Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 978: The end of the six races (below)


The sky collapsed, and the void was completely broken. This time, Xiao Yuntian couldn’t resist it anymore. The big knife in his hand was off, instead, he even screamed with him, and spit out blood in his mouth, even with a big knife. The palms of the hands were directly shattered.


At the same time, under the violent rush of Jiang Chen, the comprehensive array of the celestial world could no longer support it, and it was smashed by the smashing of the big squad. Many six-level sacred spurts of blood and were extremely severe. The shock.

"How could this be."

"Is this **** still a human being? The squad has been broken by him. Damn, we are all injured now. It is not his opponent to fight alone."

"What to do, hurry to send a distress signal to the Holy Yuan Temple. Otherwise, today is the end of our six major families."


Everyone's face changed greatly, even the patriarchs exclaimed. Some patriarchs thought of asking for help from Shengyuandan. Jiang Chen was too horrible. At this time, I am afraid that only the masters of the Shengyuan Temple will be able to show up personally. Killing Jiang Chen and alleviating the crisis of the six major ethnic groups.

However, it is only the patriarch who has the power to ask for help from the Holy Yuan Temple. Therefore, the patriarchs of the six major ethnic groups are not afraid to neglect, and one by one begins to take out special letters.

"Haha, would you like to ask for help from the Temple of the Holy Spirit? I will not give you a chance."

Jiang Chen laughed happily. He looked at it all in the eyes. How can he not know what the patriarchs of the six nationalities want to do? He can give the other party a chance to send a rescuer. The battle has already been done like this. He must give six The heavy blow of the big family.


The five elements of the field were spread out. At the same time, Jiang Chen also sacrificed the Zulong Tower, the huge Zulong Tower, the golden transparency, and the perfect combination of the five elements, and instantly shrouded this piece of void. All the six senior masters on the battlefield were all enveloped, with one exception.

"Where is this place, a strong and powerful field, it has merged into five fields, and it seems that it is in a treasure space, are we imprisoned?"

"Damn, this **** doesn't know what means to completely block the space here. It has become a closed space. Our message has lost its effect, and there is no way to pass the message to the temple."

"Well, this madman wants to kill us all in it. It is so fierce. Now it is completely sealed. We can't get out, the information can't be sent out. The masters of the Holy Yuan Temple can't come, the six majors can't. Do you want to face extinction?"


At the moment when Jiang Chen was completely sealed, including the six patriarchs, everyone felt deep fear, despair, tension, and all the negative emotions that had never been seen before. Jiang Chen used powerful The strength has shattered their confidence. They have even lost the courage and fighting spirit of fighting with Jiang Chen. Dozens of six-level grand priests are not the Jiang Chen opponents, but not so much now. Scattered.

People outside the battlefield have been stunned. This has changed too quickly. The masters of the six major races have also lost too fast. They are not the people of the Six Nationalities. Even the ancient Xuantian and the wolf days have not responded. Come, at this moment, although everyone is trapped in the Zulong Tower, people outside can still clearly see the situation inside.

"He shouldn't kill all of these people."

The King of the Leopard said a little unbelievable.

"The Leopard brother thought he didn't have such guts."

Gu Xuantian smiled. He knew too much about Jiang Chen. This kind of person is absolutely incapable. Once it is provoked, the consequences are absolutely terrible. What the six major people have done today has touched the bottom line of Jiang Chen. They want Ling Chi Han Yan, it is equal to self-digging graves.

"The world is going to be a mess."

The wolf is very sorrowful. He had expected that there would be a lot of chaos in the world, but he did not expect that it would come so fast this day.

Inside the ancestral tower, Jiang Chen’s face was cold, and the Tiansheng sword in his hand burst into inexhaustible murder. Under the murderous murder, everyone’s heart was covered with a haze.

"Jiang Chen, you dare to kill us, do you know the consequences of this?"

Nalan is drinking for a long time.


Jiang Chen said two words that were very short-answered.

"If you know, then let us go. Otherwise, your ending will be over."

Shi Yantian also shouted.

"I really admire your courage and IQ. At this time, I dare to speak out and threaten me. I will not know if I will be robbed, but you will soon be ruined."

Jiang Chen said that the whole person turned into a light and shadow and rushed out. The Tiansheng sword smashed a six-level sacred priest. The six-level sacred scream only issued a scream, and was smashed into two halves by Jiang Chen on the spot.

