Dragon of the Root

Chapter 13: Holy Sword Exsilver

Three months later, the cave that Wu Ming was in violently shook, and some of the animals on the mountain became afraid and fled for their lives.

For a moment, the shaking stopped. At the cave entrance, Wu Ming was holding a silver holy sword and wearing silver white armor. His eyes flashed with a red light, and the sword in his hand slashed forward producing sword light.


The light layer at the cave entrance was cut open, and the shattered light layer fragments disappeared with the wind.

"Merlin—" Wu Ming slammed his fist into the wall next to the cave, and a crack instantly opened in the wall.

Merlin, who was instructing Artoria swordsmanship in Camelot, suddenly sneezed.

Obviously, Merlin used something strange to help Wu Ming block the door.

Wu Ming decided to punch Merlin in the face when they met, then he walked steadily towards Camelot.

"I don't know if Merlin has protected Camelot well, and Artoria doesn't know what happened." Wu Ming walked out of the cave and surveyed the surrounding plants, roughly concluding that his seclusion was no more than half a year, but the exact time was unknown.

After all, when subliming Noble Phantasm, he focused his attention on the Noble Phantasm sublimation ceremony.

In fact, Wu Ming did not expect that he would complete the sublimation Noble Phantasm so quickly, but thought that this sword had absorbed so much of his blood as a place material.

Wu Ming raised the long sword in his hand. Although this sword is white and silver in color, it is very beautiful.

There were rune strands on both sides of the sword near the hilt. [Holy Sword of Blood] and [Exailver] mean "Blood Holy Sword" and "Silver Meteor". Coincidentally this was the name of the rune engraved on this sword.

"Blood Holy Sword Exsilver [Silver Meteor]." Wu Ming slowly chanted the name of this Noble Phantasm.

Blood Holy Sword because this sword was forged with blood, and Silver Meteor because the raw material was silver material outside this planet.

His name was simple and crude, and his abilities were of course the same.

Wu Ming walked on Camelot street and everyone greeted Wu Ming.

"Master Vero!"

"Master Vero!"

"Master Knight!"

"Brother Vero!"

"Yo~ Vero."



Among these people are old people, young people, daughters, children, uncles, etc. Because Wu Ming protected people for so many years, chased away Demon Beasts, coupled with gentle conversations, basically everyone was very friendly towards Wu Ming.

In addition, there is no feudal ideology, so people are asked not to add honorifics and be more relaxed.

Wu Ming greeted them while moving towards his residence.

However, Wu Ming noticed that their faces were more or less sad.

Soon after, Wu Ming asked an old man who greeted him.

"Uncle Harvey, did something happen to Camelot? Why does everyone look sad?"

When the old man was asked, his eyes were sad and happy, then said.

"Vero, you just came back from fighting against the Demon Beasts, you don't know the current situation. King Uther has died. "Merlin told people that Wu Ming would be fighting against the Demon Beasts he was assigned.

Therefore, for Wu Ming who had been missing for a while, people did not have any shocking reactions.

"!—" Wu Ming did not expect that King Uther would die this time. Unsurprisingly, Artoria would pretend to be a woman, draw a sword in the rock, and inherit the throne.

Uncle Harvey continued: "But when you come back, everyone will have the advantage. I believe that if you draw a sword in the rock and become the new king, everyone will support you. "

Wu Ming had a wry smile, he shook his head, and after greeting Uncle Harvey, he left.

It can be seen that Wu Ming reputation in people hearts is clearly just a matter of fact. He thought so. In fact, the British people have long been in a state of unhappiness.

Now that there is Wu Ming to protect Britain, people quality of life has improved a bit, and Wu Ming is close to people. This has led to the above mentioned situation.

Wu Ming walked over and thought about whether Artoria was prepared for this. He, Merlin, and King Uther were preparing to take the throne another time, who would have thought King Uther wouldn't last during this period of time.

Uncle Harvey says that King Uther died a cruel death, and King Uther lives on with Merlin Magecraft. It's fine to keep it for another year or two.

Wu Ming estimated this might be because King Uther asked Merlin to do this. Since Artoria was an adult, at least in Wu Ming view, Artoria was an adult. Give Artoria enough time to form a line to defend Britain.

After a while, Wu Ming walked into his house. Wu Ming house is not big. Apart from the three bedrooms, only the dining room and living room are left. He had heard Merlin preach to Artoria, but Artoria replied, which was rare.

"You should..."

"Because of that…"

Wu Ming pushed the door and entered, Merlin and Artoria stopped arguing and looked at Wu Ming together.

"What's wrong, don't you two recognize me~" Wu Ming smiled.

"Did you take long to subdue the Demon Beast, Vero," Merlin said disdainfully.

"Merlin, you are so ignorant to say this… Forget it, I will ask you to clear the account later."

Merlin smirked and said nothing.

"You're back, Vero." Sure enough, it was Artoria.

"Un, I'm back."

Both fell silent.

It's just that someone always wants to disturb this beautiful view.

"I said, you two, why do you do this every time." Merlin was helpless.

This is also impossible. Ever since Artoria moved into Wu Ming house a few years ago, whether Wu Ming conquered a Demon Beast or something else, as long as he was out for a bit longer, Artoria would always see Wu Ming back.

"You talk too much!"

"You talk too much!"

"!————" Merlin was surprised.

Wu Ming ignored Merlin and walked out while pulling Artoria, saying, "Let's go for a walk Artoria, I haven't asked you out in a long time. I'm going to take you out to have some fun today."

"Yes!" Artoria smiled.

Soon, Wu Ming and Artoria left, and Merlin was left at home.

"Hey! What do you mean!"


Wu Ming took Artoria hand and walked into the forest where he had "meeted".

"Artoria, do you know everything?" Wu Ming asked suddenly.

"…Well, Merlin told me." Artoria was silent for a moment.

"Really, then, have you decided… To become king, lead the people, and protect the people." Wu Ming turned around, looking into Artoria eyes.

"Of course I'm ready… Just something… I don't understand…" said Artoria hesitantly.

"As long as I know, I will answer."

"Was this meeting in the forest deliberately arranged?"

"Yes." After Wu Ming answered, Artoria face turned slightly pale.


Wu Ming touched Artoria face with one hand, and looked at Artoria with serious eyes.

"There are no feelings that are deliberately arranged." The implication is that my feelings for you, like my little sister, are true.

Artoria blushed and smiled.

"Sure enough, Vero loves me too." Artoria thought to herself.

If Wu Ming knew Artoria thoughts, he would definitely want to cry without tears. He did want Artoria to have the experience of being a happy young girl, but Wu Ming did not expect that Artoria feelings for Wu Ming had become more than that of a younger sister.

That affection turns into the love of a man and a woman. It's normal to think about it.

Since childhood, only Wu Ming, a handsome man, had always cared for her and loved her. Besides, Merlin is just a mentor, and others think of Artoria as a man (a woman disguised as a man).

"Artoria Pendragon. Do it with confidence. When you become king, I will always be behind you to protect and support you as a knight," Wu Ming said solemnly.

"Un, I know, my knight— Vero Silence Eude."

The sun shone on them both, and the new King Arthur legend was about to begin.

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