In his previous life, Huang Ting paid close attention to Fang Lao Mo and saw with his own eyes that he lived a miserable and sad life under the control of the will of heaven. Seeing this, he was frightened and was particularly afraid of the will of heaven.

Of course, these are secondary. No matter how great the will of heaven is, no matter how powerful the demon is, no matter how dangerous the chaotic world is, as long as he doesn't jump out, he can use my dream Gu to cover it up, relying on the peak combat power of the seventh turn, plus the dream fairy Gu, he can still survive.

The key is to live for 500 years, which is not easy for Huang Ting. He needs to face two problems, one is the immortal orifice to pass the tribulation, and the other is the life span.

Five hundred years, six thousand months, eighteen thousand years in the blessed land. If the time passes normally, the blessed land of the cave heaven will pass all the disasters in nine hundred years, break through the ninth turn, and become a lord all the way.

Eighteen thousand years can make a pig become a tenth turn and live forever.

In fact, if the fate Gu exists and the heaven is blocked, it is impossible to break through the ninth turn. It will be stuck at the peak of the eighth turn, facing one after another [ten thousand tribulations], each more terrifying than the last, until there is no way back.

Moreover, Gu Immortals need to delve into the realm of schools and manage the blessed land to keep up with the pace of disasters. They will actively slow down the flow of time in the blessed land. If the economy is not rebuilt after the destruction, it will only fall into a vicious cycle.

Huang Ting has been able to hold on for the past two years and has developed rapidly because of his profound foundation. He is a master of the Flame Dao, and his benchmark is the seventh turn. He can manage the Flame Dao resource points like an arm, which is a solid foundation laid during the Gu Master period.

There is another important reason. The existence of the Dream-Drawing Gu seems to be able to overcome the disaster once every three months. Time is tight and there is no chance to breathe. In fact, the dream deduction takes three hundred months and can be easily dealt with.

Even so, Huang Ting has also felt the hardship in recent months. The two paths of Yan and Lian have a deep understanding of the essential characteristics of the Flame Dao Gu materials. They are invincible in the early stage of the blessed land operation, but once the scale is up and the overall situation is needed, they are unable to do it.

Fifty immortal resource points and hundreds of ordinary resource points, even dream simulation deduction is not a solution, it can only be regarded as taking one step at a time, without long-term planning.

Relying on the will of heaven to evolve the disaster may not be the best solution, or it is not the best for him.

In general, it is because the realm of wisdom is insufficient.

So his top priority in the previous life was to delay the time of the immortal orifice.

Most Gu immortals are in the middle blessed land, and the time passing ratio is originally small, only a dozen to one. Once the orifice is reduced to three or four to one, the difference is not big, and there is no relevant demand.

But Huang Ting is different. The ten absolute bodies become immortals, and the time passing ratio is 40:1. Even if the orifice is dropped, it is still about 20:1. It is too terrifying. The disaster is passed every three months, and the god of death is calling. Normal ten absolute bodies have no means to delay the disaster, and they will die.

In the previous life, Huang Ting pondered and created a new immortal Gu. It took him ten years and countless years of deduction in dreams before he successfully developed a killer move to control the speed of the blessed land. It was too difficult to simulate the universe with the flame way.

As for the problem of life span, it was easy to solve. He paid a few new immortal Gu recipes and exchanged them with the white-haired earth spirit of Langya blessed land to get a five-hundred-year-old life Gu.

Compared with the thousands of years of longevity Gu in Langya Blessed Land, it was a drop in the bucket and did not affect the overall situation.

After that, he finally got his reward after all the hard work. Within a hundred years, he created the killer moves of [Dream Seeking], [Dream Interpretation], and [Awakening from a Dream] and their matching Dream Dao Immortal Gu, taking the lead in developing the potential dream between heaven and earth and climbing the realm of various schools.

Unfortunately, Huang Ting was unlucky after all. The dreams he first encountered were those of ordinary Gu Masters or Six-turn Gu Immortals. The danger was not great, but the realm improvement was only about that of a master.

Or like the Great Dream Seed Feng Jinhuang, who encountered the Supreme Grand Master of Refining Dao and the Eight-turn Refining Dao Gu Immortal Kong Jue for the first time exploring the dream, and returned safely after the end. It was really God's will, and he was cheating.

In addition, exploring dreams is very dangerous, and it consumes souls at any time. Without the courage Gu produced by Danghun Mountain, it is impossible to support such consumption.

Therefore, Huang Ting's development of dreams in the first three hundred years of his previous life was intermittent.

However, with the addition of dream storage and dream deduction, his attainments in the school have also reached the level of the Grand Master of Dream, Flame, and Law, and the Grand Master of several schools such as Human, Soul, Thunder, Array, Wisdom, and Refining, almost reaching the terrifying level of the master of all schools.

To be honest, in his previous life, he had profound attainments in so many schools, but he really worked hard to study only the Dream Dao. The others, including the Flame and Refining Dao, were all improved by the dreams of the predecessors.

In fact, he knew that the Danghun Mountain was hidden in the Fox Fairy Blessing Land, but he didn't go to get it because he was afraid of affecting the timeline. This mountain was destined to belong to the Great Dream Seed Feng Jinhuang, helping him to strengthen his soul and explore the dream.

