Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 927: Run

"This little beast is nothing but a nine-level little holy. There is such a powerful force. Even I am not an opponent."

The fire elders were shocked. Even Jiang Chen can restrain himself in the flames. But the repairs of both sides are not at the same level after all. Between the nine-level little holy and the third-level great holy. There are three levels of difference. And it is beyond a big level. He has lived so much old. I have never seen any horror of a nine-level Xiaosheng. This is beyond the scope of his imagination and understanding.

"Jiang Xiong is really a horror."

Kong Yang couldn't help but sigh. Know the gap between yourself and Jiang Chen. It is no longer the same. That is the third level of the Holy. And it is the third-level sage of the Great St. What a tyranny it is.

of course. Kong Yang did not know. The elders in the hands of the fire were indeed the soldiers of the Great Holy Trinity. But the Heavenly Sword is not weak at all. The holy sword at the moment. Although it has not yet reached the level of the Great Holy Soldier. But the power that can erupt. It is no longer comparable to the general Great Saints.

the other side. Earth Wars broke out. Directly become the ontology. The murderous land of Warcraft. A single body is like a hill. The four eyes are more ghostly flashing. The elders of the Xiao family fought back and forth.

The Xiao ethnic group screamed. But helplessly Warcraft is too strong. Although the land of Warcraft only has three levels of great saints. But now it really fights. It is all about pressing the opponent. The elders of the Xiao family want to gain the upper hand. That is totally impossible.

Another battlefield. The devil is more ferocious and overbearing. The elders of the Naranan were beaten and vomited. As can be seen. The two sides are not at all a level.

Jiang Chen is even more tyrannical. The air waves carried by the whole person. It’s like a sea. Three consecutive swords broke out. The elders of the fire family spurted blood. The powerful spear can't hold the spear in the hand.


Do not give the opponent a chance to react. Jiang Chen was a sword and smashed the past. This time. The elders of the fire made a scream. The soldiers in their hands can no longer hold them. Directly bombed. Jiang Chen grabbed a big hand. The student caught the spear. In the pocket of income.

"Ha ha..."

Jiang Chen laughed wildly. The momentum is strong enough. Not waiting for the fire elders to react. Tian Shengjian once again waved past.


The fire elders did not lose their resistance. But it is also impossible to resist the sword of Jiang Chen’s fierceness. An arm was smashed directly by the Tiansheng sword. Blood rushed out. The emptiness of the sky brings out a bright red color.

The fire elders were frightened. He did not understand until now. Self and Jiang Chen are not at all a level. He is on Jiang Chen. It’s all about finding death. From the beginning of the battle to the present. He has not taken advantage of it at all. It was completely beaten by Jiang Chen with the thunder. It is now. The arm was thrown off. The combat power is also exhausted. Fight again. That is to lose your life.


The fire elders did not dare to be a little slow. Immediately choose to escape. Unfortunately, Jiang Chen will not give him a chance. If he does not choose to shoot at the beginning. If you leave directly. Jiang Chen may not stop him. but now. Everything is late. In his current state. If you can escape in the hands of Jiang Chen. That Jiang Chen does not have to mix.

"Now want to run. It’s late."

Jiang Chen immediately made a real handprint. The huge dragon claws are like an indestructible cage. It fell from the sky. Directly cover the fire elders. Just listen to the fire elders making a scream. Jiang Chen was killed on the spot.

"what a pity."

Jiang Chen shook his head. The dark passage is a pity. This is a powerful three-level grand priest. If the ancestral tower can absorb it. The benefits are endless. However, after the last experience. Jiang Chen can't try it anymore. That kind of anger. It’s not a joke.


Jiang Chen killed the fire elders so quickly. Such a scene exclaimed the two great saints of the Xiao and Nalan. They thought that it would be just a hand to kill Jiang Chen. Where would you think of the outcome?

The elders of the fire family are dead. They are also uncomfortable. Especially the elders of the Nalan. Has been beaten by the devil a number of injuries. The breath also began to not smooth up.


The devil is embarrassed. The violent attack wave after wave. The elders facing the Nalan are madly bombarded.


The Nalan elders began to scream. As his combat power continues to decline. Where is the opponent of the devil. Look like this. Today is also going to fall here.

"Blood sacrifice."

The Nalan elders suddenly made a noise. There was a blood hole in his body. A blood column is ejected from those blood holes. This is an extremely cruel taboo. Use damage to bring powerful power.

Today's life is at stake. The elders of the Nalan had to display this blood sacrifice. However, he was a little late. In his current state. Even if the blood sacrifice state is not strong. of course. The Nalan’s blood sacrifices are not for the sake of defeat. Just to get the ability to escape. Therefore, his blood sacrifice technique all works on the speed increase.

