Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 916: Tyranny

"It seems that there is nothing to say."

Jiang Chen shook his head. If this is the case, he is not willing to say anything more. Anyway, he has more enemies and more Nalan. These two old guys want to kill themselves, and there is only one in the end.

"Why do you have so much nonsense with this little animal, this shot, kill him first."

The second-level grand priest said that in the blink of an eye, Jiang Chen appeared in front of him, and the huge momentum was perfectly released, and Jiang Chen should be completely covered.


However, the scene of the horror happened. The second-level sacred priest only released the momentum. He did not have time to attack Jiang Chen. The body suddenly stopped there. He looked down at his chest, and a blood-colored dragon claw had already The chest was pierced and the old man was terrified. This kind of picture was not dreamed of by his dreams. His powerful second-level sacred priest would be killed by a junior who did not look at himself.

"Do not……"

The old man gave a sigh, it was a desperate pain, and was controlled by Jiang Chen. He couldn’t do it with a single move, and he could only let Jiang Chen be at his mercy.

"Remember, never be too confident, especially if you don't know how powerful the other is."

Jiang Chen’s voice was very cold, and the powerful force shattered all the vitality of the old man. Then, Jiang Chen ran the ancestral tower, all the energy, essence, and spirit of the old man’s body, all absorbed by the ancestral tower. Clean and absorbing a second-class grand priest, the ancestral tower is more excited. Under the stimulation of the ancestral tower, Jiang Chen has once again condensed ten dragon patterns.

The energy of this second-level sacred sacred is not comparable to the corpses of the previous ceremonies. Although there are great energy in those corpses, after all, the time of death has been too long, and a lot of energy has been lost.


Jiang Chen threw the body of the second-level great saint and threw it on the ground. At this moment, the body of this great saint is the most common human body. All the essences are absorbed by the Zulong tower. The body of Dasheng was absorbed, and it was already the kindness of Jiang Chen.

"Be a person to stay in the line and leave you a whole body."

Jiang Chen said, he is about to look at the three-level little saint of the Nalan people on the opposite side: "I am not ready to go to you."

The three-level big sacred eyes looked at the companions lying on the ground, and the whole person was stupid. He really looked at the repair of Jiang Chen at this moment, and found that Jiang Chen had grown to the horror of the nine-level Xiaosheng, but even It’s a nine-level little holy, and you can’t kill the second-level grand priest. Moreover, it is said that this person can’t be transformed. It’s even more horrible after turning out. Now Jiang Chen hasn’t changed his body, so he’s killing the second big sac, if It’s turned out, and I can’t even beat myself.

How can a person be powerful enough to make this Naran elder even more surprised by the death of his companion? He has already seen clearly that his companion has completely absorbed all the energy and spirit from Jiang Chen. It turned out to be the most common corpse. This picture was really shocking. At this moment, the old man’s heart suddenly raised an inexplicable fear.

"Hey, let this old guy give it to me."

The rhubarb dog smiled.

"let me do it."

Jiang Chen is in front of the big yellow dog. He has just been promoted to the 9th-level Xiaosheng. He just needs a strong three-level grand master. Moreover, he is not the general nine-level little holy, and has reached the nine-level Xiaosheng Peak. If you almost get it, you can promote it to the Great Sanctuary. It is almost effortless to kill the general three-level holy.

However, there is a gap between Xiaosheng and Dasheng, which cannot be crossed. Jiang Chen wants to kill the third-level grand priest, or to be in a state of dragon change.

Jiang Chen’s body swayed and turned directly. The real dragon’s handprints spread out, and the third-level grand priest directly enveloped the past.

"I don't believe in this seat. With the repair of my third-level grand priest, I will not beat a nine-level little holy, kid, and die."

Elder Naran also moved his anger. He had a black big knife in his hand. This big knife exudes a strong sacred atmosphere, and it turned out to be a rare soldier of the Great Holy Spirit.

The big knife danced and sent out the sound of cold knife. In the hands of the third-level Dasheng, the big knife directly tore the space and smashed toward the real handprint of Jiang Chen.


The two collided and made a deafening roar, and countless spaces and winds and waves were directly picked up. The dragon claws that Jiang Chen evolved were torn apart, and the third-level Dasheng cooperated with the soldiers of the Great Saint. It’s terrible.

However, Jiang Chen did not care at all. When his arm swayed, the Tiansheng sword roared out and thundered toward the elder Naran.

Jiang Chenli pulls the mountain, and there are endless energy in his body. It is like a sea of ​​oceans. The elders of Nalan have changed dramatically. He has already felt the gap between himself and Jiang Chen. He did not dare to neglect and raise his hands. The big knife will greet it.


