Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 987: Identity doubt

Jiang Chen's eyebrows, this person's gaze makes him feel extremely uncomfortable, but he can be sure that he has not seen this person, the master of Xiao Dian, he has seen Xiao Tianwang and several of the law enforcement hall, the rest Have never seen it.

"Small beast, you are here."

Xiao Wuling instantly burst into flames, and a big hand like a sky rushed directly toward Jiang Chen. This scene suddenly alerted everyone.


A big drink came from the ancient temple. The eight-level master of the ancient temple also attacked and collided with Xiao Wuling’s attack. In the void, a storm broke out. From the beginning to the end, Jiang Chen’s face was not half a point. Change, even the steps at the foot have not become slow, and the self-confidence that comes from the depths of the heart is simply disguised.

Today, the law enforcement hall drums sounded, originally intended to aid the Western Regions, but did not expect such a change, many people's eyes are looking at Xiao Wuling, the face of the ancient temple has emerged anger, to Xiao Wuling The identity, even shot a sneak attack on a younger generation, it is too shameful.

In the eyes of outsiders, Xiao Wuling’s shot against Jiang Chen is definitely because of the resentment of the law enforcement temple, because Jiang Chen killed the genius of Xiao Dian and let Xiao Tian Wang lose the position of the main lord.

But even if you hate Jiang Chen again, you can't ignore it. In front of so many people, a highly respected elder of the eight-level grand priest, who is going to deal with a third-level grand priest, is too shameful. It’s too shameful.

"Xiao Wuling, you are sick of his mother, why suddenly shot the genius of my ancient temple."

The elders who shot the ancient temple screamed, and Xiao Dian was too mad. Not to mention that the current law enforcement hall is not controlled by Xiao Dian. Even if it is, it cannot be so mad at their genius.

"This seat feels a familiar atmosphere from his body. He is not an ancient dust. He is Jiang Chen, the Jiang Chen who killed the six ethnic clan."

Xiao Wuling said loudly.

A word became a stone, and instantly stirred up a thousand layers of waves. Xiao Wu’s voice fell, everyone was shocked, and the incredible look at Jiang Chen, especially the six halls, looked at Jiang Chen’s eyes and changed. There is a lot of killing, but there are also many people wondering. Although both Gu Chen and Jiang Chen are called dust, they can’t represent the same person. It’s really unbelievable that Xiao Wuling’s words are not based on unfounded words. As everyone knows, Xiao Dian is enemies with the ancient dust, and he can't wait to eat the ancient dust. Xiao Wuling will inevitably not use this way to frame the ancient dust.

"Haha, it’s so funny, Xiao Wuling, even if you Xiao Dian hate the ancient dust, but you should also find a better excuse, the ancient dust has been practicing in the ancient temple these days, never left half a step, how could Jiang Chen has a relationship. Isn’t the genius in the world called Jiang Chen’s ignorance, this seat knows that your Xiao Temple’s loss of the law enforcement hall is very uncomfortable, but you also have to be self-confident, an eight-level grand priest is open to my genius. Shooting the killer, but also swearing, this seat can be enforced in accordance with the rules of the law enforcement temple."

The ancient sky was laughing, he didn't think that things would happen like this. It can be seen from his thinking that it is definitely Jiang Chen's legacy on the battlefield, so Xiao Xiaoling gave it to him, and the ancient Dust, although it changed its appearance, but its own breath has not changed greatly, so Xiao Wuling sees it is normal.

However, the ancient sky is the master of the law enforcement hall, and it is the giant of the ancient temple. Naturally, it is impossible for Jiang Chen to reveal his identity. Otherwise, the masters of the six halls in the room may have to shoot Jiang Chen. You must know that Jiang Chen is The things that the pure land does are enough to make the six halls desperate.

Fortunately, there is an inconsistible contradiction between Jiang Chen and Xiao Dian. Because of the law enforcement temple, Xiao Tianwang lost the position of the law enforcement hall and let Xiao Dian face the face. Everyone knows that there is no evidence. In the case of Xiao Wuling's approach to Jiang Chen, that is to make up an excuse to revenge.

"You are sure that you have not read it wrong."

Xiao Tianwang did not pay attention to the ancient sky, but looked at Xiao Wuling.

Xiao Wuling frowned, in fact, his heart is not so sure, because when he rushed to the battlefield, the battle has ended for a long time, and the breath left by Jiang Chen is only a very weak one, and Jiang Dust and ancient dust are the kind of geniuses of the enchanting level. There is a breath of the same atmosphere on the body, and it is also extremely strange to see the old dust at the moment. Plus the old dust does not change, and my heart is innocent. Let him be more uncertain.

We must know that if Jiang Chen is at such an age, if the ancient dust is Jiang Chen, once the identity is removed, it will definitely be swaying, and the performance is extremely unnatural, but the ancient dust in front of you is calm and calm from the beginning to the present. Calmness is definitely not disguised.

