Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 939: Death of Jiang Chen

"Well, this seat will torture you first, draw your three souls and seven scorpions, so that you will never be super-born."

An elder of the Xiao nationality was shocked and forced to face Jiang Chen.

"And slow."

At this time, Bing Longtian stopped the actions of the elders of the Xiao.

"Bing Long Tian, ​​what are you doing, don't forget, half of your soldiers are also dead in this small beast."

The elders of the Xiao family looked at the dragons.

"This person must die. In my opinion, let's take a shot at the same time and directly kill him." After all, we are all giant-like characters. So many people are watching it. To kill a kid, after all, lose identity. And if it is slowly tortured to death, it will have a great impact on our reputation."

Bing Longtian said that Jiang Chen must kill, but he is not in favor of slow torture.

"Well, he is right. He shot it together and beat him to death. He killed the thing directly."

Danyang Tian also nodded, thinking that there is a certain truth in Bing Longtian, no matter how **** Jiang Chen is, but they are the ones with heads and faces, they represent the peak of pure land, the most concerned about the face, otherwise, When I was in Lingkong Mountain, I would not let Jiang Dust go.

Jiang Chen’s eyes flashed in two eyes, and all of this was in his expectation. He expected that these people were all face-to-face, but today they can’t let go of themselves, so they will directly kill and kill themselves. This is exactly what Jiang Chen needs.

"Small beast, you are cheaper today."

The elders of the Xiao nationality gnashed their teeth.

"Come on, your old guy besieged me a junior, and will definitely leave you a famous name."

Jiang Chen, a deputy, is not afraid of death.

"Do not talk nonsense, kill him."

Xiao Yuntian shouted and released his momentum completely. At the same time, the other five masters also released their own powerful attacks. For a time, the void was overwhelmed by the violent energy and turned directly into A chaotic battlefield, Jiang Chen was completely submerged in it, and he could not see his shadow from the outside, nor could he feel his breath.

The six masters have a full blow, even if it is a powerful enchanting, it will be tragic on the spot, and the dead **** will not be left.

"Haha, come on, 18 years later, my Jiang Chen is a hero."

Jiang Chen’s voice came from the energy center and alerted everyone.

"Jiang Chen."

Gu Xuantian shouted, trying to get rid of Shi Jietian to rescue, but was entangled in the death of Shi Jietian.

"An ancient mysterious heaven, your opponent is me, even if you go, today I still want to save the life of the kid."

Shi Yantian's face sneer, he and Gu Xuantian are the same characters, is one of the eight giants, he is not sure to defeat the ancient Xuantian, but the ancient Xuan Tian entangled or no problem.

In the wolf line, they were also entangled by their own opponents, and they could not even save their hands.

"Haha, Jiang Chen is dead."

The people of the six major groups laughed.

"Damn, totem print, give me strength."

The rhubarb dog ran away. He couldn’t watch Jiang Chen’s death like this. At this time, he saw the strong energy released by the six masters at the same time. The big yellow dog didn’t know if Jiang Chen had the ability to escape, but he would never Playing this bet, even if he is broken, he must rescue Jiang Chen from the energy center.


Just listening to the earth-shattering howl, the body of the rhubarb dog began to change, and the body shape doubled more than once. The dragon's horn flashed on the top of the head, and the totem of the totem was suspended above his head. At this moment, the big yellow dog also Completely violently gone.

"Rhubarb, don't."

Kong Yang exclaimed, the people of the Yaozu were alarmed. They saw the behavior of the big yellow dog. This guy actually burned the blood of his beast, in order to stimulate the totem of the totem and gain powerful power to save the river dust.

However, this kind of practice is too much harm to the rhubarb dog. It is likely to directly lose the blood of the beast and lose the totem of the totem.

"Rheum, don't shoot, don't disturb Laozi's plan."

At this moment, Jiang Chen’s voice suddenly spread to the ears of the big yellow dog. When he heard the words of the plan, the rhubarb dog was already ready to burn the blood. He stopped quickly, and the momentum on his body retreated like a tide. Totem The gods also entered the body again, and the majestic body instantly became the same.


The people of the Yaozu who saw this scene directly stunned. I don’t know what the dead dog is doing. I just had a look at all the big shots. The next moment was completely stopped. The demon people were in vain. Worried.

"The immortal slate, almost let the dog lord squandered, this bastard, he must give his **** to his bite."

The rhubarb dog said very unscrupulously, but the fear on his face disappeared completely. It seems that this is all within Jiang Chen’s plan. He was still depressed. Jiang Chen’s time was so bullied, standing It is not his style to let the six masters play there.

