Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 985: shameless

"I am going to Dongda 6 immediately, and all the people in the holy Wu Dynasty who are related to Jiang Chen are arrested. ╞┝╞┞╪┟┝═[<.c[om"

Xiao Dian eight-level Dasheng directly issued an order. This situation is exactly the same as Jiang Chen expected. Jiang Chen had long thought that if the masters of the six halls could not find their own words, they would not be willing to give up and would be angry. Transfer to your family and friends, and use it as a trick to lead yourself to appear.

However, the masters of the six halls are destined to be disappointed, because Jiang Chen has already prepared for it. Today, the Shengwu Dynasty, not to mention finding a person related to Jiang Chen, the entire dynasty disappeared out of thin air.

The six great elders who were sent to Dongda 6 rushed past, but soon they were very depressed.

"what happened?"

Xiao Dian master asked Emei.

"Elders, that Jiang Chen seems to be ready, the entire holy dynasty has disappeared out of thin air, and even the buildings disappeared together, which directly turned into an open space."

"Fortunately, the same is true. There is no sect in the sect of the sect. There is no root hair. All of them disappear. It seems that they have never appeared. It seems that Jiang Chen has already anticipated this and is fully prepared."

Someone said with great anger.

"This is a thoughtful, courageous, and will be a big problem in the future."

The master of the fire palace could not help but sigh, everyone deeply felt the horrible of Jiang Chen, the horrible of Jiang Chen, not only his talent and strength, but also his wise wisdom, basically everything is under control. I never leave a tail to do things, and I won’t give my opponent a chance to marry me.

Such a person is undoubtedly very terrible. He has almost no weaknesses. It is hard to add to him.

"Elders, the holy Wu dynasty and the nebula have certainly been moved to the ancients. In my opinion, let's go directly to the ancient dignitaries. Hehe."

A five-level elder of the Xiao family said.

"This is not very good. After all, our goal is Jiang Chen, not his family. If Jiang Chen himself stays with the ancients, then we can break through the threshold of the ancients, but now we are going to the ancients just to Dealing with Jiang Chen’s family and friends, those mortals who are relative to us are not good in the majesty of our six halls.”

A master of the soldiers shook his head.

"If you can't manage it so much, you must take Jiang Chen out and get rid of it. Such a person must not give him too many opportunities for growth."

Xiao Dian shook his head and then flew away directly toward the ancients. The other five masters followed the past. They all knew the stakes and knew how the existence of Jiang Chen was a potentially great threat.

Now Jiang Chen escapes without a trace, even if they use the technique of deduction, they can't find the trace of Jiang Chen. At this time, if you want to kill Jiang Chen, you can only start from Jiang Chen's family. No matter what, always go. The ancients took a look.

The ancient nationality is vast, even if it is a sacred dynasty and a nebula, it still does not appear crowded. At this moment, the sacred dynasty and the nebula's buildings are covered with a layer of light and shadow, which is powerful. The array method directly protected it. Gu Xuantian knew the importance of the Shengwu Dynasty to Jiang Chen, so he did not dare to have a slight scorn.


In the clear skies, the void suddenly burst into a big mouth. Outside the ancients, many tyrannical supreme masters came out of the void. Each of these people was a powerful master, and the breath of the body was free. People have a feeling of horror.

"Look, these people are so powerful. They should be the supreme masters of the Six Great Groups who came back from the Holy Yuan Temple. They should come for Jiang Chen."

"Jiang Chen is not in our ancient family at all, and they are useless."

"You are stupid, Jiang Chen killed so many masters of the six major groups, even the patriarchs have killed, this is such a shameful shame, Jiang Chen is not in the ancients, but Jiang Chen's family and friends are here, I guess the six major ethnic groups The master may be for the Jiang Chen family, it is really a little face, no way to kill Jiang Chen, take Jiang Chen's loved ones threat, it is simply the face of the six nationalities. ”

"Yes, if they came for the people of the holy dynasty and the nebula, it would be too shameless, but our ancients are now returning from the Holy Yuan Temple with several powerful characters, and the masters of the six majors are not Dare to run rampant here."


The arrival of the masters of the six major ethnic groups immediately aroused the attention of the ancients. Many disciples of the ancient tribes saw them for the first time and began to talk. Many people have already guessed the intention of the six great masters. They couldn't find Jiang Chen, and they came to Jiang Chen's family as a threat.

"An ancient mysterious sky, come out."

The leader of Xiao Dian shouted at the ancients.

Immediately, all the high-ranking high-rises of the ancients flew out, but the leader is no longer the ancient Xuantian, but the seven old-fashioned old men. These four old men are extremely tyrannical, and the casual atmosphere is Feeling the great oppressive force, they are the masters of the ancient temple, the cultivation of the eight-level great saint.

