Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 974: Strong return [one more]

"The degree of shamelessness of your six major ethnic groups is more and more amazing. Before they joined forces to kill Jiang Chen, they have been shameless for the people of the world. Today, they have to be a junior in the public, and their faces are so generous."

The wolf line also said aloud that they were not familiar with Han Yan, and even the first time they met, but Han Yan’s actions were admirable, and they were eager to join the world. Such feelings, I can ask a few people in the world to do it, and, Han Yan has a strong ancient blood of the gods, it is a tyrannical existence than the average god, is a true supreme genius, and the blood is completely awakened, then It is the great devil of the world, the degree of strength is unimaginable.

This point can be seen from the killing of so many masters of the six major groups. Although there are only four great saints in the cold, the general five-level grand saint is not his opponent at all, not at all on a level, even if it is right. On the general six-level grand priest, it is all the power of a battle. Even if you can't beat it, there is no problem in escaping. However, all the six sacred priests of the six nationalities are all out, and Han Yan is even a great skill. It was difficult to escape the wings and was captured on the spot. After all, he did not have the space and the blazing flames like Jiang Chen.

"Wolf the sky, put your mother's shit, you are standing and talking, no pain, if you are a demon lost so many geniuses and elders, so many great masters, I am afraid you will not stand here to say cool words It is."

Nalan long day screamed at the wolf.

"The ancient mysterious heaven, the wolf is going to heaven, I said that you two are sick. That Jiang Chen is already dead. What is the significance of those who shelter him? Even if you use your heart again, Jiang Chen will not die. And resurrection brings you benefits, why bother."

"That is, Jiang Chen is indeed a generation of talents. Even the little devil in front of him is a rare genius, but the devil is the devil, everyone is stunned, Jiang Chen is also the devil, killing the madman, they are against us. The final end is only one, that is, death, the six major tribes are often provocative, if you do not kill them, how to defend our majesty."

Danyang Tianhe and Shi Langtian also said that it is not unreasonable to say that they are saying that they must be furious when they lose so much.

Since Jiang Chen collided with them in the space triangle, the six nationalities have not been peaceful. In the ancient battlefield sites, Jiang Chen brought great losses to them. I did not expect Jiang Chen to die for more than a month. Then, a madman emerged, and the six major tribes were restless, and the six nationalities were not angry.

"You don't have to talk nonsense with them, the afternoon is coming. It's too late to be the madman. We are all here. It is impossible for the ancients and the demon to save him."

Xiao Yuntian’s face is hazy, and Ling’s determination has been fixed. The reason why they are here today is to prevent the ancients and the demon from shooting. In other words, killing a cold is not necessary. The laborers are moving, they are here, just to suppress.

"Hey, the afternoon is coming, and if the little dust can't come back, Ah Yan is really dangerous."

Wu Ningzhu is extremely uneasy, and has already been rushed to break. If Han Yan has something to do, the blow to Jiang Chen is really too great.

"The old brother, even if Jiang Chen arrived in time, with his cultivation, I am afraid that not only can I not save the cold, but I will bring myself in again."

The wolf said with concern.

"Wool brothers don't have to worry, the ancient temple has already sent a letter to me, saying that Jiang Chen is not the same as before. If he returns, no one is his opponent in the whole pure land."

Gu Xuantian said that this news was personally passed to him by the ancient sky, and there must be no leave.

"Jiang Chen is really a horror. He went to the Shengyuan Temple for more than a month. For Dasheng, one month is really not a time. What big progress is needed in a month, almost Impossible, I am afraid that only Jiang Chen, the best enchanting, can do it."

The wolf is stunned. He has never dared to look down on Jiang Chen, but after hearing the news, the wolf knows that he still looks down on Jiang Chen.

"Little dust, you are coming back soon."

Wu Ningzhu is almost unable to stand, and it seems that the hour is coming, the six majors will certainly not let go of the cold, the situation in front of us, the ancients and the Yaozu even if all shots, can not save the cold.

"Don't worry, if it doesn't work, you will take it for yourself and delay some time."

In the eyes of Gu Xuantian, there are two brilliant sacred eyes. Today, no matter whether he can save the cold, he has to do his best. Some things are unsuccessful and not done. It is two concepts, even if the last death is dead. His ancient Xuantian shot, and will not be guilty of Jiang Chen, if you look at the cold Yan was overdue, Mo said that Jiang Chen will anger them, even their own, can not pass the heart of the hurdle.


Wu Ningzhu nodded. In the current situation, it is useless to worry. Gu Xuantian promised to take a shot and let her feel a little more relieved. But today, the situation still needs Jiang Chen to appear.