Another point is that if Jiang Chen is hidden in the Shengyuan Temple, they will not be able to deduct them all these days.

"Xiao elders, I see you, you have a good look at it, and the six halls go back to the pure land of the elders to have a good look, see if I and Jiang Chen are the same person, if you are filthy, I can not do it. ”

Jiang Chen is tit-for-tat.

In addition to the people of Xiao Dian, the other five halls also returned a lot of people before, and they carefully looked at the ancient dust in front of them. However, the atmosphere they collected from Jiang Chen was very weak, and they could not be induced from Jiang Chen’s body. To what.

In fact, Jiang Chen’s secret operation of the Zulong Tower at this moment has begun to change his breath, and they naturally cannot see it.

"I suspect that he is Jiang Chen, and it is valid."

Xiao Wufang said.

"Oh, I don't know what Xiao Elder has."

Jiang Chen looked at Xiao Wuling with interest.

"If this seat is not mistaken, your current cultivation is supposed to be a three-level grand priest. Jiang Chen is also a third-level grand priest. When you are in the second-level sacred, you kill the four-level sage of our family. The genius of the level, that Jiang Chen is killing the seven-level elders of the seven-level grandfather with the repair of the third-level great saint. This is so enchanting against the heavens. It is impossible for him to appear at the same time between the heavens and the earth. Also, this seat has investigated. You and your identity, you came to the ancient temple as the ancient Xuan Tianzi, the ancients have never had the ancient dust of this person, suddenly there is a righteous son, just like the Jiang Chen and the ancients are closely related, It really makes people have to think more."

Xiao Wufang said, it can be seen that since the last law enforcement hall incident, Xiao Dian did not investigate the ancient dust.

I have to say that Xiao Wu’s words are still very influential, and I don’t say that the ancient dust suddenly emerged from the ancients. It’s really because the ancient dust and the river dust are too against the sky. At the same time, there are two, and the intimate relationship between Jiang Chen and the ancients makes people have to think more.

"Jokes, Xiao Wuling, is this what you call evidence? Everything is just speculation. You are so rude to the genius of my ancient temple as the elder of Xiao Dian. This thing will not be a good rest. These days, the ancient dust has always been There is no going out in the ancient temple. There is no chance to kill the patriarchs of the six major ethnic groups. This seat is now to punish your filth as the lord of the law enforcement temple."

The ancient sky is so shocking that it seems to be directly directed at Xiao Wuling. The ancient sky is very strong. He is now the identity of the lord of the law enforcement temple. He also has a strong capital. He knows clearly that Jiang Chen is ancient. Dust, the ancient dust is Jiang Chen, but as long as Xiao Wuling can't get evidence, you are filthy, and filth is going to punish.

"Guo brother, give me a face, now the Western Region is in chaos, the enemy is currently, let's not be chaotic, and it is imperative to go to the Western Region."

Xiao Tianwang spoke up. God knows how depressed and wrongful he is when he says this. The position of the ancient sky is now his own. If the position of the lord of the law enforcement hall is still his, directly I will take the old dust and torture it, but now that it is in the hands of others, it can only bow.

"Well, I will give you a face. I know that you are not convinced by the loss of the law enforcement hall, but you should not plant a blame. I can't bully the ancient temple."

The ancient sky looked coldly at Xiao Tianwang, and his heart was simply unspeakable. He didn’t know how many times he dreamed.

Xiao Wuling still wants to say something, but he is stunned by Xiao Tianwang's eyes.

The ancient sky looked at the square, and the people who saw the Eight Great Halls came almost. They said, "I believe that the big chaos in the Western Region has been heard. The drums are ringing, it represents the war, the history of the Holy Land. On the other hand, the battles between us and the Mozu were too many. Now the resurrection of the Mozu is revived, and the war is coming. The Western Region has become the main battlefield. The sorghum of the Great Leiyin Temple is almost unable to support it. This is for you young. For people, it is also a rare opportunity to experience all the space channels connecting the Pure Land to the Eight Halls."

The ancient sky is very loud and extremely penetrating. As his voice falls, another battle between the Sunland and the Mozu also indicates that it will start directly.

Subsequently, the people of the Eighth Hall returned to their own places. Each of the temples had its own space passage. They had to go back to the Pure Land and then rushed from the Pure Land to the Western Field Battlefield. This time the war was huge, and the Mozu had rested for so long. Strong strikes, inevitably fierce and sorrowful, Shengyuan Hall is also a master like a cloud, genius countless, many young disciples have been unable to withstand the excitement of the mood, fighting, experience, they need to experience too much.

For Jiang Chen, the war he had to deal with was not only the Mozu, but also the master of the six halls. He knew very well that Xiao Dian had noticed him and even doubted his identity.

[Speak, the end of the year is really busy, the update can not be stable, the book has been published for four years, the annual New Year's Day is sitting there code, this year the body began to deteriorate, ready to let yourself live a good year, the Spring Festival Before and after the estimation can only guarantee one day, and then resume the explosion after the year,] the book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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