Dealing with the general six-level grand priest, even if the dragon is not used, Jiang Chen can kill, not to mention that he is now in a state of change, plus these people are suffering from light or heavy injuries, even at the patriarchal level. The sixth-level peak master is also killed by Jiang Chen.

Ah, ah...

Then, Jiang Chen began a **** killing. Every sword was thrown out, and there was a scream of screaming. No one could resist him. The sixth-level sacred sacred into the ancestral tower and the five elements, that is In the middle of the battle, Jiang Chen kills as easy as cutting vegetables and cutting vegetables.

The outsiders watched the horror, this is a unilateral massacre. If there is no accident, all the six great saints in the ancestral tower will be tragic. It is hard to imagine that if the pure land died these people, what would it be? In this case, it is affirmative to disturb the Shengyuan Hall. From the moment when Jiang Chen kills people, it is already the beginning of chaos.

No one can imagine the consequences of this war, the world shakes.

Gu Xuantian and Wolves are still standing on the side of Jiang Chen, but when they see such a battlefield, they are also scared. They are the most powerful existence of the Pure Land. They are the pinnacles here. They never thought about a Six. The level of the great saint can be weak to this extent.

Ah, ah...

The killing is still going on. Jiang Chen did not intend to show mercy. The entire Zulong Pagoda was a miserable scene. Those high-level presences on weekdays turned into lambs to be slaughtered at the moment, completely losing their resistance.

However, after Jiang Chen murdered, he immediately threw the body out of the Zulong Tower. Otherwise, the Zulong Tower would automatically absorb their essence and bring serious consequences to Jiang Chen.

Han Yan is located on the second floor of the Zulong Tower, not in the battlefield, but he clearly sees the battlefield below, and sees Jiang Chen, who has grown up completely, and then thinks that they were in the first time in Qizhou Rotary City. The scene of the meeting is just like the world, Jiang Chen's growth rate, so that his life and death brothers feel unprepared.

"Don't sit still, attack the barriers here, tear a hole out, just tear open the mouth, and with our control of the power of space, we can escape."

Nalan long shouted, now, Jiang Chen is a demon king, a bloodthirsty demon, a **** of killing, a **** of the gods, the confrontation is definitely not able to fight, the only chance to escape is to close this The space torn open a hole.

But unfortunately, they don’t understand the Zulongta at all. How strong the Zulong Tower is, even if they are exhausted, they will come in and want to rush out. In fact, even if there is no Zulong Tower, the five elements of the field alone, It is enough for them.


Jiang Chen’s body swayed and came to Nalan’s long day, and a pair of cold scorpions stared at him with a slap in the face.

"Jiang Chen, you, what are you doing?"

Nalan’s face changed a lot, yes, his first fear in his life, it was a deep fear, Jiang Chen stood in front of him, let him feel the strong death atmosphere, yes, that is death the taste of.

"What do you do, you should be very clear, I have already told you that I have offended me, that is your nightmare. Now, the nightmare is coming."

Jiang Chen said, Tian Shengjian slammed into Nalan’s long chest and pierced him. The sharp swords ruthlessly raged in him. Nalan felt that his vitality was fast. Loss, he was completely desperate.


Jiang Chen took out the long sword and threw down the body of Nalan Changtian. He left a whole body for the patriarch of Nalan Changtian. It was already very good.

"The patriarch."

"Do not……"


Everyone in the Nalan was smashed up, and some people rushed to catch the body of Nalan’s long day. Countless Nalan people were full of despair. At this moment, they felt that the sky had fallen, and they had been in them all the time. In the heart, Nalan’s long days are the existence of the gods. They are high above, inviolable, and omnipotent.

Today, the gods in their hearts have fallen, and that kind of blow is something that ordinary people cannot imagine and bear.

For the past few years, the first patriarch was degraded and died under the sword of Jiang Chen. This is a very tragic scene. This is a historic moment.

"Jiang Chen, you are finished, you dare to kill the patriarch, you are a crazy madman, no one in the world can save you."

The fire tyrants are all under the flames, and he is screaming at Jiang Chen.

"Think about how to save yourself first. Nalan is only the first one, but it is definitely not the last one. Today, all of you have to die. All the patriarchs of the six nationalities are on the road. You also have a companion. It is not lonely. I will leave you the whole body, which is the biggest feeling I have left."

Jiang Chen has also been red-eyed. He is fast to the extreme, and the blazing flames and space are matched. The opponent can't see his shadow even.


Firefighter only felt that his body was shocked. When he looked down, he saw a sharp and dazzling sword piercing his body. The breath of death instantly enveloped him.

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