Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 992: Calculation

"Elders, killing my seven-level grand priest is Jiang Chen, not the ancient dust."

Xiao Changfeng wondered.

"Don't care. If I guess it's right, the ancient dust is Jiang Chen. All kinds of signs indicate that this is a person. You can just test him this time. If the ancient dust is Jiang Chen, then even if it is It is the ancient temple that can't keep him. Whenever the six halls are going to kill him."

Xiao Wu's face sneer, he is very confident about his speculation, and does not say that the identity of the ancient dust has been very skeptical. Before he only felt a familiar atmosphere from the ancient dust, he made him worthy. Suspecting the connection between the ancient dust and the river dust, we must know that the perception of an eight-level great saint is not without reason.

"Hey! If that's the case, then it would be better. I just want to have Jiang Chen for a while. Although this person can kill my seven-level grand priest, I am not afraid of it. Strength, killing the Seventh Grand St. is also a very easy thing. I don’t believe that Xiao Changfeng can't even make a third-level grand priest."

Xiao Changfeng snorted, the arrogance of the genius was inspired, every genius was arrogant, especially the genius in the Shengyuan Hall, and Xiao Changfeng was very confident, with his strength, killing the seventh-level sacred effortlessly.

For the Xiao people, whether it is ancient dust or Jiang Chen, it is an enemy, they must kill.

"You go now, I will secretly brand the battle images of you and the ancient dust. I heard that Jiang Chen can display a transformation skill. This skill can increase its combat power by ten times. If he is Jiang Chen, he must be able to deal with you with his transformation skills. If not, it must not be your opponent, you must be killed."

Xiao Wu's face sneer, all in one's control, to deal with the ancient dust, he can not personally shot, if he shot, it will immediately attract the attention of the ancient temple, but Xiao Changfeng is not the same, Xiao Changfeng is a genius of the younger generation. This war with the Mozu is also the main battlefield of these geniuses. Xiao Changfeng will kill Jiang Chen and will not attract the attention of outsiders.

Xiao Wuling has already fixed his attention. If the ancient dust is not Jiang Chen, then it will be killed by Xiao Changfeng, and a big enemy will be removed for Xiao Dian. If the ancient dust is Jiang Chen, even if Xiao Changfeng can’t kill Jiang Chen, He can also secretly brand the images of the two men's battles. When the time is announced, Jiang Chen immediately becomes the target of the public. The masters of the six halls must attack the whole. Even when there are Xiao Dian and the demon temple help, Jiang Chen It is also deadly.

"it is good."

Xiao Changfeng's body swayed and disappeared in the blink of an eye. The next moment, he appeared outside the tiny space laid by Jiang Chen.

"Hey! The ancient dust, hidden is very secret, if it is not the elders, I can't find you."

Xiao Changfeng snorted and immediately turned into the space of the space.

At the moment when Xiao Changfeng came in, Jiang Chen, who was already rescuing the fourth-level grand priest, opened his eyes on Huo’s eyes, and an extremely strong anger spurred out from his eyes. He had already hit the fourth level. On the edge of the Great Holy See, only the last step can completely break through.

At this time, he was forcibly interrupted. Jiang Chen’s anger can be imagined. He only has the last 50 dragons to hit the fourth-level sacred. Of course, in his current state, he only needs to refine. A powerful level of magic can also be instantly broken.

However, since entering the battlefield in the Western Region, the dragon pattern in Jiang Chen’s body has been condensed by the Zulong Tower. Although it does not affect the foundation, he also wants to stimulate his own potential for the impact of the fourth-level grand priest. Promotion, not the direct promotion of the form of plunder.

Only need to give him less than half a day, Jiang Chen can completely break through, and at this time, his promotion was disrupted by Xiao Changfeng.

"Old dust, you are hiding here, let me find it so hard."

Xiao Changfeng saw Jiang Chen and immediately released murderous.

"Xiao Changfeng, you really shouldn't have appeared."

Jiang Chen shook his head. Xiao Changfeng appeared here. He didn't feel the accident. Xiao Dian wanted to kill himself through the chaos of this war, which was also expected by Jiang Chen.

"Little dust, this **** is not good to deal with, if you don't show the dragon change, I am afraid it is not his opponent."

The rhubarb dog is worried that he is now a four-level grand priest and can deal with the general six-level grand priest, but the six-level sage like Xiao Changfeng is not an opponent. Even if Jiang Chen is dealing with it, he must also be in the dragon. In a state of change, after all, Jiang Chen has not yet broken through to the fourth-level grand priest.

