said.

"This is impossible! How is it possible? The reputation of the genius doctor is very loud, and it is also for the Apocalypse Galaxy City... How could he do such a thing?"

Luo Ying couldn't believe it, but Jiang Chen's determined eyes made her hesitate. Sanshenghua might be really useful. The genius asked herself to find Sanshenghua anyway, but Sanshenghua did not appear in the medicine. , This may be really tricky.

"Are you sure? Jiang Chen."

"It's true, this doesn't have the slightest breath of Sanshenghua. Sanshenghua should be dropped."

Jiang Chen said meticulously.

"Damn it! This bastard, I must kill him."

Luo Ying's eyes were about to split, and she found the Sanshenghua through all his hardships. He had lost all his strength and almost died of Huangquan. He found the Sanshenghua for his mother, but it turned into someone else’s pocket. Zhiwu, this genius doctor, is simply a jerk.

"It's meaningless to say these things now, so you must cure your mother as soon as possible, which is the most important thing. Without Sanshenghua, your mother's condition is also very difficult."

Jiang Chen groaned.

"Back when my mother was injured by the silver-ringed evil spirit python, her toxin attacked her heart, and relying on her own perseverance, she persisted until now. However, for the past few years, she has been entangled by diseases. All the people who were hit were dead and dead. Now the bones in her body have all turned black. The genius doctor said... the **** said that even if it is a supreme god, it will not be able to recover."

Luo Ying was struggling very much.

"Not necessarily, I will give it a try, the process may be painful, but snake venom is really not a big problem for me."

Jiang Chen said.


Luo Ying was extremely pleasantly surprised, holding Jiang Chen's arm tightly with both hands, with affection in his eyes.

"Don't get excited."

Jiang Chen smiled awkwardly, and Luo Ying was about to stick to her body.

"Sorry, I'm so excited."

Luo Yingqiao blushed, knowing that the behavior just now was quite extreme. Fortunately, Jiang Chen didn't blame her, and the relationship between the two was very good, but the more so, the more embarrassed she felt.

"You protect me. I want to scrape the bones and cure the poison. Only by roasting with five kinds of sacred fire can the snake venom be removed, and the poison on your mother's body has spread all over the body. This kind of pain is tantamount to splitting the bones. ."

Jiang Chen's eyes were stern, Luo Ying nodded slightly and exited the room.

"Old man, can you survive?"

Yuan Wen opened his eyes slowly and looked at Jiang Chen with complicated eyes. He didn't expect that in his words, he would actually tell the tricks of the genius doctor, and guessed that he hadn't passed by.

"You already knew it."

Yuan Wen whispered in a low voice.

"Poor parents in the world, you just don't want them to see their dying side."

Jiang Chen smiled.

"Thank you for your understanding, but just leaving like this, I am still a little worried, not at ease. Hey."

"By the way, what you said just now is true? Can you really heal me?"

Yuan Wen's eyes narrowed slightly, and her heart became more and more confused, and she was also very shocked. She searched many people in the Apocalypse Galaxy City, and she was helpless, but he was able to praise Haikou, a kid who has never broken through even a constant star. , Do you really have the ability to change your fate?

But now Yuan Wen also knows that she has no choice. If a dead horse is a living horse doctor, there may be a silver lining. https:

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