Dragon-Marked War God

Vol 2 Chapter 158: gloomy stream

In the Godswood Forest.

The cultivators and the monsters were fighting everywhere. The monks and the monsters were immortal, and the blood flowed into rivers. Many monks regretted entering the forest of the gods. They could not see the figure of the treasure. The endless army of monsters gradually devoured them. Even the most brilliant cultivator couldn't stand such a wheel battle, and there were not a few people who were consumed by life and death.

In the center of the forest sea, Xiaoyue Tianlang stood on the high platform, surrounded by four huge monsters, each exuding a powerful breath.

They are actually communicating with each other, and they are all monsters that have broken through the restrictions of the forest and gained wisdom.

One of them is a huge monster in the shape of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. It is more than a hundred feet long, and its back is like a mountain peak. It is full of sharp teeth, and the terrifying bite force can easily shatter Tianxianjing's body.

The second is a fiery red bird, similar to an ancient pterosaur. It has a pointed beak and extremely strong wings. When it is opened, the wings can cover the sky. Except for the wings, the meat in other places is extremely scarce and the bones are thin. , as if only the skeleton, the red skeleton, is extremely strange.

The third is a terrifying giant python. Its body is coiled up, I don't know how long it is. Its blue-purple body is full of muscles. When it is wrapped around it, no creature will have a chance to survive. A few terrifying fangs kept spitting out letters, and their cold eyes scanned everything around them, giving people a huge oppressive force.

The last one is a golden male lion. Its body is as high as a hill, and its hair is exuberant. The golden hair seems to be a giant thorn, which is extremely lethal. It is majestic and a pair of huge His eyes were full of majesty, and the breath of the king of the forest was released, which was frightening.

It stands to reason that the bloodlines of these four giant beasts are stronger than that of the six-eyed Sirius, but the six-eyed Sirius devoured the full moon and obtained some of the original power in the space here, evolved into the Howling Moon Sirius, and also broke through After the bloodline restriction, they were promoted to the Golden Fairyland. Therefore, they were led by Xiaoyue Sirius.

Howling Moon Heavenly Wolf now has only one eye left, the eye in the middle made of a full moon, from which there is faint moonlight flowing, and there is some excitement in its expression.

"How many monks are there left?"

It spits out words and asks.

"Not much, there are several groups of people who are more difficult, one of them is like a single-handed giant, his strength seems to be endless, the beast sea tactics are useless at all, and his own attack is extremely strong, just relying on his fist style, he can Hammered the monster that attacked him into mud."

The python's voice was actually clear and sweet. It was a female voice, not the same as her gloomy appearance.

"The second is a group of people headed by a green-robed old man and a strong man. Their strength is also very strong, and then there is a young man who uses a sword, and his attack power is also extremely strong..."

The python said one by one.

"Hmph, they won't be able to hold on for long, I'll do it myself."

The Tyrannosaurus rex said coldly.

Howling Moon Heavenly Wolf warned:

"Be careful and don't forget our purpose."

Tyrannosaurus rex nodded.

"Do not worry."

After all, it just left.

"Hmph, the position of this beast king should belong to me. I don't know what kind of **** luck this Howling Moon Heavenly Wolf has gone through, and he actually swallowed the full moon! He advanced to the Golden Fairyland."

Tyrannosaurus rex said to himself.

"When this incident is completed, I will definitely take back the position of the Beast King, but I still have to complete the task at hand. This is a plan that we have planned for thousands of years for many generations, and there must be no mistakes..."

The Tyrannosaurus rex is getting louder and farther away.

"Wolf King, this old dragon doesn't seem to like you very much!"

The giant lion said,

Xiaoyue Tianlang smiled faintly.

"It doesn't matter, strength is respected, if he is stronger than me, I can give way."

"And you, too."

The lion shook his head.

"We all have powerful races behind us. Which race is in charge, the rest of the races will be afraid, and you are now alone, so you are the most suitable for this position."

Xiaoyue Tianlang thought of his deceased family, and there was a trace of sadness in his eyes.

His clan is very small, with only a few dozen wolves, which is incomparable to a large clan, let alone a few large clans in front of him. Even compared with other wolves, his clan is the smallest and worst. That kind, but it was lucky, it was fortunate to eat an ancient spiritual plant, it evolved into a six-eyed demon wolf, and it awakened under extreme pain and anger, breaking through the divine wood prohibition and the barrier of the gods, and it has today's strength and status .

There are countless powerful races in this forest, and the jungle is always the cradle of creatures, where all kinds of powerful creatures live.

