Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 995: Mozu genius

The death of Xiao Changfeng makes Xiao Wuling’s heart bleed, and a genius like Xiao Wuling cultivates a blood and resources that do not know how much it costs. Moreover, Xiao Changfeng is hopeful to be used as a secret killer in Xiao Dian. The cultivated genius character has lost his life today because of his mistakes. This loss is too great.

More importantly, Xiao Changfeng died, even if the ancient dust is Jiang Chen, he has no evidence.

Just as Jiang Chen had just left the micro space and was ready to fly towards the interior of the Western Region, there was a sudden burst of violent energy in the void. This energy instantly impeded the entire void, and then a big hand like a sky. Compressed against Jiang Chen.

"The master of Xiao Dian’s reaction is quite fast, so I shot it so soon."

Jiang Chen’s mouth overflowed with a sneer. In the face of such a powerful attack, there was no tension on his face. Even the action of escape or resistance was not made, because he knew that someone would help him to resist, Xiao Dian’s People are paying attention to themselves. The people in the ancient temple are naturally paying attention to themselves. For the ancient temple, the importance of oneself is imaginable. The ancient sky will not let oneself appear unexpected.


A loud bang suddenly sounded from the other direction. As Jiang Chen thought, the master of the ancient temple appeared immediately. It was also a big hand that appeared out of thin air. It collided with the master of Xiao Dian, and the horrible waves made the void. Instantly tearing, two figures appeared in front of Jiang Chen at the same time. One of them was Xiao Wuling. The other one was the eighth-level master of the ancient temple. Xiao Wuling appeared in his own expectation. The appearance of the master is also in his expectation.

"Xiao Wuling, now the enemy is currently, everyone should work together to fight against the Mozu, your elders of Xiao Dian secretly shot to deal with the genius of our ancient temple, is it really a face?"

The elders of the ancient temple shouted at Xiao Wuling.

"Guzheng, this **** has just killed Xiao Changfeng and killed the genius of our Xiao Dian. I now dare to conclude that he is Jiang Chen. What is your identity for hiding in the ancient temple?"

Xiao Wu's eyes are red, and I can't wait to immediately rush to tear the Jiang Chen into pieces.

Jiang Chen’s face sneer, he will not put Xiao Wuling in his eyes, and does not say that there is an eight-level Dasheng help next to him. He alone is not afraid, with his current cultivation, if he really plays Up, Xiao Wuling has to die, absorbing a Xianyang Dan, Jiang Chen's current cultivation has reached the peak of the fourth-level Grand St., and it is not difficult to kill the Eight-level Grand St.

"Haha, it's a joke. Xiao Changfeng came to kill me. I was finally killed by me. It only shows that he can't do it. Can he just kill him? I can't kill him. What is the reason? The battle between our geniuses You are an old guy but you have to come in. Xiao Dian is really shameless."

Jiang Chen laughed.

"Xiao Wuling, you don't think I don't know, you secretly investigate the location of the ancient dust, send Xiao Changfeng to kill the ancient dust, but unfortunately, Xiao Changfeng was killed by the ancient dust, throwing you Xiao Temple is wrong, We must not intervene in the battle between their geniuses."

Gu Zheng smiled and said that he is now more and more satisfied with Jiang Chen. The ancient temple has such a tyrannical genius. For the ancient temple, it is of infinite benefit.

"Killing Xiao Changfeng and not saying, I now suspect that he is Jiang Chen. If it is not for him to transform his skills, it is impossible to kill Xiao Changfeng. Jiang Chen killed our patriarch of the Xiao nationality and countless elder geniuses, your ancient temple. It can't be sheltered."

Xiao Wu’s sound is very strong.

"What evidence do you have?"

Ancient face is a cold.

"His cultivation is evidence. Even if the ancient dust is genius, it is impossible to kill Xiao Changfeng at the time of the third-level sacred, unless he can improve his combat power."

Xiao Wufang said.

"Old is not dead, your eyes are clear, and Lao Tzu's cultivation is not a three-level holy."

Jiang Chen’s momentum was shocked.

Feeling the breath released from the body of Jiang Dust, Xiao Wuling instantly stunned, horrified Zhang Da mouth, can not believe his eyes, just now he was in anger, did not care about the repair of Jiang Chen, now it seems, Jiang Chen is no longer a three-level grand priest, but a four-level grand priest, or a fourth-grade sacred peak.

"Impossible, this is impossible. When did you qualify?"

Xiao Wuling almost squirted a blood out. Now it seems that it was because of his own prediction mistakes that led to Xiao Changfeng’s tragic death. However, the ancient dust has just been promoted to the third-level grand priest, and it is impossible to promote the fourth-level grand priest so soon. Even if you can't do it again.

However, Xiao Wuling could not know that Jiang Chen was promoted during the battle with Xiao Changfeng.

"Haha, Xiao Wuling, look at it clearly, the ancient dust is a unique wizard, killing Xiao Changfeng with a four-level holy sacred, in my opinion, it is very easy."

