Dragon of the Root

Chapter 487: first old rival

Immediately after, Wu Ming wrapped the two pseudo Chains of Heaven in his hands, and then he grabbed the two long swords on the ground.

These two swords looked almost exactly the same as the Divine Sword of Salvation, it had to be exactly the same as Excalibur.

These two swords were clones made by Wu Ming.

As far as the pseudo-Excalibur is concerned, although the light cannon can still be released, both its power and range are less than one rank, but several ranks.

Of course, the sharpness of the two quasi-holy swords also dropped significantly.

And the reason Wu Ming made these two fakes was because they were both used as consumables.

Through the scanner carried by the Ex-Machina's inner armor, and the fact that the opponent wasn't covering it, Wu Ming easily saw the Servant coming from behind him.

"So they are?" Wu Ming sighed with emotion, "This is really bad luck", and shook his head.

With their speed, they could indeed get around behind him, and this approach was sure to prevent him from escaping. Wu Ming smiled helplessly.

"I really didn't expect them to be summoned. They are also old opponents. Better attack first." Wu Ming smiled.

With that said, Wu Ming wrapped the chains around his arms around the hilts of the two holy swords.

Immediately, he suddenly threw the fake holy sword.



On the opposite side, the green-haired youth held a long spear and dashed towards Wu Ming at an extremely fast speed.

Even though he is a Rider, he has a permanent Noble Phantasm and doesn't really need his own mount.

Although this would expose his weakness, few would be able to catch up to his speed.

"Little thief who dares to spy on me, die!"

Then, listening to his student's rhetoric, the teacher who turned into a centaur chased after him.

"Don't underestimate the enemy, Achilles, the other party is still in place."

Listening to the earnest teachings and diligent advice of his teacher, Achilles looked a little impatient, but he still nodded to show that he knew.

"Yes~ I know, teacher Chiron."

Even though his student looks rebellious, he still gives his teacher a lot of face.

As Achilles thought, there were very few Servants who could catch up to him, not even Achilles' teacher, Chiron.

Even if the teacher doesn't say that he shouldn't underestimate the enemy, Achilles will slow down.

Otherwise, Achilles would run with all his might, even if he had shown a centaur posture and ran on all fours, he wouldn't be able to catch up to Achilles, much less talk to him.

At this moment, a voice entered the ears of the two of them.


"What!?" Chiron frowned silently, thinking about this, it was a little troublesome.

Chiron was shocked when he heard this. Not to mention this was the liberation of the Noble Phantasm. Besides, the holy sword Excalibur is still famous. He tried his best to see the enemy's figure and determine if his opponent was King Arthur, but even if he had clairvoyance, the other party was deep in the forest, so Chiron couldn't see the other party's face clearly.

In addition, not only Chiron, Achilles also knew the legend of the holy sword and King Arthur. After all, King Arthur was too famous, especially in Europe.

Chiron and Achilles both knew about holy swords, but their reactions were different.

"The other party is King Arthur?!" Unlike the frown on Chiron's forehead, Achilles' first reaction upon hearing this Noble Phantasm's release was joy.

For Achilles who was once asked whether to end up as a commoner or die in battle, for Achilles who chose the latter, a strong enemy was his motivation.

However, even so, Achilles was not provoked.

Although he didn't know why King Arthur unleashed the Noble Phantasm as soon as he appeared, he had seen the power of the holy sword, from the Fate Apocrypha he remembered.

Though he also wondered why he kept the memory back then, since Chiron had it too, so leave the search for the truth to his teacher.

Just as Achilles was about to cast his Noble Phantasm for defense, he froze on the spot.

Not only Achilles, but even Chiron was dumbfounded.

Because, they saw two small beams of light less than five meters in diameter hurtling towards them, and they weren't very fast.

Of course, this was for two people with Agility Rank A+, and if it was Spartacus, they would definitely be hit.

And why two beams of light? Isn't the Holy Sword Excalibur?

It wasn't these things that really confused Chiron and Achilles, but the size of this Noble Phantasm.

Although they had not seen the liberation of the Noble Phantasm from the holy sword Excalibur, they had also seen the liberation of the Noble Phantasm from the other holy swords. Why are the scales so different?

After all, Chiron and Achilles were confused right now.

At this scale, they didn't need to defend at all, they just needed to dodge.

By the way, the two of them did not head straight for Wu Ming, but chose to attack from the side and rear.

Even though the diameter of the beam of light was less than five meters, if it affected Riverton, where Master was, it would be quite troublesome, so the two would spin backwards.

Of course, this strange "King Arthur" attack was also one of the reasons.

In just an instant, Chiron and Achilles shone two beams of light side by side, with a total strike distance of less than ten meters.

For a Servant, especially a first-rate Servant with Agility Rank A+, a distance of 100 meters only takes one second, and a jump is enough.

Immediately after, the two of them witnessed a narrow beam of light erupt from their side, and felt a scorching heat, which made them both have to be serious. Even if it was a fake Excalibur, it was a holy sword, and also a Noble Phantasm as an ace.

Of course, it was hard to say if it hit Chiron, even if it hit Achilles, it wouldn't kill him, at most just an injury.

And at this moment, Chiron's eyes fluctuated, and he quickly shouted at Achilles.

"Achilles, hurry back!!"

Chiron's clairvoyance combined with Mind's Eye (True) achieves a short-term vision of the future. Through this, he saw chains appear in two beams of light that were less than five meters long.

Although he escaped the chains by relying on a vision of the future, Chiron was bound by chains when he arrived at Achilles.

Hearing his teacher's words, Achilles naturally prepared to retreat.

But Wu Ming also seemed to have heard Chiron's words, and the chain instantly appeared from the beam of light, shooting towards Chiron and Achilles.


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