Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 937: Master

Under the Thunder, Jiang Chen’s head is topped with a blood-colored ancient tower, black hair fluttering, his eyes cold and ruthless, it is simply a madness, killing even his eyes are not stunned, the whole space is completely chaotic, the space is flowing everywhere. Shooting, countless places are flashing lights, all the people standing here, inexplicably feel a trace of insecurity, they are powerful big saints, high above, it is not easy to kill a big saint, but at the moment All the great saints feel that they have the possibility of dying at any time.

“Everyone is close to the ancients and the demon.”

I don't know who shouted, and the people of the six nationalities reacted. Where did they care about whether the Yaozu and the ancients opposed it? They were crazy toward the two races, even if they were not integrated into the two races. Can't be too far from them.

They now think that Jiang Chen and the ancients and the Yaozu are a group of people. He can’t always rob the ancients and the demon people.


The elders of the leopard screamed at the people who came close, and they seemed to be ready to shoot at any time. The demon family is a **** family. It is said that killing will kill, no matter who the opponent is, let alone they are standing with Jiang Chen. together.

Rolling, killing is not rolling, how can it roll, this is as long as it is dead, it is dead, they would rather be killed by the demon and the ancients, even with the two races, not willing to die Under the robbery, it is really terrible.



Above the sky, the thunder and the dragon, the dragon and the phoenix finally angered, Jiang Chen looked up, he has seen that the body of the dragon and phoenix has more than doubled, the space barrier has begun to collapse, this is the ancient battlefield The ruins are broken.

"It seems that it is about to collapse. The dragon and the phoenix will have to make the last attack. When the space is completely broken, it will return to the East China. The Zulong Tower absorbs the last thunder, and the third layer will be Completely condensed, but unfortunately, the ancestral tower absorbed all the thunder, I have no way to promote the second sacred, but this is nothing, even if it is not promoted to the second sacred, it is also the peak level of the first sacred And my foundation is strong and stable, and it is very easy to attack the second-level sage in the future."

Jiang Chen looked at the dragon and phoenix that was about to be attacked in the sky. He thought about it. He looked at the remaining people of the Six Nationalities and saw that they were too close to the ancients and the Yaozu, so they also put away the killing of everyone. The idea, this is a robbery, he can control the time of the robbery, but there is no way to accurately control the location of the robbery. If the ancient and the demon are also shrouded in, it is not good.


Longfeng Qiming, this time, they directly dragged the body and shocked it. When it hit the ancestral tower, it burst into bursts. The devastating energy was completely violent. Even the ancestral tower could not directly The energy is absorbed completely.

Jiang Chen saw that the Zulong Tower swayed violently, and the third layer had completely condensed.


The robbery disappeared, but the roaring sound was even more intense. It was the sound of broken space. Under the ravages of the dragon and the phoenix, this space finally could not stand, completely shattered, and Jiang Chen took up the ancestors. Dragon Tower, at this moment, there are already 81,500 pieces of dragons in the body. From the second level, it is only the last five hundred. His current combat power is under the dragon, killing four. The Grand St. is a very easy thing. It has a battle for the general five-level grand priest. The ancestral tower has an amazing defense. The three-tiered ancestral tower can almost resist the attack of the sixth-level grand priest. In other words, from now on, no one in the entire Pure Land can kill Jiang Chen.

"Everyone is leaving here, the space is going to collapse."

Some people shouted, the space is broken, everything here will no longer exist, they must leave before the space is broken, but this is a very simple thing for the Great Saint and Xiaosheng who fully control the power of space. They grab a space crack and can rush straight out.

No one dared to neglect, everyone started to fly wildly outside.

Jiang Chen flew to the big yellow dog and Kong Yang and said, "Let's leave too."

"What to do with A Yan, he is still refining the ancient demon, and there is still light rain, and it has not appeared yet."

The rhubarb dog was somewhat worried. When the four of them came in together, there was no news of the smoke and rain, and Han Yan was still refining the ancient demon.

"Don't worry, I have already felt that the space inside the ancient battlefield site has only collapsed by a large part. The space where A Yan is located has been blessed by the ancient demon before, and it is still intact. As for the light rain, even if the space is broken, take her The ability can also be rushed out the first time."

Jiang Chen said that the cold is the safest, and the small space was once honed by the ancient celestial priests of the nine-level sacred level. It is very sturdy, refining the ancient demon of the nine-level sacred level. In fact, it is a perfection. Try not to disturb him before it is fully refining.