Gu Zheng laughed, his eyes have been smashed into a seam, and his eyes are full of appreciation for Jiang Chen. This genius is so good that it is difficult for people to think about it. He has lived for most of his life. I have never seen a genius who can compete with Jiang Chen. I have never seen a genius who can advance so quickly.

"Little dust, now there are no ones. In my opinion, it is better to block this area, unite with the ancients, and kill the old guy of Xiao Dian."

The rhubarb dog was sent to Jiang Chen.

"No, this old guy is extremely embarrassed. With his eight-level sacred peak repair, I am not sure to kill it. If he is to escape, it will not be good. He will not be exposed for a while, let him live for a few more days. ”

Jiang Chen shook his head. He wanted to kill Xiao Wuling more than the big yellow dog. But before he had absolute certainty, he would not easily shoot. His current identity is very sensitive. Xiao Dian has already begun to doubt him. What he has to do now is to use this amnesty with the Mozu to maximize his cultivation.

"Xiao Wuling, I know that you Xiaotang wants to kill me, but your people are destined to be killed by me. If you are not afraid of death, let's send someone."

Jiang Chen left a sentence and then left with the rhubarb dog.

Gu Zheng laughed twice and left, leaving a shameless Xiao Wu.

"This child has grown too fast. Whether he is ancient dust or Jiang Chen, he must be removed as soon as possible, otherwise it will be a big worry."

Xiao Wu fangs his teeth, and today the loss is too great. He has an unshirkable responsibility. In his heart, the ancient dust is Jiang Chen. Such enchanting characters will not appear at the same time, and they are all related to the ancients.

The speed of Jiang Chen’s growth has reached a horrifying level. If you can’t get rid of it as soon as possible, the future will definitely be endless.

In the next few days, Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog were killed everywhere. I don’t know how many demons were killed. Jiang Chen also turned a powerful eight-level demon. As a powerful card, they did not go to Qinglian Mountain and the cold. After the convergence, after all, his current identity is the ancient dust, if they are too close to the cold, they will be more doubtful.

Once you have exposed your identity and want to deal with yourself, then it is not just Xiao Dian, the five halls will unite to kill themselves, and their situation will be particularly dangerous.

The Western Region was beaten to the dark, and the Mozu became extremely strong after rehabilitating. Although it was fighting with the Western Regions, it has evolved into a battle with the entire Sanyuan Continent because of the addition of the Holy Yuan Temple.

After all, the masters of the Shengyuan Hall were strong. In a few days, the Devils lost their hearts. At the present, with the Great Leiyin Temple as the dividing line, the people of the Mozu retreat to the middle of the Great Leiyin Temple and the Devil's Circle. The high-rises of the Holy Yuan Temple are gathered at the Great Leiyin Temple.

A few days of scuffles have already broken the Western Regions. After the Mozus left the Great Leiyin Temple, they did not continue their attacks. There was a brief truce between the two sides.

Inside the Great Leiyin Temple, the ancient sky is sitting at the top, and the kings of Xiao Tianwang and Tianpeng Wang and the other five main halls have also appeared. Together with these people, the sorghum of the Great Leiyin Temple is sitting at the bottom. The group is discussing the next decisive battle. This time, they decided to completely destroy the Mozu, instead of breaking into the devil.

At this time, a young monk came in and said, "The genius named Samba of the Mozu came to fight and said that he would challenge the Terran genius."

"How about samba?"

Asked the ancient sky.

"The six-level magical peak."

The little monk said.

"Hey! Bully us no one?"

A genius in Nalan Temple snorted, and the geniuses on the hall suddenly showed anger on his face.

"Who are you going to kill this samba, and I am a strong man, and I will reward one of them."

The ancient sky looked at the genius characters below, and the law enforcement hall was still relatively tyrannical, but the elixir that he said in his mouth was just a combination of immortal medicinal herbs, not the real elixir, just like the fairy yang in the hands of Xiao Changfeng. The same, but even so, it is enough for these geniuses to be excited. It is important to know that most of them are the same as the samba, and they are the cultivation of the sixth-level sacred peak. If you get an elixir, you will have a great hope and direct impact. To the seventh level of the Holy.

Even if it is in the Shengyuan Hall, Xiandan is extremely rare. Only the law enforcement hall can allocate rewards. Now the ancient sky has taken out an elixir as a reward, and those geniuses can't sit still.

"I will kill the samba and strengthen my human race. I will be my Nalan."

Nalan Temple, a young man in white, stood up and strode out of the hall. He was unparalleled and arrogant, as if the demon genius was already a ghost under his knife.


Nalan Yu had just gone out soon, and there was intense fighting fluctuations outside.

[I wish you all a happy new year, Laosu sent a red envelope in Alipay, everyone can go to the collar, open Alipay - red envelope - enter the password 31341275, to the brothers to celebrate the New Year, in addition, everyone pays attention to the WeChat public number Su Yuexi, after the welfare The kind of information was released on the public number. The old Su was born in the New Year. It was still in the clinic yesterday. The latest update is not to force. The brothers will forgive me. Every day next week, it will be a new one. It will be updated next week, and next time. At least eight on Monday, let the brothers cool, the brothers to get the red envelope, first come first served. 】 The first book from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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