Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 964: What is wrong?

The ancient sky stunned and no longer cares about Xiao Tianwang’s gaze. He looked at the two men on the battlefield. Although he was super confident and strong on the surface, he still had no point in his heart, but since the gambling appointment has already set his ancient sky, Don't say much more

Inside the battlefield

"I have to admire your courage and your arrogance, I don’t know where your confidence comes from."

Xiao Yitang’s face ridicule

"My confidence, you will know right away."

Jiang Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense. The weather wave suddenly burst into the air and turned into a light and shadow. The opposite of Xiao Yitang’s impact, the time seemed to be still at this moment. It’s almost coming from Jiang Chen’s shot to Xiao Yitang. No time concept

"So fast"

Xiao Yitang secretly stunned and quickly put away the contempt for Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen’s fist burst into a red-gold light, and the air waves that are randomly shot out will cut the piece of the void. This punch is enough to smash a mountain.

Xiao Yitang’s reaction is also very fast, and the punch is also punched. This punch also collides with the fist of the Jiang Chen’s fist.


The powerful force shocked the ruined battlefield of this one-hundred-mile battlefield. Xiao Yitang felt that the energy that could not be resisted was shocked. Under this strong push, Xiao Yitang retreated more than a dozen feet. I can’t help but feel uncomfortable in the body.

On the other hand, Jiang Chen still keeps his fist and stands there.


Xiao Yitang exclaimed and couldn’t believe that all of this was repulsed by a second-level sage.

All the elders outside the battlefield were also shocked. The smile on Xiaotian’s face instantly solidified. With his eyesight, he could see how strong Jiang Chen was. How bad Xiao Yitang was. He knew too much that he was gambling about World War II. I must not dare to have the slightest scorn. In other words, the previous confrontation was not an accident.

"Haha good boy"

The ancient sky laughed and laughed. This scene seems to be too enjoyable. The faces of all the elders in the entire hall are also showing joy. If the law enforcement hall falls into the hands of the ancient temple, it’s so cool that it’s not good enough. Did not control the law enforcement hall

Tianpeng Wang is also amazed by Jiang Chen’s real awe

"Xiao Yitang, you are still a good one to pick me up, but it’s just a move."

Jiang Chen’s momentum is like a sharp knife. He can only pick up a trick in Xiao’s heart. It’s a shame for him.

"You don't want to smash the old dust, I just just tentatively attacked the raging sun."

Xiao Yitang did not dare to have the slightest scorn of Jiang Chen and Xiao Yan immediately played the most powerful combat skills. A round of red gold and strong sun, which was ten feet in size, was evolved by him. The whole battlefield was golden. The sizzling scent of the raging sun is everywhere

Even the river dust has been shrouded by the raging sun. The airflow overflowing from the raging sun is like a sharp knife. If it is replaced by ordinary people, these airflows can cut it.

"The war skills are good, but the people who display it will not waste time with you."

Jiang Chen does not put Xiao Yitang’s combat skills on his mind. This gap between the martial arts and his own Golden Dragon is not a little bit.


Jiang Chen’s arm slammed directly into the golden dragon’s seal, and the incomparable red golden dragon roared out and rushed toward the raging sun.

The fierce impact is like the battle between the wild beasts. The battlefields of the hundred miles are completely burned, but this is the battlefield under the shogunate of Xiao Tian. Even if it is chaotic energy, it will not leak out.

The huge yang was directly torn by Jinlong and torn into countless pieces. Xiao Yitang was once again hit by this devastating force and spurted three bloods in a row.

It’s another battle that has no suspense

Even if Xiao Yitang is the fourth-level sacred peak, the supreme master can't compete with Jiang Chen against the gap between genius and enchanting.

Xiao Tianwang’s face has been completely ugly. At this time, he can’t see it. So the ancient dust is far stronger than he imagined. It’s one of the enchanting geniuses he’ve seen in his life. It’s really scary

The faces of the ancient sky and the king of Tianpeng also showed a dignified color, but their eyes were more hot, especially the ancient sky. He seemed to be able to see the future of the ancient temple from Jiang Chen’s body.

Jiang Chen is not forgiving and does not want to waste time. He does not want to expose his own combat skills and cards too much. So he immediately took out the Tiansheng sword and threw it to Xiao Yitang with the thunder.

Xiao Yitang’s angry screaming is a shameful humiliation and his honour is irrelevant. If you let Xiao Tianwang lose the position of the lord of law enforcement, then he is guilty and will not be mixed in Xiao Dian.