"Who is outside my ancient family?"

When the old man first, the tone was deep and the speech was unceremonious.

"Ancient Seven, I didn't expect you to come back."

The people of the Six Nationalities saw that the Xiao people suddenly appeared in several masters of the Shengyuan Temple. It was also obvious, but it was normal to think about it. After all, the ancients were famous and Jiang Chen was applauded. The news here spread to the ancient temple. After that, it is not surprising that the ancient sky sent a master to come back to the town.

This person ranks the old seven among his peers, and is also the seven elders inside the ancient temple. Therefore, he has the title of the ancient seven.

"Who am I? It turned out to be you, Xiao Wuling. Is it only that you are allowed to come back? I will not allow me to come back. The ancients are the foundation of our ancient temple. When will you come back when you want to come back? The Xiao people ask for it, and now the law enforcement hall is controlled by our ancients. The Shengyuan Temple stipulates that the Eight Greats are not allowed to return to the Pure Land and disturb the peace of the Pure Land. You are so many people today, and you are angry.闯Our ancients, this seat must be a statement, you ignore the rules of the Holy Yuan Temple, and when you go back, I will report to the Lord, and let you go to the law enforcement hall to be punished."

The ancient seven speak very strong, and the face is not given to the other party. When you come up, you will give each other a word in the words.

The ancient seven said that the other side almost had a feeling of fainting, because the ancient seven said yes, their current practice is indeed a violation of the provisions of the Holy Yuan Temple. According to the rules, the law enforcement hall has the right to punish them. What makes them even more depressed is that the law enforcement hall is now controlled by the ancients because of a guy named Gu Chen.

"The ancient seven, we come here today, you must know what is happening, then Jiang Chen killed so many of our six ethnic masters, but also killed the patriarchs of the six major ethnic groups, so mad, unremarkable behavior, our six major must Get back a fair, kill it, your ancients and Jiang Chen applaud, this seat guesses that Jiang Chen may be hidden in your ancients, as long as you hand over Jiang Chen, we will leave immediately."

Xiao Wufang said, in his opinion, the reason why they did not find the trace of Jiang Chen before, it is likely that Jiang Chen is hidden in the ancients, the ancient seven may have a way to hide the breath of Jiang Chen, of course, this is only their guess.

"Jiang Chen is not in the ancient tribe, go back."

Gu Xuantian said openly.

"We don't believe it, let's go in and search."

The master of the fire hall said.

"Let's relax, here is the ancients, you want to search and search, Jiang Chen is not in the ancients, that is not in the ancients."

A master of the ancient temple suddenly did not do it, joking, if you let them go in and search casually, the face of the ancients should not be.

"Since Jiang Chen is not there, please hand over Jiang Chen's family. This is the grudge between our six ethnic groups and Jiang Chen. I hope that you will not be involved in the ancients."

A master of Nalan Temple said that they did not jointly promote the location of Jiang Chen. It seems that the ancients did not lie. Jiang Chen may not really be here, otherwise they will not be able to play the specific position of Jiang Chen. It is also possible to derive a general orientation.

Since Jiang Chen is not there, then I will straighten out and see the purpose of their coming.

"Haha, Xiao Wuling, you guys in this group of old guys still have to be shameless, even to pay attention to the family members, there is a kind of you to find Jiang Chen revenge, in your identity, but with a few mortal threats, really Don't you want to face it?"

The ancient seven immediately laughed and joked. They were sent back by the ancient sky. The most important purpose was to protect Jiang Chen’s family.

"Hey! I don't talk nonsense. If you don't hand it out, we can shoot it directly."

The master of the fire hall snorted.

"Then you will try to give it a try. Our ancient people can't provoke you. You are here to shoot, that is to provoke competition between the eight major races. What are the consequences?"

Someone shouted and **** for tat.

"Yes, the people of the six major ethnic groups are too shameless. They can't find the threat of their own relatives, so disgusting to do, the world is not shameful."

At this time, a voice rang from a distance, and it was seen that three powerful eight-level sacred priests appeared. They acted casually, and all of them shed the enchantment of the sky. The demon gas almost condensed into substance, and the powerful people Do not dare to face up.

"Mom, the people of the demon hall are also involved."

Xiao Wuling couldn't help but screamed. It seems that it is impossible to get away Jiang Chen's family today. Let's not say that this practice is not good for them. There are so many eight in the ancient temple and the demon hall. They are eager to learn.

The masters of the six major groups did not expect that the ancient temple and the demon temple were also returned. They originally thought about coming to the ancients, forcibly shot and took Jiang Chen and his family directly. Now it seems that the ancient temple and the demon temple have been prepared.

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