The swords intersected, and the big knife was directly bombed out under the mad attack of the Tiansheng sword, while the Tiansheng sword did not reduce the offensive. The old man was caught off guard and was knocked off by Jiang Chenyijian.


The old man made a scream, then was killed alive by Jiang Chen’s violent bombing. The residual energy in the body was absorbed by the ancestral tower, and even the soldier of the Great Saint was absorbed. It can be clearly felt that the first layer of the ancestral tower has once again increased by one point, and the dragon pattern in the body of the river dust has gathered dozens of articles.

However, with the rotation of the ancestral tower, Jiang Chen's breath gradually became violent, his eyes began to turn red, and a brutal breath shot from his body, the newly condensed dragon pattern was obviously better than The previous dragon pattern adds a cruelty.

"Little dust, what happened to you."

The rhubarb dog found the change of Jiang Chen, and his face immediately became. He never saw Jiang Chen like this. At this moment, Jiang Chen, his eyes are red, like a beast that is about to lose his rationality, to become a killing machine.


Jiang Chen made a low embarrassment, and he looked at the big yellow dog, the kind of gaze, even the big yellow dog was shocked.

"Mother's, it turns out."

Jiang Chen felt that his reason was about to be lost. He immediately sat down on his knees and meditated on the lotus flower. The lotus Huajing was given to him by the master of the hurricane. He could purify the soul. In this way, Jiang Chen sat there and meditation. Half an hour of the Lianhua Classic, it really recovered.

"What happened to your kid just now, it’s too scary."

The rhubarb dog still has some lingering fears.

"Because the ancestral tower absorbs the essence of human beings, although I am practicing the dragon scorpion, I am still a human being. Human beings can kill each other. But after murder, they will completely strip off their spirits. This is undoubtedly a violation of Heaven. If you continue to do this, I am no different from a murderer. I left their bodies and said that they would stay in the line, but they lost their spirits and lost their spirits. In fact, I What has been done is absolutely perfect. This kind of means of killing the same kind can be described by extermination of humanity. The ancestral tower is connected with my blood and merges into one. After absorbing the essence of human spirit, it begins to accumulate in my body. A certain tyrannical atmosphere, this tyrannical atmosphere can directly affect my mind, making me a beast that only knows to kill, it is terrible."

Jiang Chen is also worried about it. If it is not a lotus flower, he may not be able to control his emotions just now. Maybe he will directly deal with the big yellow dog. Just now the Zulongta absorbed so many big sacred bodies, but those bodies are It’s been a long time since it’s been dead. There are still a lot of monsters and demons. The influence is not very big. The two elders of the Nalan are real living people. Jiang Chen kills them and then gives them. Absorbed, it is a practice of extermination, so the dragon pattern that is condensed is also tyrannical, bringing him a tyrannical atmosphere that seriously affects the mind.

"It turns out that you can pay attention later."

The rhubarb dog quickly reminded that the change of Jiang Chen in a moment made the rhubarb dog feel unfamiliar, and that feeling was really bad.

"Yes, it seems that I will promote the ancestral tower in the future, and I can't absorb the essence of human beings. After all, my origin is also human, but if it is refining and absorbing the demon beast, everything goes beyond the same category, and it will be fine."

Jiang Chen said that until now, he really understood the meaning of the ancestral tower. Although this is the true dragon to the treasure, but now it is the baby of Jiang Chen, connected with the blood of Jiang Chen, then it is necessary to accept the origin of Jiang Chen. fact.

"The tyrannical smell that you produce in your body should be able to suppress it."

The rhubarb dog asked, there is still some worry, there is no way not to worry, Jiang Chen just looked terrible, if the violent temper is still there, maybe it will become a murderous madman.

"The tyranny of the past is very rare. After all, this is the first time. I have already used the Lianhua Jing and the Light of Duhua to eliminate it and will not affect me."

Jiang Chen said that it is still very easy to eliminate this tyrannical atmosphere with his current ability, but the tyrannical atmosphere just now is really terrible. If it is replaced by other people, it may be directly controlled, but Jiang Chen After all, it is the world's first holy, practicing the refining of the soul, the mind is extremely firm, not ordinary people can compare.

"That's good, you, my mother's just scared the dog, I am."

The rhubarb dog was so angry that he was really afraid that this guy would become a madman and even do it himself.

"Hey, come here, let me lick your dog's head and help you crush."

Jiang Chen smiled and couldn't help but say that when he went up, he held the dog's head of the rhubarb dog and madly roared.

"Jiang Chen, your uncle, dare to lick the head of the dog, hehe..."

The rhubarb dog broke free and then opened his mouth and bit it against Jiang Chen’s ass.

"Ha ha..."

Jiang Chen laughed and quickly disappeared into this space, and the big yellow dog was chasing after him.

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