Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 997: Duel

"Yes, I have a great compassion curse in Buddhism. It is the nemesis of this great curse. Unfortunately, the Great Compassion Mantra only appeared in the heyday of Buddhism. Later, it disappeared with the Great Curse. Now the Mozu has a big curse again. But Buddhism has no such thing as a great compassionate mantra. I read a book · 1kanshu·cc"

The abbot of the Great Leiyin Temple shook his head.

"Even if you don't have the means to deal with the big curse, do you want this kid to be arrogant here, not as good as this one, killing him directly."

Nalan Yunhe said with a sullen look, the genius of Nalan Temple was just tragic, and his heart was very uncomfortable.

"No, this is a battle between geniuses. We can't let the Mozu ridicule the young people of our human race. And this is a great blow to the dignity of our human race, and it will seriously affect our morale. The ancient temple also Losing a talented person, I want to kill this guy more than you."

The ancient sky immediately denied, with their cultivation, to destroy the samba opposite to Kazakhstan, but also to raise their hands, but they can not do this, if it is done, the impact on the Terran is too great, more What's more, the masters of the Mozu must also be secretly concerned about this war, and they will not watch their geniuses being killed.

"What do you do now? The genius of the sixth level of the Holy Yuan Temple is here. It has already died two. It is also a death for other people to go up. Is it true that the people here are arrogant and arrogant? The blow is even bigger."

Nalan Yunhe looked angry.

"Not necessarily, you have neglected a person, the ancient dust of the ancient temple has risen enough to kill this samba."

One person said openly, it was Xiao Wuling who spoke. He had a sneer in his mouth. At this time, Jiang Chen was introduced, and the intention was too obvious.

"Impossible, that ancient dust is only a three-level sacred, even if it is even more powerful, it is not likely to be this samba opponent."

Nalan Yunhe waved his hand.

"It seems that you don't even know that this ancient dust is the unconventional genius of the world. Now it has been promoted to the fourth-level grand priest, and not long ago, in the confrontation with my Xiao Dian genius Xiao, the killing of Xiao.壹Reading book·1·cc”

Xiao Wufang said that he couldn't help but gnash his teeth when he thought of Xiao's death.

"What? The ancient dust killed Xiao? How is this possible?"

"Xiao is the master of the sixth-level Grand St. Peak, even if the ancient dust was promoted to the fourth-level Grand St., it is impossible to kill Xiao."

"This person is really horrible, but this is said from the elders of Xiao Dian. It must have been true, and we have not seen Xiao for several days. If he is still alive, this kind of occasion will definitely happen. ""


When this was said, many people were shocked. If they did not say it from Xiao Wuxuan, they could not believe it. For a time, many people’s eyes fell on the ancient temple.

"The ancient dust can kill Xiao, the genius of the young generation of the entire Shengyuan Temple, I am afraid that only the ancient dust can deal with this samba, the ancient temple owner, the honor of the people, I hope you will summon the ancient dust."

Xiao Wuling held a fist in the ancient sky and saw the horror of Samba. Especially after seeing the horror of the big curse, he firmly believed that even if the ancient dust appeared, it must not be the opponent of Samba. Although he did not see it with his own eyes. How did Jiang Chen kill Xiao, but he knew that the battle between Jiang Chen and Xiao continued for a long time. In other words, Jiang Chen’s killing Xiao was not so easy.

But Samba is almost a slaying genius, whether it is Nalan Yu or Gu Shuang Tan, it is a character with Xiao Xiao, they are both swallowed by Samba, and Jiang Chen is even stronger. If you don't have the ability to deal with the big curse, the outcome is probably the same. This is really a great opportunity to get rid of Jiang Chen.

The high-rise of the ancient temple stunned Xiao Wuling. This old guy is really annoying. Xiao Wuling’s thoughts on how they don’t know, and Xiao Wu’s thought is exactly what they worry about. The ancient temple has lost an ancient Shuangtan, if you lose another ancient dust, then the loss can be big, and the ancient dust is now the hope and future of the entire ancient.

"The ancient lord, since only the ancient dust can deal with samba, let the ancient dust be shot, otherwise, this situation can be difficult to control."

Nalan Yunhe said. Read a book 1kanshu·cc

"An old man, you go to get the old dust back."

The ancient sky looked to the ancient.

"Lord, this..."

Guzheng Emei, this time to find the ancient dust, if it is not good, it is to die, let the ancient dust to deal with Samba, he has no grasp and no confidence in his heart.

"Go, the ancient dust also needs this kind of training."

The ancient sky said, he knows the true identity of Jiang Chen, the other side has a strong transformation skills, and now promoted to the fourth-level Grand St., even if he can not beat Samba, he believes that Jiang Chen will not have any accidents.


The ancients turned and left, and before leaving, they did not forget to glance at Xiao Wu.