As for the dust and rain, it has not appeared until now. Jiang Chen guessed that the smoke and dust may have encountered some kind of big chance. It should be known that the smoke and rain are born with the nine yin and the mysterious veins. I got the inheritance of the ice god. Such a person, born with the air transport, will certainly be able to get great benefits in this ancient battlefield site. This is certain, so Jiang Chen’s safety for the two is not at all. worry.

The space is broken and the thunder disappears. Everyone rushes out from the inside of the broken space. The smoke is rolling under the feet. All the masters are suspended in the sky. Below is the invisible waste. This is the most remote place in the East China.

At this moment, everyone is automatically divided into two camps, all of the six ethnic groups have gathered together, although their masters have been killed by Jiang Chen nearly half, but the number is still many, at least more than the ancient demon combination Many, but the people of the six major groups, all of them are ugly to the extreme. They came to the ancient battlefield sites this time, the losses are too great, their hatred of Jiang Chen has reached higher than the sky, deeper than the sea. The extent of it, the ultimate hatred, can not be resolved.

Standing in front of the camp of the ancients and the Yaozu, Jiang Chen has become the backbone of the two races. He completely ignores the hatred of the six nationalities and turns to look at the ancient and the demon people. On each palm surface, there are eight Jiuyang Leilongdan.

"The ancient elders, the elders of the leopards, today you helped me with the help of Jiang Chentian, the heart of the blazing flame has been completely refining, and the magma has been absorbed. Jiang Chen has no thought that this eight Jiuyang Lei Longdan is treated as a reward."

Jiang Chen's arm stretched out and handed eight Jiuyang Leilongdan to the front of the ancient and the demon five-level grand priest.


Many people are taking a breath, and the eyes of the ancient and the demon people are all in the hands of Jiang Chen, eight Jiuyang Leilongdan, what kind of wealth is that, this reward It is too precious.

Too big, at this moment, everyone feels that they are helping Jiang Chen to be a very worthwhile thing. Although this is a killing demon, it is also a person who is empathetic and heavier. He treats the enemy with murderous hegemony and treats himself. Friends, but they are real. They all know clearly that Jiang Chen has refining 20 Jiuyang Leilongdan in total, and now I have taken out 16 of them. It’s so arrogant and people can be convinced. Seeing that after Jiang Chen refining the heart of the flames, the heroic spirit is more intense.

"This, Jiang Chen, this is too expensive."

Some of the elders of the leopard did not dare to accept it. In fact, they only blocked the Shi and the fire, and did not help the river dust too much. In the end, all the difficulties were solved by Jiang Chen himself. Now I have to pay such a valuable reward. I am sorry.

"Haha, when the Yaozu has become so tweaked, you Yaozu, and the ancients, that is my own Jiang Chen himself. I have always been straightforward. If you don't want it, then I will give it to Dahuang. The beans are eaten."

Jiang Chen said, it is necessary to throw Jiuyang Lei Longdan to the big yellow dog on the side.

"Yes, I want."

Upon seeing it, the elders of the Leopard and the elders of the ancient tribe were still hesitant to hesitate. They quickly took the medicinal herbs from the hands of Jiang Chen, and did not forget to glance at the rhubarb dog that wobbled his tail and made a joke. This is a joke. Jiuyang Lei Longdan, let this dog eat as a bean, it is simply a violent thing.

I saw that the ancient and the demon people received so many Jiuyang Leilongdan, and the other six people’s eyes were all envious of the look of envy. These medicinal herbs do not know how many geniuses can be cultivated.

"Jiang Chen, you are so mad, killing so many people, I want to live today."

A five-level grand priest who survived the stone family, talking to Jiang Chen’s evil.

Once again, the atmosphere was tense. Jiang Chen slowly turned around and looked at the elders of the stone family coldly. He said faintly: "Is it because of you, if I were you, how far should I go?" far."

"Hey, Jiang Chen, don't be arrogant, the masters of the six major races are coming soon, and you will die today."

Someone snorted, and when his voice just fell, he saw a tyrannical master in the distance. These masters seem to have at least a dozen people. Each momentum is extremely powerful, and the general five-level is big. The Holy City is far from being comparable.

"It's not good. The patriarchs of the eight major families have all appeared. There are other six great sacred priests. They are all coming for you. The news here has already reached the pure land."

The elders of the Leopard family changed their face. He knew that Jiang Chen was terrible, but he was not horrified to deal with the sixth-level grand priest. Now, Jiang Chen has no way to resort to the dragon and phoenix, how to fight so many six-level big Holy.

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