"These are not important. It is the most important thing to let us forest sea monsters completely rely on the imprisonment of Shenmu."

Xiaoyue Tianlang said lightly.

Several giant beasts nodded, this is their common goal.

"The days of being a puppet should come to an end. You always have to pay the price for what you do..."

Xiaoyue Tianlang's eyes are faint, looking at the sky, with memories and hatred coexisting in his eyes, it has completely awakened and has human nature.

The memory of thousands of years of reincarnation was also retrieved by it. Countless **** massacres appeared in its eyes. Those belonged to the memory of the moon.


After Long Yang killed the giant ape, he and Xiao Bishui squeezed a hole in the beast tide and fled away, flying rapidly over the forest sea.

"Sledgehammer, where are you?"

He was looking for someone, and Xiao Bishui was also looking for someone, but in this vast forest, looking for someone was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Moreover, the beast horde behind them kept chasing them, so the two could only fight while walking, relying on elixir to maintain their strength.

As they walked, the two of them felt a little different in front of them. Looking closely, they saw that in front of them was a valley filled with mist, surrounded by vast mountains of 100,000, but there were no trees, and it was no longer a jungle.

The valley is shrouded in mist, mysterious and unpredictable, Long Yang stares at everything shrouded in the thick fog with his blood-red tired eyes, the endless rolling thick fog brings a sense of sadness, the sky is full of dust, pressing in people's hearts, making people gasp Not angry.

But it's better than the endless jungle.

He and Xiao Bishui who were beside him looked at each other, Xiao Bishui nodded slightly.


The beast swarms behind them are chasing after them. They urgently need to find a clean place to recuperate, and the forest sea is full of animal swarms, which does not give them a chance to breathe.

They had no choice but to take the risk. Although this valley is likely to be full of dangers, but if this is the cave house left by the previous people, then they can have a chance to ease.

The two figures rose from the ground, rushed into the vast mountain of 100,000 mountains covered by clouds and fog, and rushed into the thick fog, and the valley disappeared in front of their eyes out of thin air.

"What's the matter? What about the valley?"

Xiao Bishui asked involuntarily.

"It may be a mirage, and the valley may be far away, but it must be in this thick fog."

Long Yang looked back, but the beast tide did not follow.

"Come on, find the valley."

Long Yang continued to move forward without hesitation.

They leaped in the endless forests, and the 100,000-strong mountain always seemed to be shrouded in fog, with mountains and peaks, and it was impossible to tell the direction at all.

After some time, Long Yang saw two strange peaks.

"Look, isn't this very similar to the two mountains we saw outside the thick fog?"

Long Yang asked.

Xiao Bishui looked at it carefully, nodded happily, a smile appeared on Leng Ruohanshuang's face.

Between the two towering verdant peaks, a valley exists quietly. From time to time, thick fog rushes out of the valley, shrouded in heavy fog, exuding a strange atmosphere.

Long Yang smiled faintly, and the golden figure rushed in without hesitation, and instantly disappeared into the valley filled with demonic energy.

Xiao Bishui also followed.

Longyang rushed into the valley, and the front was suddenly bright, the clouds and mist dissipated, and when he turned back, he could no longer see the way he came from, behind the clouds covered the mist, and in front of him was a rushing river, so vast and boundless that he could not see the other side at all.

"Why is there such a vast river in this valley?"

Long Yang frowned slightly and looked carefully.

"Is it a hallucination? Or what?"

He reached out and touched the river water. The water was slightly cold, but it was like mountain spring water.

Longyang smiled slightly, took out a few array flags, simply arranged them, and inserted them into several directions of the big river. Suddenly the illusion was broken, the big river disappeared, and a waterfall appeared in front of Longyang, gurgling. The sound of the stream is pleasant, the stream is very narrow, but three or five meters wide, and the spring water inside is very clear.

"It seems that only the water in this head is real, and the big river behind is false."

Long Yang couldn't help but think it was a little funny. The phantom array was set up by the array maker, and it wasn't all fake. The spring water that could be touched by people was still real. Some careless people might think this was really a trick If you don't reach the big river, don't enter the magic formation and be trapped in it.

But Long Yang saw the doorway.

Looking at the flowing water in the waterfall, Long Yang took another look at his blood-stained clothes, jumped into the stream without hesitation, and began to clean his body and clothes.

"You can close your eyes or turn your head around, it's so sticky on me."

Long Yang indifferently looked at Xiao Bishui who was shocked behind. The frost witch watched Long Yang take off her clothes and jumped into the stream, her eyes widened and she lost the ability to control her expression.