I saw a layer of **** halo outside the body of Elder Nalan. His speed is almost as fast as ever. The brush disappeared and disappeared. Directly into the void inside.

"You know how to escape now. Unfortunately, it is completely late."

Jiang Chen sneered. He will give the opportunity to elder Nalan. Even if the other side casts a blood sacrifice. Even if he has broken into the void. Jiang Chen can still grab it back. How terrible he is to refine his soul. Direct penetration into the interior of the void.

Jiang Chen once again explored the real handprint of the dragon. A slammed tear of a void. Elder Nalan, who has already broken into it. He was caught by his life. It is like a chicken.

Everyone watching this scene was shocked. That is a powerful three-level grand priest. In their eyes. That is the supreme being. It is their dream of a lifetime. That level. In their hearts they are the same as God. However now. There is a high presence in their hearts. A powerful three-level grand priest. Even the ability to escape is not.

"Don't kill me. Jiang Chen. Let me go."

The elders of the Nalan were frightened. Began to beg for mercy. No one wants to die. Not everyone can stay calm in the face of death. Even the Great St. is the same. The more powerful the person. The more afraid of death.

"You have been kicked by your brain. Let me let you go. If I fall into your hands. Will you let me be merciful? If so. Don't talk about this non-nutritious nonsense."

Jiang Chen was unmoved. Directly kill the elders of the Nalan. This is the end. Both three-level grand priests died in the hands of Jiang Chen. Such a loss. For the two major families. That is not small.

"Jiang Chen Xiaoer. You have completely angered the five major families. Next time is your death."

The elders of the Xiao family gave a swearword. Then turned into a stream of light disappeared. He has already seen the situation today. There is a land of Warcraft. I want to kill Jiang Chen. It is a luxury. That is totally impossible. And the World of Warcraft is too powerful. If you continue to fight. I am afraid that even my own life will come in.


The opponent fled. Warcraft is in turmoil. Roaring.

"Go to World of Warcraft. He wants to go. We can't stop it."

Jiang Chen said. After all, the elders of the Xiao family are powerful four-level grand priests. Warcraft can defeat him. But if the other party wants to escape. Warcraft can't stop it. After all, the four-level Great Saint is not so easy to kill. To kill the Xiao elders. Unless the elders of the Xiao family do not leave. I have been playing here. World of Warcraft will continue to cause trauma to him. After the Xiao elders were seriously injured. I lost the ability to escape.

But now the elders of the Xiao family fled very decisively. Even Jiang Chen wants to block. Can't stop it.

Although the World of Warcraft is unwilling. But there is no way. Only the elders of the Xiao family can leave. Then he and the devil were at the command of Jiang Chen. Go back to the ancestral tower.

The battlefield was fierce. The entire space is about to burst. It sounded the battle just now. Many people still have a lingering fear. It is too ferocious. The battle just made them understand the facts. That is the powerful great saint. It is also possible that it is very easy to be killed.

Jiang Chen came to Kongyang and they were near. The three men of Kong Yang finally reacted from the shock just now. The three couldn't help but take a long breath. They looked at Jiang Chen’s eyes. It is completely different.

If Jiang Chen only relies on the World of Warcraft and the devil to kill the other two. They may only be shocked that Jiang Chen has the ability to surrender to Warcraft and the Devil. But definitely not shocked to this extent. A nine-level little holy. You can easily kill the third-level grand priest. This is simply amazing. Kong Yang knows. I just looked down on Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Xiong. You are a rare wizard who has never seen you in a million years. Although you and I met for the first time, I am Kong Yang to you. I am admired by the five bodies."

Kong Yang hugged his fist against Jiang Chen. The words spoken are completely from the heart. Once the third existence of the list. Has the title of the first genius of the Yaozu. Has a strong peacock blood. He Kong Yang is proud of the crowd. I have never really admired anyone. Even Xiao Yuan and Shi Han, who once pressed on their heads. He does not admire. Be confident that one day you can surpass them.

But today against Jiang Chen. It is a real admiration.

"Confucius is polite. This place should not be left for a long time. We must leave here immediately. The old guy of the Xiao nationality has escaped. There will be more powerful masters soon. Don't say the fifth-level grand priest. Even if there are more than four levels Dasheng. We can't cope with it."

Jiang Chen said solemnly. He knows. This time I entered the site of the ancient battlefield. In addition to the powerful six-level great saint of the eight major families did not come. The five great saints are coming in.

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