"Haha, do you really have no one in the Terran? There are so many geniuses in the Temple of the Holy Yuan, even one who dares to stand up and fight against me. You are really declining. Our Mozu is destined to rule the whole world."

That samba sneered loudly, every sentence was released with powerful magic, and severely attacked the morale of the human race. If the Terran no longer had genius to play, the morale would be even lower.

"The ancient dust still doesn't know when it will appear. This samba is always hitting our morale."

Tianpeng Wang said.

"Right, when the hands of Qinglian's ancestors once got a Buddhist script to the highest, it is probably the long lost compassion."

The abbot of the Great Leiyin Temple said.

Hearing the name of Qinglian's ancestors, Xiao Tianwang's face is obviously not very natural, but this unnaturalness has been concealed by him.

"The abbot, you said that this is useful, Qinglian ancestors have been dead for a hundred years."

The owner of the stone temple said.

"Qing Lian's ancestors did not die and did not dare to assert, but the old man knows that Qinglian's ancestors have stayed inherited. His apprentice hurricane master has been guarding Qinglian Mountain. If I guess it is correct, the Great Compassion is very Maybe in the hands of the hurricane master, if he can hand over the Great Compassion, he can restrain this samba."

The abbot of the Great Leiyin Temple said that he also had his own wishful thinking in his heart. You must know that in order to get the inheritance of Qinglian’s ancestors, the Great Leiyin Temple did not know how much power it had spent these years, but the master of the hurricane was too stubborn. I refused to hand over the inheritance of Qinglian's ancestors.

Today, just by this excuse, let the Holy Yuan Temple go to the Master of Hurricane.

"Well, this seat will send a letter to Qinglian Mountain."

The ancient sky was immediately a **** to read Qinglian Mountain. He had no friendship with Qinglian ancestors. If there is a big compassion, it may help Jiang Chen to resist it.

Qinglian Mountain, after the truce, the monks and masters of the hurricane have cold, the smoke and dust have been here, they did not go to the Great Leiyin Temple, they are a group.

The thoughts passed down by the ancient sky were received by everyone at the same time, and they immediately made clear the situation on the side of the Great Leiyin Temple.

"I didn't expect the Mozu to have such a horrible genius. The six-level Grand Master of the Holy Yuan Temple is not an enemy of it."

Han Yan was surprised.

"That is because of the big curse, the big curse has disappeared for a long time, I did not expect to appear again, but this samba can control the big curse, it is enough to show that its talent is extraordinary, now the Shengyuan Hall let us surrender The Buddha's Supreme Curse of the Great Curse against the Great Curse, but the inheritance of my Master's legacy, there is no great compassion."

Said the hurricane master.

"Yes, I have already got all the Buddha's three seals left by my grandfather, and there are some classics, but they are not big compassion, but I want to go to the meeting and see how big the big curse is. ""

The monk's momentum is shocked. His current cultivation is also a sixth-level grand priest. His practice of Buddhism is also the nemesis of the Mozu. Although there is no great compassion, it is also very confident to deal with Samba.

"You can't underestimate the enemy, you don't know the horror of the big curse."

The hurricane master looked worried.

"Master, I am now a Buddha, and I have got the relics of the ancestors who combined the fairy spirits. If even a demon genius dares not to deal with it, I will not lose the name of you and my grandfather, I will go to the meeting first. This will be samba for a while."

After the tyrants finished, the people have disappeared.

"Let's go see."

Han Yan said, then he and the smoke and rain and the hurricane masters followed up, the demon horrible genius, they also want to see.

Outside the Great Leiyin Temple, Guzheng did not find Jiang Chen back. Samba has been provocatively screaming. When the morale of the Terran is low to a certain extent, a golden Buddha light descends from the sky, and a young monk appears in the In front of Samba.

"Barren is fighting you."

The tyrant looked at Samba and released his powerful momentum.

"Where the little monk came, it was also the cultivation of the Sixth Grand Master. I didn't expect you to have such a terrible genius in the Great Leiyin Temple."

"Yeah, it is said that the Buddha has declined. I didn't expect such a genius. Your Buddha's door is the nemesis of the Mozu. I don't know if this little monk can beat Samba."


The emergence of the tyrants has made many people shine.

"He called the tyrant, the apprentice of the hurricane master, and did not expect to have grown to such a terrible degree."

The abbot of the Great Leiyin Temple was shocked and completely unexpected.

"It turned out to be the descendant of Qinglian's ancestors. Maybe he has already passed the inheritance of Qinglian's ancestors and inherited the Great Compassion."

The ancient sky is bright, and the heart is eager to hope that the little monk can kill Samba. In that case, Jiang Chen will not have to shoot.

However, the tyrant can kill Samba, it is really an unknown number, even the tyrants themselves, I am afraid there is not much confidence.

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