Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 931: Courage is too big

At this time, Jiang Chen is like a ghost hidden in the dark, ready to shoot, the time is almost ripe, the moment he waits, is coming, he has reason to believe that the magma dragon in the joint attack of the major masters Underneath, I can't hold on for three minutes.

"Haha, the dragon is going to die."

The big sage of the fire family laughed and saw that the dragon of the magma was getting smaller and smaller. They all showed an uplifting look on their faces. They had too many masters here. Under the mad attack, the dragon was fundamentally Can't resist it.

"Continue to take the shot, don't give him a breather."

The masters of the Xiao people drank, everyone did not neglect, once again crazy shots, all their own combat power was cast out, this magma dragon can rely on magma recovery, as long as the heart of the flames, the dragon does not Will die, they will not be able to achieve the current victory, and will never give the chance to recover from evil spirits.


The violent attack once again bombarded the dragon of the magma. The dragon made a roaring roar. He roared and continued to respond to the attack. He fired a ball of fire and spit out a magma column. The dragon has been hit hard, and the attack that has been exerted is only half the power of the heyday. For the masters of the eight great families, there is no threat. The dragon is very unwilling, but there is nothing to help. In this scene, he even has the opportunity to escape. Nothing, let alone resistance, can only rely on the magma to make the final resistance, dying and struggling.

The attack of the masters continued, and every time the bombardment was on the dragon, the body of the dragon would be reduced by one point. Two minutes later, the dragon screamed again, his body was only less than one. The size is up.

At this moment, the magma dragon, only the first level of the great sanctuary, can't resist these powerful five-level sacred, and at the neck of this magma dragon, you can already see a fist-sized one. Red-red crystals are the heart of the flames.

"Look, the heart of the flames is in the body of the dragon."

"Sure enough, it is the heart of the flames. Once again, the body of the dragon is blown up, and the heart of the fire will automatically fall into our hands."

"Haha, it's amazing. I finally saw the legendary blazing heart. Even if my family only got one-eighth, it is a rare baby, and we can create a wonderful wizard."


The magma dragon is already the end of the strong, many people have directly seen the heart of the flames, the current situation of the dragon, even with the protection of magma, can at most withstand an attack by these masters, it will be completely broken up, At that time, the heart of the blazing flame will be obtained by the Eight Greats, and even this piece of magma will be divided by the eight majors.

However, they did not know that there was a pair of eyes in the dark at this moment staring at the heart of the flames.

"The opportunity is coming."

Jiang Chen’s eyes burst into strange colors, and the timing of his waiting finally arrived.

"You are careful, this is not a joke."

The rhubarb dog solemnly reminded that the masters of the Eight Great Families tried their best to defeat the dragon. Now they have seen the results, but they have been snatched away by Jiang Chen. How can they suffer, the anger on the spot is affirmative, plus Jiang Chen The relationship with the five major ethnic groups, those old guys do not blame Jiang Chen for the explosion.

"Hey, rich and dangerous, as long as the masters of the ancient and the demon can hold them for a moment, I will succeed."

Jiang Chen snorted, this is his only chance to hit the Great Saint, he can not miss.


Jiang Chen’s body disappeared and disappeared. He used his space to move to the extreme. He passed through the masters in the blink of an eye and entered the magma.


Only a loud bang broke out in the void, and then the five great saints who had just made the last blow saw a sky-like **** dragon claw descending from the sky, and they shrouded the magma dragon. stand up.


A half-man and a half-dragon guy slammed into the magma, and even the heart of the dragon and the blazing flame disappeared.


Someone exclaimed.

"Who is, dare to **** our baby and find death."

Everyone was angry in an instant.

"It is Jiang Chen, he is Jiang Chen, this bastard, has been hidden in the dark, taking the heart of the flames at the crucial moment."

At the rear, the four-level grand priest who had lost in the hands of the Warriors of the Xiao family suddenly smashed up. For a time, the name Jiang Chen burst into the crowd, and the faces of those five-level sages were also furious, one by one. They originally hated this Jiang Chen. One of the most important people who came to the ancient battlefield site was to kill Jiang Chen.

Now they have not shot Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen actually took the initiative, and the initiative to show up, even at this critical moment, robbed everyone's labor results, this can not bear.

"Kill, live and peel off this little beast, and even dare to count us."

The violent temperament of the Xiao dynasty's five-level grand priest.

"Elders, help me delay for a while, I am hitting the realm of the Great Holy Spirit, and after I succeed, I will definitely report."

