Dragon of the Root

Chapter 418: Prisoner

"Did I let you go again? Wu Ming's voice was heard.

However, this did not affect Ex-Machina's departure.

"You guys don't have the slightest fear…" Wu Ming said somewhat depressed, he didn't feel any emotion like the fear of Ex-Machina.

"However, I can't just let you guys go."

Since they could be called Ex-Machina, they should have something like a database. For Wu Ming, who wants information, it can be said that he has found a water source in the desert, and he must not let it go.

"Un~ but I don't need many Ex-Machina, you are quite good as a leader."

After all, in general, leaders hold the most information, right?

"Little En."

Thus, Wu Ming released the Chains of Heaven to the leader of the Ex-Machina who had entered the dimensional space at the forefront.


With the sound of chains shaking, the Chains of Heaven penetrated deep into the dimensional space.


But the Chains of Heaven, which had just entered, was completely taken out.

Wu Ming was slightly surprised. Although the Chains of Heaven were not offensive weapons, this was the first time Enkidu had returned without success.

Putting away the Chains of Heaven, Wu Ming looked into the closed dimensional space and unleashed a plan to capture the leader of Ex-Machina.

Maybe the engine performance is different. Compared to the Ex-Machina leaders who had closed their own dimensional gates, in the latter part of the Ex-Machina group, there were quite a few Ex-Machinas who had not closed their dimensional gates.

Seeing the speed at which they closed the dimensional gates, this was more than enough for Wu Ming.

"Fear the man with the wings, the evil and the mighty, frighten me with the wings! My wings will bring a curse to you! Evil cannot attack me!"

After quickly chanting an incantation, Wu Ming came to the dimensional gate of a randomly selected Ex-Machina and entered.


Along with the sound of an emotionless machine loli, a barrier appeared in front of Wu Ming who had just entered the dimensional gate.

When Wu Ming saw this barrier, he understood that Ex-Machina could use an ability similar to reflection, and Enkidu didn't check and was reflected back by the reflection barrier created by the leader of Ex-Machina just now.


"You are still a little gentle when dealing with me."

Wu Ming's <Raptor> incarnation not only increased Wu Ming's speed, but achieved super-high speed by reducing the flow of time around him and speeding up the flow of his own time. It is a power that involves time.

In this way, not only the speed of Wu Ming's body was accelerated, but also his conscious neural response ability.

As a result, in the extremely slow movement of the opponent, Wu Ming easily crossed the barrier, waved his hand, and the Chains of Heaven appeared, binding Ex-Machina.

After that, Wu Ming withdrew the Ex-Machina that he was about to retrieve from the dimensional space.

Wu Ming looked at the remaining Ex-Machinas that had completely shut down and retreated, and didn't say anything.

"Un~ Even ordinary Ex-Machina can, I'm satisfied with knowing the basic information of this world."

After that, Wu Ming looked at the Ex-Machina who was bound by the Chains of Heaven.

Being bound by the Chains of Heaven, this Ex-Machina could no longer use the energy in her body that acted like magic to counterattack, and the strength of the Ex-Machina alone was not enough to break free from the Chains of Heaven.

This is a feminine Ex-Machina, but a loli type with a body shape of around ten years old.

A small part of the body is covered by metal armor, and the neck to the chest, the entire lower abdomen, and the lower thighs are all made of mechanical metal, and there are many mechanical metal structures on the elbows, shoulders, and waist to abdomen.

Some of the mechanical wings on the rear didn't look like they were used for flight assistance, but more like combat support. The right side of the head has a rather complicated mechanical intelligent disc, which looks quite mysterious.

The yellow eye in alert mode contains data with the analytical lens in front of the left eye.

There is also a long-barreled technology weapon for combat use in the arm, as well as several other auxiliary machines. After all, Wu Ming didn't understand these things very well, and he didn't need to pay too much attention.

In addition, Ex-Machina had two tail-like wires behind its body, which gave Wu Ming the feel of an antenna.

The most obvious thing is this rose-colored knee-length flamboyant hair and Ex-Machina's beautiful face.

Although her long, disheveled hair looks a bit unkempt, it gives off a soft impression.

Wu Ming touched Ex-Machina's hair, and sure enough, it was indeed quite soft, but Ex-Machina's hair was extremely hard.

Mild steel wire, so to speak.

"Reminder, the connection body has been disconnected from this machine, and you cannot attack the connection body through this machine." Ex-Machina said.

"Sure enough, that is indeed the life of the machine. After being captured, will it be abandoned." Wu Ming said helplessly.

But this is also something that cannot be done. According to his reasoning, it was just an ordinary Ex Machina member. The other party would not choose to fight an unknown enemy who could drop Dragonia into a coma with one hit.

And often programmed machine systems are the most rational beings.

"It can only be said that it is indeed an Ex-Machina." Wu Ming sighed.

"This machine receives commands when disconnected from the host computer, starts the self-destruct program, can't leave information to the enemy, self-destruct program, countdown, start-"

Ex-Machina Loli said with a blank expression, and then started to speak.

However, Ex-Machina is said to be a robot, but is actually a product of the "Mystery". In short, it is not "Science" itself, but still belongs to "Magic".

"Doubtless, the self-destruct program cannot be started, the Spirit Circuit cannot be used, and the self-destruct program failed to start." Loli Ex-Machina said lightly.

"Of course, how can you use your abilities when you are already bound by your physical energy." Wu Ming couldn't let the database he finally got to escape.

"Repeat, this machine will not give you any information." Ex-Machina looked at Wu Ming indifferently, and there was no other action.

"With such a strong attitude, there is no point in getting information."

After all, no matter how Wu Ming tortured the machine to get a confession, it would only be considered that he destroyed it. This had nothing to do with this abandoned Ex-Machina.

"It's a bit of a hassle since Chrys isn't here."

After all, Chrysbelite was also an existence similar to Ex-Machina, but she wasn't as emotionless as Ex-Machina.

Since it wouldn't be difficult, Wu Ming didn't force it. After all, there were still existences that could obtain information.

This thought, Wu Ming saw the dragon that had fainted there.

Then, Wu Ming said to this Ex-Machina.

"If that's the case, then I won't ask you for information, first tell me what your name is, the order you received is only not to leak information, things like names can't be considered information, after all, there's no name. That's not a good name."

After a moment of contemplation, Ex-Machina spoke up.

"…This machine number? C207Pr4f57t9."

"What I want is a name, don't you have a name?" Wu Ming was even more helpless, was the rare Ex-Machina really just a machine?

"I don't understand..." Ex-Machina fell silent.

After a moment of silence, Ex-Machina spoke again.

"Question, what about Shuvi?"

"Un…let's call it for now." After all, this was a name she gave herself, so let's use it like that for now.

Even though it doesn't look like the name...

"Then, Shuvi, as a price for me not to get information from you, you should follow me, do you agree?" Wu Ming looked into Shuvi's eyes and said.

"Agree." Shuvi said with approval.

"Then let's see what can come out of this giant dragon's mouth." Wu Ming looked at the giant dragon.

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