"Then will be the body of the dragon, this person will die today, but I have already noticed that some people are secretly spying on it. If I guess it is good, it should be the master of Xiao Dian who wants to brand the battle scene here, Xiao Xiao I have already begun to doubt my identity. Once I know my true identity, the six major groups will unite to deal with me."

Jiang Chen’s scorpion shines, how savvy he is, and some people want to spy on himself, he can naturally feel it.

"What should we do now?"

The rhubarb dog asked, of course, he knows that Jiang Chen’s identity is still very important in the absence of complete growth. In any case, the identity of the ancient dust has only been offended in the Shengyuan Hall. There is no positive conflict between the temple and the other five halls, but if the identity is exposed, it will be different.

"No problem, I will display the five elements of the field. This micro space is originally arranged by me. The five elements of the field and the space are combined to block all the snoops. You don't have to shoot, based on this space, arrange a large array, and me. The fields merged together and completely isolated this space. I made them unable to see anything. Since there are many genius characters in Xiao Dian, I have to look at them. Their genius is enough for me to kill."

Jiang Chen mouth overflowed with a sneer, Xiao Wuling and Xiao Changfeng want to count him, then it is destined to be calculated by Jiang Chen. In this world, people who can count Jiang Chen have not appeared yet. Xiao Changfeng is going to kill himself. It is destined to have only one ending, that is, to be killed by himself.

"it is good."

The rhubarb dog nodded, and he was proficient in the source of the book. For the layout method, it was just a hand-to-hand approach, a variety of ancient arrays, and never seen a large array. Once merged with Jiang Chen’s field, the effect is also Unimaginable.

The rhubarb dog disappeared instantly, and turned into a light and shadow constantly moving through the space. For this dog, Xiao Changfeng directly ignored it, and did not put it in his eyes. In his eyes, only Jiang Chen was alone.

Jiang Chen slowly stood up from the ground and came to Xiao Changfeng: "Xiao Changfeng, are you confident that you can kill me?"

"Haha, old dust, my repair is more than three levels higher than you. If you don't even have the confidence to kill you, then Xiao Changfeng is not alive."

Xiao Changfeng laughed.

"If you say nothing, then let's take it."

Jiang Chen said, he released his own field, and the fields of the five elements merged with the space. Xiao Changfeng browed and felt the change of the surrounding airflow, and suddenly he felt a little uneasy.

However, this kind of uneasiness was immediately thrown away by him, because in his opinion, with his own ability to deal with a small three-level grand priest, there is no need to worry.

In another space, Xiao Wuling holds a piece of crystal stone in his hand. Inside is the picture of Jiang Chen and Xiao Changfeng. Although the picture is not very clear, the eye can still see the situation inside.

However, in the picture, Jiang Chen just moved, the picture inside the crystal stone disappeared instantly, and it completely became a chaos.

"what happened?"

Xiao Wu's face changed and he continued to push the crystal stone. Unfortunately, he could not explore the slightest situation in his work.

"Someone has laid a big battle and blocked my brand. Is it true that the master of the ancient temple did not find it?"

Xiao Wu is puzzled and locked his target on the master of the ancient temple. He couldn’t think of it. It’s not the master of the ancient temple, it’s the combination of Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog.

The picture in the brand disappeared, the original plan was broken, Xiao Wuling could not personally shoot it, and now he can only pin all his hopes on Xiao Changfeng. For Xiao Changfeng, he is still very confident. The imperial genius cultivated by Xiao Dian, the cultivation of the sixth-grade Dasheng Peak, even the ordinary seven-level grand priest, is not the opponent of Xiao Changfeng, and will be directly killed by Xiao Changfeng, even if the ancient dust is really that Jiang Chen, who has changed his voice, believes that Xiao Changfeng can also cope with it. Even if it is not an opponent, Xiao Changfeng’s ability to escape is still no problem. As long as Xiao Changfeng runs out, the identity of the ancient dust will be completely exposed.

In the micro space, Xiao Changfeng moved for the first time. He punched a punch and a red-gold fist. He did not know how strong the force was carried, and he was rushing toward Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen just wants to test his own combat power. He is now at the peak of the third-level Grand St., and he is more reinforced when he deals with the seven-level Grand St.


The two fists intersected and erased a piece of fire. Under such a strong anti-seismic, Jiang Chen was directly shaken by more than ten feet. His body was shaking, and it was not Xiao Changfeng’s opponent.

"Genius is not the same, not the general six-level great saint."

Jiang Chen smashed some numb arms and began to pay attention to Xiao Changfeng.

"Old dust, you can stop me from hitting, it is a rare genius, but the gap between you and me is too big. You are not my opponent at all. I advise you not to do unnecessary futile rebellion. It makes you more ugly to die."

Xiao Changfeng hit the upper hand and self-confidence burst. The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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