Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 999: True restraint


The entire battlefield has been completely smashed, and the two have opened up a new battlefield. The monks and samba have been fighting for three hours. The final outcome is still no match, and both sides have their own advantages.

Samba's big curse is too deep, this is his greatest advantage, the monk practiced the pure Buddha's martial arts, full of Buddha nature, is the nemesis of the Mozu, this is his advantage.

Under such circumstances, each of them has created a situation in which there is no such thing as a winner.

"Mom, this dead vulture is so powerful."

Samba was irritated. Since he made the big curse, he has never encountered such an opponent. He has been unable to get his opponent and he is very depressed. His purpose today is to combat the morale of the Terran. Now Blocked by a small monk, the morale of the people gradually increased.

The opposite monk is also depressed to the extreme, but depressed is depressed, he just built a Dharma, there is a strong opponent such as Samba, it is also a good thing, is a rare hone, for him, it is also a benefit Infinite.

"Little dust, how do you see this big curse?"

The rhubarb dog said openly.

"Extremely profound, but I have basically grasped the root of the big curse. This is actually a fantasy that has evolved from a spell. It has the same effect as a big dream. If I use the dragon and the dream, it is enough to restrain. The troll's big curse is almost the same as the monk's, and it's my turn to take it."

Jiang Chen said plainly that it was good for Jiang Chen to watch the game for so long. At least he had completely inspected the big curse and found the means and methods to truly restrain the big curse. Less trouble.

My own dreamland has not been displayed for a long time. With his current four-level sacred cultivation, even if you don’t use the dragon change, it is enough to deal with samba. It’s because the big dreams have not been displayed, and it won’t let the holy The people of Yuan Dian questioned their identity.

The most obvious means of his own is the dragon change. Today, he does not use the dragon to change his body. Instead, he uses the big dreamland that he has never used before. Even if Xiao Xiaoling, he would not want to connect himself with Jiang Chen. Half handle.


Jiang Chen moved, and the Tiansheng sword roared out. A sword like a stunned sword descended from the sky, just at the center of the battlefield of the monk and Samba. The sword is like a raging sea, roaring, screaming. One tears the battlefield into two halves.

This sudden scene was undoubtedly alarming everyone. Samba and the tyrant were first alarmed, looking at the unexpected outsider, the people at the Daleiyin Temple, and the high-level observers of the Mozu. They all noticed the white youth.

"It is ancient dust."

"The ancient dust appeared, and it really is unparalleled in the world. Only with the cultivation of the four-level great saint, it is possible to erupt such a strong momentum, and the life and the battlefield of Samba and the young monk will be split into two halves. Believe."

"The ancient dust finally appeared, but even the little monk can't take Samba. What can he do to deal with this horrible Mozu genius?"


The appearance of Jiang Chen disturbed everyone. The geniuses of the Shengyuan Temple also showed a hint of incitement on their faces. They were all pretentious people, but now they are suppressed by a latecomer. The name has suddenly become the first genius of the Shengyuan Hall.

There are a lot of worries on the high-level faces of the ancient temples such as the ancient sky, and they are worried about the ancient dust, but they are also full of hope. If the ancient dust can kill this samba, it will be amazing. Let’s not say How much benefit is brought to this battle, and the face that is earned by the ancient temple alone is enough to make him the first hero of the ancient temple.

In fact, the ancient sky can now become the leader, this honor is also earned by Jiang Chen.

On the battlefield, Samba looked at Jiang Chen and said coldly: "Who are you?"

However, for Samba’s question, Jiang Chen did not even look at him. Instead, he turned his head and smiled at the monk. Although the monk had not seen the face in front of him, he could judge who was from his smile and his eyes. And Jiang Chen had already told him another identity before.

"Little monk, I think you are tired of fighting, it is better to vacate the battlefield."

Jiang Chen snarled the monk.

"Be careful, this guy can't handle it."

The monk reminded him, then turned back to the hurricane master and Han Yan, the rise of his battle with Samba, this time he was able to let him out of the battlefield, only Jiang Chen.

Moreover, the monk knows clearly that if he does not kill Samba in his current situation, then the entire young generation of the Shengyuan continent, I am afraid that only Jiang Chenyi can kill Samba, he has great confidence in Jiang Chen. In his memory, Jiang Chen has never played the unpredictable embarrassment.

"Kid, very good."

The hurricane master did not hesitate to admire his apprentice. The tyrants of today have become his greatest pride. The genius of the Shengyuan Temple cannot beat samba. Although the tyrants did not kill them, they also played well. A tie, Qinglian Mountain, was proud of the entire Buddhist temple.