After fighting for a long time in this sacred wood forest, and now bathing in this quiet creek, Longyang feels extraordinarily refreshing, and the whole person is cheerful.


She was speechless. Although this Long Yang looked very similar to his benefactor, his personality was not at all. How could he feel so rascal?

This time, even the image of the benefactor who saved her a hundred years ago was damaged in her heart.

A light wind blew, and ripples appeared on the water, as if a sleeping beauty had just woken up, stretched her waist, and the long green satin sleeves slipped gently from her jade arm.

Long Yang couldn't help but let out a slight groan, and the exhaustion from standing for a long time was healed by the stream.

Xiao Bishui looked at the stream, looked at his dirty clothes, and was a little moved, but looking at Long Yang with a strong upper body, his pretty face was red, and he didn't want to undress in front of Long Yang.

"You... why are you so shameless!"

Xiao Bishui said.

"Thank you for the compliment. This stream is very comfortable. Would you like to come down and join us?"

Long Yang said happily.

Sunshine and streams seem to make people forget their troubles for a while.

Xiao Bishui was stunned for a moment, and then his face was full of anger, with a hint of crimson in his anger.

She rolled her eyes.

"Okay! Come on! Let's wash together!"

Xiao Bishui said, but he rushed directly into the stream, and started to undress in front of Long Yang.

"I'm going, are you serious?"

This time, it was Long Yang's turn to get used to it. All he came into contact with were girls like Mengji Wang Sledgehammer, and it was him who molested others.

Are all mature women like this? Long Yang's head was full of question marks.

"I'm a witch, what's the point of **** in public as a witch, isn't it normal?"

"After all, people from the Demon Sect can do all kinds of evil. Maybe they will eat you. I am a hundred-year-old old woman. If I eat a child as young as you, then I will not suffer."

Xiao Bishui had a wicked smile on her face, she looked like a real witch.

Still lust.

But her face was slightly red.

Long Yang glanced at Xiao Bishui's white and tender skin, that stunning face, there was no sense of aging, it was obviously smooth and white.

"Sister, don't say that, how can you look like an old woman, you are no less than that girl in the cardamom age, let me see..."

Longyang commented seriously.

"You...you ascetic, you really look at it!"

Xiao Bishui's hand only unbuttoned one button and then stopped, thinking that Long Yang would escape, after all, see no evil.

But he didn't expect that Long Yang would actually dare to look at her, she was so angry that she would vomit blood.

Now her whole body is soaked by the stream water, the thin white clothes are almost useless, almost transparent, the exquisite body is fully exposed, the front is convex and the back is curved, which is extremely attractive.

Long Yang couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Look! I killed you!"

Xiao Bishui killed Longyang like crazy.

"Sister, this is a man's nature, determined by my genes, I can't help it... Who made you look so good."

After all, Long Yang looked at others, felt a little wrong, and stepped back.

Xiao Bishui's punch was ineffective and was dodged by Long Yang.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Bishui was on top of his anger, he used too much force, missed a hit, lost his balance, and threw himself directly into Long Yang's arms!

Long Yang raised his head and looked at the sky through Xiao Bishui's hair.

Somewhere in the sky, Long Yang seemed to have seen a blond man who looked very similar to him, but was more mature.

He seemed to be saying, "How is it, dear son? Isn't the little girl your father saved? Does the talisman fit your taste?"

Long Yang nodded with a smirk.

"Father, you have such a good eye, our grandfather's tastes seem to be very similar."

Xiao Bishui's mind was blank. The strong masculine aura on Long Yang's body made her a little fascinated, and her heart was like a deer. Her handsome face and golden hair were so similar to the benefactor who saved her, as if she was the benefactor of the past. holding her young.

Her rosy cheeks shone brightly, as attractive as a ripe September apple.

This single, strong woman for more than a hundred years developed an inexplicable love for the first time, and it was for a boy much younger than her.

Long Yang also seemed to wake up from a dream.

He couldn't help but get up immediately and fled back to the shore.

"I'll go inside first, and you can wash it slowly."

Long Yang got a great deal, afraid that Xiao Bishui couldn't help but kill him, and hurriedly fled into the valley.

Xiao Bishui's face was flushed, and her shyness even overshadowed her anger. She was soaked all over and didn't chase after her.

She pouted, came to the waterfall, and silently began to clean up her body.

"This life is saved by the benefactor, maybe it's okay to dedicate it to his son?"

She couldn't help thinking.

Then shame took over her body and mind, and she couldn't help but slap herself.

"Hey! Xiao Bishui, what are you thinking!"

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