At this time, Jiang Chen’s thoughts came from the magma and fell in the ears of every demon and ancient elders. The masters of these two families had almost no scorn, and immediately stopped in front of the magma, and other six ethnic groups. Pick it up.

The relationship between the two ethnic groups and Jiang Chen has long been fixed, and the Yaozu need not say it. Jiang Chen once entered the suspended tower. There is also the relationship of rhubarb. This is especially true of the ancients. Jiang Chen is their ancient nationality. The son-in-law, that is the ancient people, even the patriarch of the ancient Xuantian has a good relationship with Jiang Chen and the iron buddies.

Since they are all their own people, they are naturally obliged to help each other, and in their view, if this blazing heart can get Jiang Chen to get it, it would be better, better than the eight ethnic groups.

"Ancient, Yaozu, what are you doing?"

The great saint of the fire family screamed.

"Don't you think that too many old guys are bullying a junior?"

The elders of the Leopard family said loudly.

"Excessively, your old leopard is really standing and talking without hurting. This little beast is clearly using us to deal with the real dragon. The key moment has robbed us of the baby. We must kill him. The heart of the flames is all of us."

"Yes, this little beast is simply mad, and he even put his mind on the heart of the blazing flame. Moreover, this person has a deep hatred for us. Now it is better to run out and die."

"Do not talk nonsense, it is best for both of you to let go now, otherwise we will be welcome."


The people of the five major races were completely angered. They tried their best to defeat the dragon. If the last heart of the flames allowed Jiang Chen to get it, it would be vomiting blood.

"You are welcome. Jiang Chen is now the son-in-law of our ancient family. That is the people of our ancient nationality. Whoever wants to kill him, our ancients first disagreed."

The elders of the ancient tribe are also extremely strong, and they do not shoot, just to fight for time for Jiang Chen.

For Jiang Chen, the most important thing now is time. He does not delay in the magma. The dragon is crushed by Jiang Chen with almost no resistance. Then he directly swallows the heart of the flame. Going down, under the madness of Hualong, the heart of the flames began to be refining quickly.

At the same time, Jiang Chen sacrificed the Zulong Tower. The Zulong Tower is like a big mouth of a wild and wild beast. It began to **** on all the magma. These magma contain huge energy and have great influence on the Zulong Tower. effect.

The number of dragon patterns began to condense rapidly, one hundred and two hundred, and soon there were three hundred pieces, and the last two hundred were left from the Great Holy Land.


The roar of the magma was endless, and a large amount of magma disappeared quickly. This scene suddenly caught the attention of all the masters.

"The little beast doesn't know what to do inside. He has got the heart of the flames. He is absorbing the magma. He must stop him quickly. If the heart of the flames is refining, all our efforts will be wasted. Take a break and make a wedding dress for others."

The elders of the Dan family said loudly.

"No more nonsense, fire, stone, you are blocking the people of the Yao and the ancients, others took the Jiang Chen."

The masters of the Xiao nationality are very strong. They have already seen it. The ancients and the demon are to help Jiang Chen delay the time. Once Jiang Chen refines the heart of the flames, all their previous efforts are in the river. Dust to make a wedding dress.

However, they do not believe that Jiang Chen can refine the heart of the flames in such a short period of time. This kind of heaven and earth is not so easy to refine.

Unfortunately, they do not know the horror of the dragon, but it is the heart of the flames, even if it is a strong baby, in the operation of the dragon, the refining is also a piece of cake.


The masters of the fire family screamed and took the lead to attack the ancients. On the other side, the people of the Shizu also went to the Yaozu. The eight ethnic groups that had been united before, instantly fought together, the ancients and the demon. The faces of the tribes are extremely ugly. They really want to help Jiang Chen delay the time, but the opponents are too many, they are also powerless. Now they are blocked by the Shi and the fire, there is no way to help Jiang Chen block the other four. .

On the issue of Jiang Chen, the soldiers have always remained neutral. After all, when the space triangle was in the space, Jiang Chen did not shoot the soldiers, but now the blazing heart, the soldiers can not be placed outside. If he does not deal with Jiang Chen with the other four races, there will be no way to divide the blazing heart.

Moreover, in the view of the soldiers, Jiang Chen is absolutely dead. In such a situation, Jiang Chen has almost no chance of surviving. He has offended so many masters, even if Jiang Chen has nine lives, it is not enough to kill.

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