Then Huang Ting wanted to wait for Feng Jinhuang to trade the Courage Gu before preparing to buy it, but there has been no Courage Gu for sale in the past five hundred years.

Here he suddenly discovered a terrible truth.

As we all know, the ghost was invincible in the first life, and the Great Dream Seed failed to develop. In the end, under the secret layout of the ghost, Fang Lao Mo killed Feng Jinhuang.

In fact, a long time ago, more than ten years before Huang Ting's previous life, during the battle of Yitian Mountain in Southern Xinjiang, Youhun returned against the will of heaven and plotted against Feng Jinhuang.

Danghun Mountain is the treasure of the soul path, and Youhun's standard configuration. He even set up a "well-organized" killing move in the mountain. He is also a Venerable, and he has refined the Supreme Immortal Embryo Gu. It is easy for him to get a fifth-turn Gu Master.

Looking at the performance of Fang Lao Mo in the second life, you can know the horror of the Supreme Immortal Embryo Gu. This is still lame, how can it be played skillfully by the real master like Youhun.

Feng Jinhuang's loss is not unfair, which also explains why Feng Jinhuang was still at the sixth-turn Gu Immortal after five hundred years in the first life and was killed by Fang Lao Mo.

This discovery shocked Huang Ting in the first life. At that time, he made rapid progress. It's not that he didn't think about becoming a Venerable in this life, but it was too late!

When the ghost returned from refining Gu in Yitian Mountain, his cultivation level had not even reached the peak of the sixth level, so how could he deal with the giant Shadow Sect, the ninth level Venerable.

Even when he was three hundred years old, he was at the peak of the seventh level, and he was a great master of several schools. He could not help but waver when he thought that the ghost would only become stronger. For such a ghost, would God really have a chance to restart the second round?

In the previous life, Huang Ting did not dare to move or think, and bet wholeheartedly on the second life. He must find a way to leave a glimmer of opportunity for the second life.

Even when the Thousand Wishes Tree was close at hand, he did not take it, because Fang Lao Mo would come, which was an important opportunity for the other party.

Including Han Li, who was born in Hanjiazhuang, Shajing, was left to his own devices and embarked on an independent path.

It happened that the great era came, and a large number of dreams emerged. Huang Ting could no longer monopolize the dreams. In order to hide himself, he was too lazy to compete with those super forces, but studied the killer moves that would help the second life.

In the fourth hundred years, Venerable Honglian secretly took action, and the Blood Path Demon Fairy Fangyuan obtained the Spring and Autumn Cicada Gu Recipe, and began to collect immortal materials to refine the immortal Gu.

Venerable Xingxiu cooperated with the will of heaven and shielded Venerable Youhun from paying attention.

He was greatly relieved and decided to develop a killer move that could restrain the Spring and Autumn Cicada and be reborn together.

There is a similar killer move in the Heavenly Court, [Treat Everyone Equally], which is a law killing move, and the effect is as the name suggests.

In the previous life, Huangting's law realm was good, but he didn't have the immortal Gu [Benevolence]. This immortal Gu was in the inheritance of the Happy Land Immortal Venerable. He didn't want to get involved with these venerables. In order to maintain sufficient intelligence advantages, he simply imitated and developed another eight-turn killer move.

It's called [Different Paths to the Same Destination]!

There are two specific immortal Gu, both of which belong to the law, one is called [Same Gu] and the other is called [Different Gu].

That's right, the former is one of the foods that feed the Fire Immortal Gu. He deduced the recipe of the Immortal Gu and collected intelligence. He waited until the Gu Immortal who mastered the Immortal-level Same Gu died in the chaos of the Five Domains before he rushed to refine it. The Different Gu was not owned by anyone.

Not only that, Huang Ting also created the Dao Mark of [Parallel] based on the "different" and "same" of the Immortal Gu, which was not mutually exclusive, and was reserved for his second life.

But this is far from enough. Regardless of the Spring and Autumn Cicada or the same treatment, the power is not so invincible. At most, it can go back to a few years ago.

Only the will of heaven can reverse such a perverted degree of five hundred years.

So Huang Ting was afraid that it was not safe, so he created [Great Dream Thousand Years] to escort and blur the attention of the Red Lotus Venerable, and created the My Will Gu, which carries a special "My Will" to shield the influence of heaven.

After all, there is no real reversal of time in the Gu world. The true meaning of rebirth is just the same timeline. The downstream will uses the Spring and Autumn Cicada as a boat to return to the upstream.

Fang Lao Mo's will was able to survive for so long in the long river of time. The protection of Spring and Autumn Cicada was one reason, and the protection of Heaven's Will was another reason. The latter secretly influenced Fang Lao Mo's will.

Even so, Huang Ting in his previous life, with the help of so many conditions, followed Spring and Autumn Cicada in the long river of time, and Heaven's Will opened the way in front of him, making the journey smooth, and he barely succeeded in sneaking across. His will suffered heavy losses, and only one out of a hundred survived.

Many good things were lost.

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