Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 933: Long Feng Qiming

The scene that had just been silent for a while was once again hot. Although the Shi and the ancients did not do it, but the Shi and the fire were blocked in front of the Yaozu, and the two people wanted to help Jiang Chen. .

The devastating atmosphere is once again pervasive, and the means of the Great Holy One is to destroy the heavens and the earth, and destroying one of the heavens is a very random thing.

At this moment, the masters of the four major ethnic groups have blocked the entire space. They do not give Jiang Chen the opportunity to escape. Even the soldiers are the same. They are now swept in, and they have seen the horrific talent potential of Jiang Chen. A kid who has just been promoted to the Great Saint can actually bear the joint attack of so many masters without death. If it is not seen by the eyes, they can’t believe that there is such a perverted existence between heaven and earth. It is conceivable that if Jiang Chen If you continue to grow up, sooner or later it will be a big worry. The soldiers will remain neutral at the beginning, but since they have taken the shot today, there is no way to withdraw from this battle.

Jiang Chen’s means, they also heard that today, their soldiers have shot, and Jiang Chen will grow up in the future. It will definitely be against the soldiers. It is better to join the other tribes to kill them. future trouble.

At this moment, Jiang Chen has not put these masters in his eyes at all. Although his current combat power cannot beat these five great saints, he is absolutely not afraid. All his thoughts are now on the heart of the flames. This blazing heart is really powerful. In a very short period of time, it helped him to gather a thousand dragons, which made his dragon pattern reach 81,000, and then there are a thousand dragons. , you can directly hit the second big holy.

Not only that, but the blazing heart has other magical effects, Jiang Chen is exploring, and, after he was promoted to the first level of the Great Saint, the first layer of the Zulong Tower was completely condensed directly, and the Zulong Tower absorbed All the magma, together with the stimulation of their own promotion, the second layer is completely condensed, that is to say, the current ancestral tower has completely condensed two layers, looks more sturdy and majestic, and releases it casually. Out of the power of the wild.


The attack of the masters of the four major families came to the front again. The void was broken and the whole space was mad. Jiang Chen seemed to be in a storm. He suddenly raised his head and flashed two fierce gaze in his eyes.

The five elements of the dragon seal were once again smashed out by Jiang Chen, and they collided with the scattered energy.

An energy storm formed, Jiang Chen was completely involved, and he fell into the center of the storm. Such an attack is too strong. It is unkind to say that if a fourth-level sac is caught in it, it must be strangled immediately. Even if a general five-level sacred sacred into it, it must be seriously injured. After all, such an attack combines eight five-level sacred priests, and all the energy of twenty four sacred sacred priests. Imagine.


Jiang Chen was thrown out by the arrogant energy. The dragon that he shot was completely destroyed. Jiang Chen was once again hit hard, and Zhang mouth spewed a large mouth of blood.

"Jiang Chen, you are indeed a miracle. A kid who has just been promoted to a big sacred priest can stop us from attacking twice without dying, but compared with us, you are still too weak. Today we join forces and you will die. undoubtedly."

The Dasheng of the Xiao people said loudly.

"Kill him, take out the heart of the flames."

The elders of the Dan are also very vocal, and can't wait to immediately tear up Jiang Chen.

"A group of old people are not dead, you are forcing me."

Jiang Chen wiped the blood on his mouth with his hand, and his eyes showed fierce light. He was concentrating on the ancestral tower and exploring the heart of the flames. The old guys had been attacking there, and they no doubt completely angered Jiang Chen. If this is the case, then don't blame yourself for being unkind.

"Small beast, you are a newly promoted saint, is there any means to fight against us?"

One of the Nalan people sneered.

"Hey, this old guy will have a bitter to eat."

The rhubarb dog in the distance looks sullen and laughs. Others don't know the means of Jiang Chen. He is very clear. As long as Jiang Chen is promoted to the Great St., then everything will be fine, and no one can help him.

"Rhuh, is there any powerful means for Jiang brother?"

Kong Yu expressed doubts.

"Yeah, Jiang brother has been promoted to the Great Saint, but it is only a first-class sacred. It can only be injured and not killed under the joint attack of so many masters. It is already very bad, and it is a huge gap in cultivation. Under the river, it is almost impossible for Jiang brother to turn defeat into victory."

Leopard Wei also looked at the big yellow dog with surprise, because he really couldn't think of what Jiang Chen could do to deal with so many five-level masters.

"You have neglected one thing. Jiang Chen was promoted to the Great Saint. Why didn't he come to the robbery."

The rhubarb dog smiled.

