Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 891: Condensation

"Jiang Chen, do you think that I will promise to marry you?"

Gu Xuantian turned and asked.


Jiang Chen’s answer is firm and confident.

"You are too confident. Although you have helped me open the knot for many years, I have won a free body for Gu Yu, but this is totally different from your relatives. I am a patriarch of the ancient tribe. I have promised to assign the condensate to the wind at the tribe of the three days later. If the condensate is now transferred to you, where is the face of my patriarch?"

"Guo Xuantian, do you know what I admire to you? The gift that I bring is enough to make anyone unable to keep calm, but you can, and can still care for your patriarch in the face of such a heavy dowry. The face of the face, insisting on marrying the old sister to the ancient wind, I am very admired, this ancient Xuantian is a person with a strong sense of righteousness, then the person who valued you in ancient times will not be bad, the ancient wind will dance Condensed bamboo will definitely make Wu Ningzhu willingly, if it is forced, with his pride, I am afraid I will not accept this marriage, and this is the thing between me and the ancient wind, in this strong respect In the world, the simplest and straightforward way to solve problems is to fight. Every genius is a warrior. I will personally defeat the ancient winds and grab the cousin. I will let the ancient winds quit and will not damage your patriarch. prestige."

Jiang Chen said.

Gu Xuantian looked at Jiang Chen’s eyes and became more and more surprised. This young man is really terrible. He has a big vision, everything is under control, and he can see through one person at a glance. This is an impossible to give up. People, he dared to come to the ancients alone, but also with such a heavy dowry, enough to illustrate the importance of Wu Ningzhu in Jiang Chen's heart.

Jiang Chen has not seen the ancient winds, just relying on his own eyes to determine how the ancient wind is a person, so that Gu Xuantian was surprised that Jiang Chen’s judgment is not wrong at all. The ancient winds are indeed younger generations. Some genius characters are all in a state of appearance, otherwise they will not be valued by themselves.

"And, the ancient patriarch is not a fool. Your vision is sharper than everyone else. Now the situation of the eight tribes in the Shengyuan continent has become more and more conspicuous. The strength of the Xiao people has grown stronger and stronger, and it has been able to suppress other seven. Any one of the ethnic groups, if this situation lasts for a long time, the consequences are very clear to you. If the Xiao people have no ambitions, you will not believe it. Nowadays, the general trend, the ancients should be aware of the crisis in advance, and the Shengyuan continent is comfortable. After such a long time, there will be a big chaos. You know very well that only Jiang Chen can completely disrupt the situation of the Shengyuan continent in the future. Your ancients are now making friends with me. It is nothing but harm. ”

Jiang Chen said that his eyes did not go to see the ancient Xuantian, but the words that were said made the ancient mysterious heavens endless.


Gu Xuantian sighed, he had to admit that Jiang Chen was too clever, smart enough to see through everything, but also to express his own ideas, as well as the thoughts of the great saints in the inner hall, the Holy Continent Calm for so long, the chaos is a matter of time, and Jiang Chen’s appearance is like a dazzling star, destined to disturb this piece of water.

The ancients and Jiang Chen have made no difference. Jiang Chen is now still weak, but it is only necessary to protect the ancients. Similarly, with the Jiang Chen, the ancients are not alone, because the Yaozu has long been Standing up, the eight great families have always been unruly. Nowadays, in the face of the chaos that will be ushered in, it is undoubtedly a good thing for the Yao and the ancients to be able to share the same spirit.

Moreover, when Jiang Chen came here, he had already brought benefits to the ancients. He also helped himself to open his heart and revenge his son. He also gave a free time to the ancients, not to mention the ancients. According to his ancient Xuantian, Jiang Chen is a kind of kindness. Similarly, if Jiang Chen later became a pro-family with Wu Ningzhu, it would be half an ancient nationality. The ancients had no reason not to help Jiang Chen.

Gu Xuantian only guessed that Jiang Chen might be a very important person in the future chaos, but he never imagined how wise he was to make the decision today. Jiang Chen returned to the peak and stood in the world again. At the top, when the stamped on everything, the ancients got an incalculable benefit. Of course, this is a postscript.

On the other hand, Wu Ningzhu and Gu Yu have calmed down, and Gu Yu has finally confirmed that this is not a dream, but a real thing. I waited for twelve years and finally waited until this day.

The mother and the daughter are sitting on the grass with each other leaning on each other. The old man quietly listens to the dancing bamboo to tell her about the twelve years of bit by bit. About her own, about the dance of Tianyang, about Jiang Chen, about this The time occurred in the ancients, and what Jiang Chen did this time.

This chat is three hours, and during these three hours, Jiang Chen and Gu Xuantian are also very happy to talk. The two men laughed and laughed, and sometimes discussed seriously, these three hours, Let Gu Xuantian and Jiang Chen really become friends. In front of Jiang Chen, Gu Xuantian can laugh with impunity and completely ignore the image. He is not the tall patriarch, but like a big brother and little brother chatting. .