In the past ten minutes and a second, the scenes of the whole people are extremely quiet, the atmosphere is abnormally suppressed, the cold Yan is bound by the big chain, and the face of Gujing’s waveless eyes does not see the slightest fear.

"The patriarch, the hour is coming."

Someone spoke up.

"Well, I’m going to die."

Xiao Yuntian said with a blank expression.

Around Han Yan, a six-level Dasheng face is covered with haze, and his hand has a long sword, a sharp sword, slowly approaching the cold.

"Kid, what you do, you have to pay for it yourself. Do you say that I am cutting you a thousand knives or ten thousand knives?"

The six-level grand priest asked with a sneer.

"I am afraid that I will not kill me if I have 10,000 knives. I advise you to kill them directly. Otherwise, I will not kill me at the end, but I will exhaust you. If you lose, you will lose."

Han Yan smiled at the six-level grand priest and looked at him. The feeling of sorrow was not severely tortured, but it was tickling.

"Sure enough, the dead duck's mouth is hard, and all of them die. It's still so sharp. You can rest assured that I won't let you die so easily. I will cut you slowly and cut you into pieces." Cut your body first, then cut your soul, and let you die under endless pain and suffering."

The six-level great singer gnawed his teeth, and he hated the cold. He hated to let Han Yan die immediately, because one of the people killed by Han Yan was his grandson who was proud of him.

"Old man, nonsense said enough, no, come kill, kill, 18 years later, Laozi is a hero."

Han Yan took a sip of the six-level grand priest, and the man was **** and never bowed.

"I hope you don't call it out for a while."

The six-level Great St. bite his teeth, and immediately raised his sword. The sword made a harsh squeaking sound, and a sharp sword smuggled, ready to cut against the cold.


At this moment, there was a roaring sound suddenly in the void. When everyone looked at it, they saw a figure walking out of the void and coming to the sky with a blink of an eye. The comer seemed to be twenty years old. A white dress wins the snow, the black hair dances with the wind, and a pair of scorpions are as bright as a star. It is like an abyss. It stands like a mountain. It feels an invisible pressure.

And when everyone saw the appearance of this young man, all of them exclaimed, and the crowd immediately burst into a storm, just like a bomb suddenly burst open.

"Jiang Chen, what happened? He is not dead, how come again."

"It is impossible. On the same day, our joint shot has already destroyed his form. He can't live still. How is this possible?"

"What a joke, the dead person actually came alive again. How did this guy escape? When we were imprisoned on the day, he had no chance to escape."


All the masters of the six major groups were shocked, especially the Xiao Yuntian who personally shot against Jiang Chen on the same day. Once again, they saw Jiang Chen, just like seeing ghosts, they could not accept this reality.

"Oh my God, Jiang Chen didn't even die. We all thought he was dead. This guy's life is too big."

"It’s a miracle. Under that circumstances, I can survive, and I have passed all the people. Everyone thought that he was dead. You found that there was no, Jiang Chen disappeared for more than a month, and it became stronger. I didn’t know how strong it was when I first came out of the ancient battlefield site."

"Haha, Jiang Chen is not dead, the six major families are busy."


The people of the ancient and the Yaozu once again saw Jiang Chen, and all of them cheered up, especially those who had been treated by Jiang Chen and even saved by Jiang Chen. These days, because of Jiang Chen’s death, my heart The face has always been stunned, sad, but did not expect Jiang Chen to stand up intact, they are naturally cheering.

Wu Ningzhu smiled. She knew that Jiang Chen had appeared, and Han Yan had been saved. No one can kill Han Yan in the face of Jiang Chen. This kind of thing will never happen.

"Little dust, you are not dead by his mother."

Seeing that Jiang Chen appeared at a critical moment, Han Yan was directly crying and laughing. He was so happy that he cried. After coming out of the ancient battlefield, he heard that Jiang Chen’s tragic death, Han Yan’s grief, and these days have been spent in the dark. It became a madman of killing. Now, seeing the emergence of Jiang Chen, all the darkness and haze are swept away.

"You are stupid, you don't know the skill of Lao Tzu, they can kill me."

Jiang Chen snorted at the cold, although it was in the embarrassment, but the deep brotherhood, anyone can feel it.

Immediately, Jiang Chen looked at the old man who took the sword to Han Yan, and said coldly: "You dare to move him, I will let you stop, and destroy you."

[Celebrate the 137575 brothers to become the eighth leader of the dragon pattern, today four more,] the book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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