At the moment, Xiao Yitang has completely retired, only able to use his eyes to kill.

Xiao Yitang’s hand has a golden fan. The fan radiates the incomparable brilliance. Under his control, it turns into a big fan like a shack that shields the entire battlefield.

This is a strong big holy soldier who was shown by Xiao Yitang to destructive power. I don’t know how powerful it is.


However, Xiao Yitang’s fan is of course horrible, but it is still not a level seven heavens. The sword has been merged with five pieces, although there are still two pieces that have not been found but are the general soldiers of Jiang Chen’s life. Can't compare with it

Not only is the single sacred sword itself tyrannical, but the most important thing is that Jiang Chen, who is using it, can instantly combine with the Tiansheng sword to achieve the perfect fusion.

Under the mad attack of Tianshengjian, Xiao Yitang’s big fan was like a paper paste, and he was found to be vulnerable in the second half.

The warrior was destroyed, Xiao Yitang was once again hit hard, and the chest was cracked open with a big mouth and blood rushing out.

"Do not"

Xiao Yitang uttered a sigh of relief. He and Jiang Chen had a total of three moves and only three moves. He is now completely at the end of the strong.

Xiao Yitang was beaten by Jiang Chen without any counterattack. At this moment, even half of his combat power could not be played under his serious injury. How is Jiang Chen’s opponent?

Jiang Chen did not give Xiao Yitang the opportunity to turn the Tiansheng sword into a sacred light and he went to the top of Xiao Yitang’s head.

Countless seeing light from the Tiansheng sword into a piece of sword net will cover Xiao Yitang to block the void of this piece, so Xiao Yitang avoids inevitable

An extremely dangerous atmosphere rises from the depths of Xiao Yitang's heart. It is the smell of death that he never felt. The deep fear instantly filled the heart.

The more people who are not afraid of life and death, the more they are afraid of death because of his life.

"Old dust to live"

Outside Xiao Tianwang shouted, he didn’t think that this ancient dust was tyrannical to this powerful Xiao Yitang. He did not support three moves in his hands. Now he’s going to be killed. How can he not be angry? But Xiao Dian’s The loss of a genius character is a great loss.

However, for Xiao Tianwang’s words, Jiang Chen simply pretended that he could not hear the fate of Xiao Yitang from the moment he started fighting with Xiao Yitang.


Accompanied by a fierce scream, Xiao Dian Tiancai Xiao Yitang was killed by Tian Shengjian as the two halves.

For a time, all the elders in the hall of the law enforcement hall were wide-eyed and couldn’t believe that the scene in front of them, especially those in Xiao Dian, was too big for them. They were very clear that Xiao Yitang’s strength was not the case. Xiao Tianwang Will not let him come over to fight against Jiang Chen.

Not only are they even the ancient sky at the moment, but they are on the spot. His expectations for Jiang Chen are already very high. But now it seems that he is still looking down on the genius of Jiang Chen. It’s just going to be against the sky. This is really true. Come to the treasure

Jiang Chen's slow management of the Tiansheng sword and then walked out of the battlefield and returned to the hall. His mouth overflowed with a smile and looked at Xiao Tianwang: "Xiao Tianwang, we should remember our bet."

All of Xiao Dian’s faces, including Xiao Tianwang’s face, have changed instantly. It’s hard to see that they were immersed in Jiang Chen’s enchanting and Xiao Yitang’s death. I ignored this. Now Jiang Chen reminded them to think of it.

This is really big.

Xiao Tianwang is very reluctant to believe in a fact, but he also has to admit that he has been played by Jiang Chen, the old guy who has lived for hundreds of years, and the pinnacle of the Shengyuan continent has been played by a kid. Is an endless shame

Xiao Tianwang is not a fool. How can he not see that he has entered the trap of Jiang Chen today? Jiang Chen took the initiative to ask for a battle against Xiao Dian. Any four-level grand priest began to set himself up and he was very well-behaved. There is an impulse to spurt

"Haha Xiao Tianwang, the position of the Lord of the Law Enforcement Hall, I am just disrespectful. I have been coveting this position for a long time."

The ancient sky is afraid that Xiao Tianwang is not dead. He has a knife to make up his knife. He doesn’t want to mention how cool it is. The ancient temple has never been so proud of it today.

Male Gobi

Xiao Tianwang only felt that the chest was a little sullen, and the 100,000 head mud horses were running wildly.

[Today's friend is getting married late]

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