Dragon of the Root

Chapter 459: Hope from the Flugels

The characteristic of the <Ram> incarnation, if any energy is absorbed, it will speed up the recovery speed.

Even if there was no magic in this world, there would only be <Spirit Circuit>, but fortunately, the incarnation of <Ram> didn't require any energy to heal Wu Ming's wounds, so it wasn't dangerous at all.

After about an hour, Wu Ming's injuries had almost recovered.

Sensing his heart, he found that the red color of the stone disk that had entered an overloaded state was fading little by little.

"It seems that <Ram>'s incarnation also has the effect of removing the excess of the other incarnations."

Even so, Wu Ming also stopped the activation of the <Ram> incarnation.

There was no need to return this incarnation at such a time, either physically or mentally.

"After all, Suniaster is still in my hands. I can't use it, humans can't use it either. I have to find a way."

Suniaster Consciousness also said before that Wu Ming cannot be the only god on this planet and cannot control Suniaster, and the same applies to humans.

Although Wu Ming didn't think what Suniaster's consciousness told him was a lie, but just in case, Wu Ming checked it after he got Suniaster.

He really couldn't control Suniaster, perhaps because he wasn't a native of this world.

As for whether humans can control Suniaster, Wu Ming doesn't know how, after all, Suniaster's consciousness says so...

If humans are not recognized by Suniaster, it is very likely that Suniaster's consciousness will actually say that humans cannot be the rulers of this planet.

"Forget it, let's take it one step at a time." With that said, Wu Ming withdrew from his inner world and opened his eyes.

When Wu Ming looked at the inner stone slab, he felt that some people came from the outside world, but since the other party was not evil, he didn't care, but it was not good to leave people like this, so he was prepared. To go out and meet. See who's looking for it right now.

Then he was taken aback by the scene in front of him.


Wu Ming opened his eyes and saw that there were many little angels in front of him...coughing...a child's version of Flugel, and Phantasma was like a floating island, Avant Heim.

Anyone who sees it will be shocked. Nearly 10,000 Flügels were half kneeling on this vast plain. Spectacular view.

Fortunately, there was a plain in a place that Wu Ming had chosen at random, otherwise the Flügels wouldn't be able to half-knead here as a group, and with Avant Heim's presence, this plain seemed rather small.

"Why did you all come here?" Wu Ming asked subconsciously, looking at Flügel who was half kneeling on the ground with his head lowered.

Although Wu Ming sensed someone coming, he really didn't expect that there would be so many. Wu Ming's mental strength only maintained a faint perception ability when he didn't release it, so he who opened his eyes was shocked.

After that, Azrael, who was at the forefront of the Flügel, answered.

"Lord Artosh entrusted us to you, and in the future, Lord Wu Ming will be our new master." Azrael said with an expressionless yet very respectful expression.

As the first Flügel created by Artosh, Azrael is on par with the older sister of the Flügel. Therefore, in the case of Artosh's death, Azrael was the leader.

"That's right, Artosh entrusted you to me." After Wu Ming finished speaking, he began to ponder.

Wu Ming didn't know if the personality of the Flügel would be like Artosh, and the strong were respected, but because Artosh was worried about his creation, Wu Ming believed that even though this Flugel was entrusted by Artosh. It was given to Wu Ming, but their hearts tend to be very unstable.

After being subordinate to the enemy who killed his master, and being entrusted by his own master, Wu Ming didn't think that the Flügel could be as cruel as the Ex-Machina.

Ahem... Even though Ex-Machina isn't good, Ex-Machina other than Shuvi are really heartless...

Wu Ming released his mental strength, and found the clue when he checked the tens of thousands of Flügels he had obtained in front of him.

Every Flügel's face was full of sorrow, and Wu Ming could see that it was a suicidal expression.

And the reason why they were able to follow Azrael to Wu Ming was probably because their master's final orders had to be obeyed.

This can't be done, don't say whether Wu Ming will order them to do some tasks, under such circumstances, they may not be able to survive the battle.

Those whose hearts had died participated in the battle, and 90% of them ended up dying in that battle. The remaining 10% were those strong enough to survive even if they fought unknowingly.

In an instant, Wu Ming thought of a good idea.

"Stand up, Flügel." Wu Ming used his magic power and said softly, but his voice reached every Flügel's ears.

The Flügel raised their heads and stared at Wu Ming blankly.

"Arthosh is a worthy opponent, but we both have reasons to fight."

Artosh did what he wanted with his life, and Wu Ming did it so Artosh didn't take Suniaster.

In the end, Artosh's death could be said to be an accident, Wu Ming did not expect Artosh's god essence to be sealed onto the throne by Suniaster's consciousness.

If Wu Ming really wanted to kill Artosh, he would not have used force in the end to dispel the aftermath of the battle between the two.

"I won't lie to you either. Artosh's death really was just an accident."

When Wu Ming said this, not only the Flügels who had suicidal thoughts were furious, but the Flügels who wanted to obey Artosh's final orders also frowned, especially Azrael.

"But I will not shirk that responsibility. I will take this responsibility and take the trust of my friend Artosh."

After all, it could be said that the two of them hit it off right away after the battle. Regardless of whether Artosh died or not, the two were inseparable from a rivalry-like friendship.

"Hope for the future, don't give up your life, because, I will always be waiting for you guys, waiting for you guys to challenge me until you guys kill me."

Wu Ming's words caused a commotion among the Flügels, and even Avant Heim was taken aback, enough to see the restlessness in his heart.

"You guys also really want to avenge Artosh. As one of the assassins who killed him, if you could take revenge, you would definitely choose him." Wu Ming was like a demon, seducing the Flügels.

"I give you the right to challenge me, live, and strive to become stronger. Don't you have an almost unlimited lifespan, so let the hand knife be your lifelong goal."

Almost all of the Flügels flapped their wings excitedly, some really wanted to kill Wu Ming, and some were excited because they could challenge a strong person like Wu Ming.

Azrael looked at the current master in front of her with wide eyes, and was shocked.

As the eldest sister, how could she not see that Wu Ming was the hope and purpose the Flügels gave them to live.

Apart from Azrael, there were also many high-ranking Flügels who also saw the meaning of Wu Ming.

It might not be a bad thing to make him the new ruler of the Flügels.

Then, Flügel said in unison.

"Follow your orders, my lord!!"

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