Gu Xuantian was very impressed by Jiang Chen. They talked a lot about the problems in practice. Jiang Chen is almost omniscient, alchemy, refining, and tactics. He has all the bottlenecks and cultivation difficulties encountered by Gu Xuantian. They were all understated by Jiang Chen to make him gain something.

The image of Jiang Chen gradually became taller in the eyes of ancient Xuantian. In his view, the existence of Jiang Chen is a miracle, a great miracle, and a peerless enchanting.

"Your kid is really amazing, so young, there are so many insights, it seems that you can have today's achievements, not by chance."

Gu Xuantian did not hesitate to praise Jiang Chen. In recent years, he has been cultivating ancient winds, and the ancient winds are indeed not weak. However, compared with Jiang Chen, it is simply that the **** can’t be seen. On the list of the day, even the Xiao Yao of the Xiao nationality, and Jiang Chen are not at all grades, even those who entered the Shengyuan Temple to practice, there is a huge gap compared with Jiang Chen.

"What are the two guys talking about, chatting so happy."

At this time, a voice rang from the back, Jiang Chen and Gu Xuantian turned their heads at the same time, and they saw that the ancient mother and daughter walked hand in hand. At this moment, the old man showed a smile that disappeared for twelve years. The whole person seems to I was a lot younger and I returned to the girlhood of the year.


Jiang Chen held a fist to the ancient scorpion. He admired the heart of this powerful woman.

"Jiang Chen, thank you very much this time, and thank you for taking care of Ninger for so long."

Gu Yu gave a deep ritual to Jiang Chen. The gratitude was from the heart. In the past three hours, Wu Xingzhu said the most is not dancing Tianyang, nor is it himself, but this Jiang Chen. Almost all the heroic deeds of Jiang Chen have been said, so that the ancients can not help but sigh that there are such talented people in the world.

Of course, there are a lot of geniuses, like Jiang Chen, who are so sympathetic and righteous, but very rare.

"Where is the aunt, this is what I should do. This is my commitment to my sister."

Jiang Chen took a step forward and quickly helped the ancient donkey.


Gu Xuantian called the name of the ancient 岚.

The ancient eagle looked up at the ancient Xuantian. For twelve years, it was impossible for him to say that he had no hate. But what Gu Xuantian did today made her feel relieved.

"Big Brother, for twelve years, you have been forcing me to admit my mistakes, but Xiao Yan is right. Today I also solemnly ask you, I have done something wrong."

Gu Yu’s eyes looked at Gu Xuantian without hesitation, and looked at his eldest brother who loved himself since childhood.

"Oh, my brother is wrong."

Gu Xuantian sighed.

The ancient 岚 was also a long breath, and for twelve years, the knot was finally fully opened. She knew that it was impossible for Gu Xuantian to say that he had made two mistakes. It was impossible. However, Gu Xuantian admitted his mistake to himself today.

Gu Yu looked at Jiang Chen and was really impressed by this young man. It is hard to imagine what kind of means Jiang Chen used to make Gu Xuantian admit mistakes.

"Your brother and sister have used ten years of reluctance, just for a mistake, today is finally relieved."

Jiang Chen said with a smile, the ancients have been kept in his heart, he has not known how to solve the ancient things, today is finally a satisfactory solution.

"Oh, after you go out, I will destroy this prison."

Gu Xuantian said.

"No, the environment here is very good. I will be my cultivation place in the future. I will name it here."

Gu Yu said.

"岚凝界, well, since you like it, then here is where you practice, you can come and go as you like."

Gu Xuantian nodded.

"The patriarch, in my opinion, you might as well do a good thing, bring the Tianyang to the ancient people, and let this family reunite."

Jiang Chen said.

It is said that the faces of the ancient Shu and the dancing bamboo suddenly show the color of tension. They are nervously watching the ancient Xuantian, a family reunion, which is their 12-year dream. If the dance Tianyang can come to the ancients, then It is too complete.

But all this still needs Gu Tiantian nod. Gu Xuantian is the head of a family. If he does not agree, Wu Tianyang does not want to step into the door of the ancients.

Gu Xuantian slightly frowned, in his heart, dancing Tianyang is only an outsider after all, a small figure from the South China, can be compared with the ancients.

"Well, I will send the ancient animal husbandry to the Southland and bring back the dance Tianyang to let your family reunite."

Gu Xuantian nodded and agreed. After all, he felt that he had lost too much money in the past few years. Let the dance Tianyang come, it is also a compensation. Similarly, this is Jiang Chen’s proposal, and it’s all Jiang Chen’s personal feelings. .

"Thank you, Big Brother."

"Thank you."

The ancient 岚 and the dancing bamboo are ecstasy, a family reunion, the dream of twelve years, finally realized, how can you not be excited, it is hard to imagine, when the dance Tianyang got this news, I am afraid I have to cry too much for one night. .

[To sort out the next story, today is two more,] the book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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