Now that I fully understand, Jiang Chen is indifferent to what he is trying to do, what to do with moths, but one thing is certain, that is, Jiang Chen has a means of life-saving, even if the siege of the six masters, he can not kill him.

In fact, Jiang Chen is so good to kill.


Under the eyes of countless double gaze, the space burst completely, and the sky was hit by a huge hole. The black hole was very scary, and countless sinister airflows flowed out from it. Its power is enough to destroy the earth.

The sky is still being smashed. It can be imagined that Jiang Chen, who is in the energy center, will be the result. I am afraid that even the **** to be beaten will not be left.

The smoke was rolling, the fire was transpiration, and the area was covered by smoke. Everyone held their breath, and the eyes stared at the area without waiting for the result.

Xiao Yuntian waved a big hand and made a stream of air to disperse all the smoke. The place where Jiang Chen was before was empty, except for the broken void, nothing left.

"do you died."

"It must be dead. Just how strong the blow was, the Scorpio was smashed, and Jiang Chen could not be alive."

"Haha, dead, the **** that was beaten is not left, and this mad madman finally got a retribution."


Upon seeing it, the per capita of the six major groups is uplifting. It is a very happy thing for them to see Jiang Chen being killed.

"damn it."

"Oh, the talent of Tianzhu, the genius of Jiang brother, it is a pity. If he does not die, the future achievements must be limitless."

"The sky is powerless. With our ancient and the demon, we can't save him."


The ancients and the demon people are all a painful color. Jiang Chen is dead. Undoubtedly, there is one less genius. They deplore, they are angry, but they can't change the facts. They must have worked hard.

Xiao Yuntian six people blocked the void, and God read in this space to sweep around the circle, did not find a trace of Jiang Chen's trace, and finally came to a conclusion, Jiang Chen completely died, died in the previous full blow under.

"Nothing is dead."

Danyang Tian is still not sure.

"It must be dead. It is impossible to escape in front of us. We have not found any trace of his escape. The blow just enough is enough to completely destroy him."

Xiao Yuntian said with great confidence.

"Let him die like this, it is really cheaper."

The elders of the Xiao family said coldly.

"Well, from then on, there is no such thing as Jiang Chen in the world. We will not lose a lot this time. It will take some time to recuperate after going back."

Bing Long Tian sighed, the soldiers should not be involved in this dispute, although it is said that the ultimate killing of Jiang Chen, removed the ills, but the loss of the soldiers can not be small.

"You guys, this old guy, teamed up to kill a junior, it's too shameless."

Gu Xuantian said that he thought of Jiang Chen’s death. He now has a feeling of heart-cutting, and he does not say that Jiang Chen is a husband of Wu Ningzhu. After he went back, he did not know how to explain it to Wu Ningzhu, just to say He himself, before the contact with Jiang Chen, also had a feeling of sympathy. Now that Jiang Chen is dead, how can he not feel sad.

It is a pity that the heartache is heartbroken and has not changed the fact that Jiang Chen was killed.

The wolf line is also a grief. He and Jiang Chen don't know each other for a long time. Jiang Chen is not even a member of their Yaozu, but after such a long period of contact, he has long treated Jiang Chen as a friend.

But today the ancient and the demon are also doing their best, and there is no way to save the situation.

"Hey, ancient Xuantian, Jiang Chen has long since died. It is impossible for both of you to protect him. From then on, there is no such thing as Jiang Chen."

Xiao Yuntian snorted and then left with the Xiao people directly.

Subsequently, the other five tribes are the same. With the tribes leaving, they have lost a lot this time. They have to go back to recuperate. Jiang Chen is dead. They don’t have to fight with the ancients and the demon. Since this time, Because of the relationship between Jiang Chen, the six major ethnic groups have suffered heavy losses, but the ancient and the demon people have grown stronger.

The people of the six major ethnic groups have left, leaving the people of the ancient and the Yaozu who are in the midst of being sad. Whether they are their high-level or the people below, this period of contact has already treated Jiang Chen as his own. Especially the ancient winds and Kongyang, Jiang Chen has a life-saving grace for them. Now they watched Jiang Chen’s tragic death, but they could do nothing. They could only watch, how painful the feeling was, just like losing a loved one. sad.

However, when these people were sad, they did not find that the most serious yellow dog that was supposed to be sad, but looked like a human being. It seems that there is nothing wrong with it. It seems that Jiang Chen’s death has no effect on him.

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