"The monk is indeed horrible now, but unfortunately the big curse has been interrupted. I have already learned almost."

Han Yan said a little regrettable.

"A Yan doesn't have to worry, it will make you understand thoroughly."

A voice has spread to the ear of the cold, it is the Jiang Chen in the battlefield, how is Jiang Chen so savvy, how do you not know that Han Yan is just enlightening the big curse, which is a very good opportunity for Han Yan, It’s not impossible to enlighten the blood of the ancient gods, and to understand the big curse. It’s also the practice of Han Yan’s current cultivation. If you really understand the big curse, you will have more refined and direct impact on the six. There is no problem with the Grand St.

Wen Yan, Han Yan body shock, his mind is still the most understanding of Jiang Chen, immediately dare not scorn, adjust his state to the best, blood flow to the limit, concentrate on the battlefield, he has reason to believe that Jiang Chen's The arrival is the end of Samba, even if the great curse is extremely horrible, but Jiang Chen must have the means to restrain.

"Tangba is so horrible, I don't know if the dust brother can handle it?"

The smoke and rain are worried.

"Do not worry, Xiao Chenzi is now a four-level grand priest. With his degree of anti-day, even if he does not use the dragon to change his body, he can cope with this samba."

The monk said that Jiang Dian’s image in their hearts has always been omnipotent, full of self-confidence, and a picture has been formed in their hearts, that is, as long as Jiang Chen’s shot, he can get everything done. enemy.

On the other side of the Leiyin Temple, the eyes of all the ancient temples fell on Jiang Chen’s body. The genius of this sudden emergence is the pride of their entire ancient temple, but they have to worry about the samba of the Mozu. .

The ancient sky has even made up his mind. If he is at a critical moment, he would rather disregard his identity and not let Jiang Chen die in the hands of Samba.

The people in Xiao Dian are sneer, especially Xiao Wuling. He hates the teeth of Jiang Chen, and can’t wait to tear up Jiang Chen. Xiao’s tragic death is like a spike in his heart. On, let him not be relieved for a long time, if you can kill Jiang Chen with the help of Samba's hand, Xiao Dian will be extremely happy.

On the battlefield, Samba looked at the white-haired youth who suddenly popped up. When he noticed that Jiang Chen’s cultivation was done, he couldn’t help but laugh.

"Hurricane, it is arrogant, I did not expect that you have such a arrogant person, a small four-level grand priest, dare to appear against me, it is simply not knowing how to live and die, you are really no one."

Samba does not put Jiang Chen in his eyes at all. This is also normal. What kind of characters he samba, the younger generation is almost invincible, will put a young man who is not as good as himself in the eye, but unfortunately, Without confrontation with Jiang Chen, it is impossible to understand the horror of Jiang Chen.

"is it?"

Jiang Chen mouth overflowed with a sneer, he was too lazy to samba nonsense, and he came up to display the five steps of Canglong. Although it is a human body, the real dragon combat technique is still a horror five steps. He is extremely fast, and the space has changed Canglongwu. The pace of the step, when he arrived in front of Samba, has stepped out the fifth step.

A horrible force like a mountain is spread out from the body of Jiang Dust. The breath of the yang-like yang, coupled with the pure yang flame of the silk, the samba even the magic can not be fully displayed.


Samba couldn't help but exclaim, and immediately put away the contempt for Jiang Chen, because he was shocked to discover that the attack that the young man showed in his eyes was even more powerful than the practice of Buddhism. It is a kind of suppression.

"The world's magic wheel."

In desperation, Samba quickly showed a powerful magical wheel, but this huge magic wheel could not withstand the pace of Jiang Chen, and was crushed by Jiang Chen.


The magic wheel smashed, and there were countless dragon ripples under the feet of Jiang Chen, and the pressure fell down.


Under such great efforts, Samba couldn't help but retreat a distance of a hundred feet. Wow spewed out a black blood, and it was greatly shocked on the spot.

One move, just one move, is such a powerful shock. Under the positive counterbalance, the samba of the sixth-level Grand Saint-level is not the opponent of Jiang Chen. Under the shock of the five steps of Canglong, he was only injured. This is already very proud. It is necessary to know that Xiao, who is also a sixth-level grand priest, is in the hands of Jiang Chen, and that is exactly the same as the ants, killing them at will.

"it is good."

The ancient sky couldn’t help but praised it. The faces of the ancient temples showed excitement. When Jiang Chen came up, he could seriously hurt the samba, which was too irritating and greatly improved the morale of the Terran. .

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