"Yes, I have been wondering all the time. I have to know that after the general promotion to the Great St., the day of the robbery will come directly, but Jiang brother is now promoted to the first level of the Holy, but the robbery has not yet come. How is this going."

Kong Yang also looked at the big yellow dog. As a person who came over, he had more say than Kong Yu and Leopard, and he knew more about the promotion of the Great St.. When he was promoted to the Great Saint, the robbery came soon. The current situation of Jiang Chen is undoubtedly very peculiar.

"Because Jiang Chen can control the time of the robbery, you will look good."

The confidence of the rhubarb dog is that he not only knows that Jiang Chen can control the time of the robbery, but also knows that once he has passed the catastrophe, Jiang Chen’s repair may directly impact the second-level sacred. The Great Stories are directly spiked, and the Sixth Grand Stories can be dealt with. At that time, no one can kill him in the entire Pure Land. I think it is extremely exciting.

"What, I have control of the robbery, I have never heard of it."

Kong Yang exclaimed, can't believe his ears, his knowledge is not too shallow, but he has never heard of someone who can control the time of the robbery.

The masters of the four major races are ready to attack again. They completely regard Jiang Chen as a prey. Today it is necessary to destroy Jiang Chen here, but they are angry because of the blazing heart, and they want to set up Jiang Chen. In the dead, I even ignored a point. That is the dust of Jiang Chen. Although it is the inner space of ancient battlefield sites, it is impossible to stop the advent of the robbery. The robbery is everywhere, no matter where you are or what. The promotion of space will cause the advent of the robbery, and countless planes are like this. Even if it is the high-ranking fairyland, it is still unable to get rid of the deterrent of the robbery.

Jiang Chen’s eyes are full of cruel light. He has already seen that these old guys will not let go of their own. It is impossible for them to explore the heart of the flames. If so, then he will have nothing to be polite. Directly triggering a thunder, leaving these people in a land of eternal annihilation.


The masters of the four major races are just about to attack again, and suddenly the sky is roaring. The colors of the sky have all changed. The sound of thunder is everywhere, and the clouds are overwhelming. The dark clouds cover the sky, and only the effort in the blink of an eye, the infinite thunder and lightning flash, sweeping the whole sky. A huge lightning vortex appeared on the top of Jiang Chen.

"It’s a day of robbery, everyone is going back."

The Great St. of the Xiao people quickly exclaimed, and the catastrophe was not a joke. Once it was involved, it would trigger its own catastrophe, and it would be tragic under the catastrophe.

The other masters of the four major groups saw the situation and hurriedly retired. Wherever they were able to kill Jiang Chen, if they were involved in the Thundercloud, it would be big.

"Why is this kid’s catastrophe so strange, how did it not appear when he was promoted to the Great Saint, and this time will come."

"There is not much control, and everyone is withdrawing, or they are involved in the Thunder, and the consequences are unimaginable."

"Hey, Jiang Chen will die forever. After he has spent the day, he will be in a period of severe weakness. It is not a matter of time to kill him."


The whole space was shaking violently. Everyone began to withdraw. They dared not have a slight scorn. In the face of horrible horror, no one dared to make fun of their own lives.

The ancients and the demon's masters all showed strong fears on their faces. They did not know that the day of robbery was controlled by Jiang Chen, and they did not know how smart Jiang Duo’s means were. They were worried about Jiang. After the dusty robbery, it is conceivable that after the river dust robbery, it will fall into a period of weakness, and who can save him by then.

In addition, the six ethnic groups can be different. The faces of sneer are on the faces. They are very clear. When the monks are more powerful, they must be single-minded and unwilling to relax. Otherwise, the consequences are unimaginable. The same is true of Jiang Chen. When it is time to fall into a certain period of weakness, they will kill it. It is a matter of hand.



The Thunder of the sky swayed violently. When everyone looked at it, they saw the depths of the thundercloud. A red-golden dragon was a hundred feet in size, circling and dancing, and bursting into a dragon, next to the long dragon, there was another nine. The big bird with colorful light, the big bird is extremely different, and the **** is exuding arrogance. Although it is not real, but this gesture alone, people can not help but give birth to worship.

The phoenix bird, yes, that is the legendary bird phoenix.

"God, dragon and phoenix Qiming, it turned out to be the legendary dragon and phoenix robbery, how could this be?"

"This is this... This is really the legendary dragon and phoenix robbery, dragon and phoenix Qiming, this is the symbol of the dragon and phoenix robbery, and there has never been a disaster in history."

"When the average person is promoted to the Great Holy Ghost, it is already terrible to be able to attract a nine-turn robbery. This is a catastrophe. It has never happened. This is the first time."


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