Dragon of the Root

Chapter 448: Victory and defeat have been divided

In Avant Heim, all of the Flügel turned into children around ten years old due to the collective power to unleash Heavenly Smite attacks.

Originally, their intention was to finish off the two powers of the elves and dwarves at once, so the Flügel converted all of their energy into Heavenly Smites, and gathered them into the attack just now.

And the characteristic of the Flügel is that after releasing all their energy, that is, after releasing the Heavenly Smite, their bodies will quickly become smaller, which is truly the curse of bad taste. (Hiss~ wipe the saliva.)

By the way, their own combat power has also dropped significantly. While not enough for anyone to kill, they faced "creatures" such as elves, dwarves, warbeasts, and dhampirs. It's hard for the Flügel to fight back.

When Azrael saw that her sister's attacks were diverted, she also understood that she and the others had been tricked by someone else.

Not only that, the elves and dwarves had also been trapped.

The three major powers, the Elf Alliance, the Dwarf Alliance, and Flugel, had all been tricked by others.

Now, it was certain that the previous Heavenly Smite, who didn't know who sent him, was an unknown person who set a trap for Flugel.

"Shit, there's no way to continue the battle now, Avant, help me~" Azrael patted the ground beneath him weakly, the entire Flügel residence full of the gigantic Phantasma, Avant Heim.

As soon as Azrael finished speaking, a wave came, and it was Avant Heim who nodded.

Even if the Flügel could no longer fight, there was still the Phantasma named after Artosh himself, Avant Heim.

The Phantasma that Artosh could admire and was willing to follow Artosh wouldn't be weak no matter what.

After all, even though the God of War Artosh was a stubborn old man who had to seek death, he recognized the strong.

However, at this moment, the sky above Flügel, or the sky above Avant Heim, shattered.


Like shards of glass, the space above Avant Heim exploded directly, and the shattered space shards fell onto Avant Heim.

"W…what happened meow?!" said Azrael nervously.

The reason he was restless was because Azrael sensed the aura of her master, the god of war Artosh, from the corrupted space.

It was a very weak aura, giving people the feeling that death would soon disappear, but Azrael didn't think anyone could defeat or kill her master, so her master was the strongest.

Not only did Azrael think like this, but the other Flügels also thought like this, in their opinion, their master was the strongest, and it was impossible for anyone to defeat him.

However, just as the elf and dwarven alliance was about to retreat, and Flügel fell into fantasy, a figure flew out of the broken space, or fell.

Artosh used eighteen wings to adjust his figure and slowly landed on Avant Heim, in front of the Flügel.

When Wu Ming came out, he also came out of the broken space right after.

Not rushing after Artosh, Wu Ming turned around and started to speed up the repair of the damaged space.

Although this damaged space is also being repaired automatically, if someone who has mastered space techniques takes the initiative to repair it, it can still speed up the repair of the damaged space.

During this period of time, Azrael and the others hastily came to Artosh's side, knelt on one knee, and saluted Artosh.

"Lord Artosh..." Azrael said sadly, she could feel that his master's god essence had disappeared, and his aura was gradually weakening. By now, Artosh was dying.

That's why Wu Ming didn't rush after Artosh, because Artosh didn't hesitate with the double explosion of "Godly Smite" and "White Stallion" that shattered two small worlds, which was comparable to Noble Phantasm. It was affected, and the god essence was also destroyed for this reason. In short, Artosh had already lost, and the god essence was completely destroyed by Wu Ming.

Seeing what Azrael wanted to say, Artosh waved his hand to stop her.

"This battle really makes me feel very excited, I am very satisfied, I am very happy, hahaha!!" Joyful laughter spread from Avant Heim to the surroundings, the alliance of elves and dwarves could be said to have heard.

Even so, Think Nirvalent still had no intention of returning, so there was no doubt that he would die. After all, the one who defeated Artosh was still in Avant Heim. The damaged space is being repaired in the sky.

"Aum——!" At this moment, a dragon roared, and a huge Dragonia rose from behind the forest, roaring at Artosh.

Immediately after, six dragon shadows flew from behind the forest, followed the Dragonia in front, and flew towards Artosh.

Artosh once killed the leader of this giant dragon, the dragon king of Dragonia, therefore, Dragonia is not only the enemy of Ex-Machina, but also has a deep hatred for Artosh.

Of course, Draglnia who was slaughtered by others was not happy, and it just so happened that Artosh could be said to be very weak now, and Dragonia could kill him.

But because of Dragonia's anger, after ignoring the signal sent by Think to retreat, they all rushed out.

And they are ready to kill the enemy with all their might.

"<Far Cry>!!" Two words left Dragonia's mouth, <Far Cry>, it was like the Heavenly Smite of the Flügel. After releasing <Heavenly Smite>, Flügel's body will turn into that of a child of about ten years old, and everything is suppressed.

This could be described as a massive killer move, because the opponent dies, or the user dies because the user lacks power, it's that simple.

<Far Cry> Draglnia was a powerful skill that condensed life and whole body magic to release everything.

This is also a great killing move, no matter whether the opponent dies or not, the rhythm will definitely die.

However, this also shows how inevitable Dragonia and Artosh are.

In an instant, the mouth of the first Dragonia opened, and the energy and life of her entire body condensed.

Dragonia was ready to unleash her attack with full power at the cost of her life.


Not only that, the six Dragonia behind him also started preparations for <Far Cry>.

It seemed that these few Dragonias also had the intention of destroying all of the Flügel, and they launched this fatal attack.

Then, Wu Ming would not just stand by and watch. In these few seconds, he repaired and refined the broken space in the sky, and used that space to transfer to the only <Far Cry>.

In an instant, Wu Ming took out a golden ball from his golden ripple, used it again, and a mechanical shield covered his body.

"<Pseudo Code: Far Cry>"

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