Dragon of the Root

Chapter 489: Gudako's Confession

Gudako was confused at the moment.

With the help of many Servants, she managed to pass the three singularities and recover the three Holy Grails. Even at the fourth singularity, all enemies have been defeated. Just as the Holy Grail was about to be retrieved, the mastermind behind the burning scene of human history really came out.

Because Mr. Andersen had a lot of words coming out of his mouth, but the King of Magecraft didn't know what happened in the end, so he wanted to kill them head-on.

Carmilla, Mashu, and even Mordred couldn't move in front of that man, is it over...

Later, she was saved by the Assassin, whom she met in the singularity of Fuyuki City.

She was overjoyed, so was Mashu, and although Carmilla's words weren't very visible, she was also relaxed because of the Assassin's arrival.

And it seemed that Mordred and Assassin had a bad relationship. This really intrigued her.

After that, Gudako didn't understand the chatter of Assassin and King of Magecraft very well, but in short, the two were enemies.

Then, after another round, the Holy Grail of this singularity also recovered.

Then, unexpectedly, the Assassin followed us back to Chaldea.

Gudako desperately wanted to talk to Assassin, but his body couldn't hold back the slightest exhaustion. For the next singularity, she must sleep first.

After all, Assassin had also said that he would accompany her to the next singularity.

As a result, upon awakening, the doctor said that something had happened and the Assassin had left...

To be so unlucky!

But luckily, the doctor said that although Assassin can't go to the next singularity with us, she' also back, and there's always a chance to meet.

Then, since Assassin provided the coordinates of the next singularity, it didn't take long for Mashu and Gudako to get ready to enter the next singularity.

On the other hand, Carmilla still hasn't woken up, but it's nothing, Mashu is already very strong.

After entering the frame, just as the spiritual transfer was about to take place, the doctor suddenly whispered something.

"Perhaps in this singularity, he will come with a special identity." The cowardly-looking doctor said something that confused her.

Special identity? Could it be that the spiritual base was no longer an Assassin?

Gudako was already prepared for this. No matter how stupid he was, she could see that Assassins were not ordinary. Can an ordinary Servant compete with the King of Magecraft and force the opponent to leave?

Really looking forward to it.

With this mindset, Mashu and Gudako entered a new singularity, the American continent.

Then, she was taken aback by the scene before her.

A Roman soldier with a similar face, the Dragon Tooth Warrior, and the defeated Caligula and Heracles.

Moreover, Heracles and Caligula seemed to remember her, and roared at them.

What's the situation?

Fortunately, a strong light suddenly appeared elsewhere, pulling these two great gods towards it.

Now Gudako and Mashu can escape.

As for where to run to? Of course, that is the other side of the light. The light seemed to be emitted by a powerful Servant. Coupled with Heracles and Caligula, who were attracted to that direction, Gudako still wanted to live for another two years, so she ran in the opposite direction from the light.

Although this Dragon Tooth Warror and Roman warrior were not weak, Mashu was also very strong, and the two of them fled after a while.

Coincidentally met Geronimo who was observing the enemy on the edge of the battlefield.

Luckily Geronimo is a nice person. After learning of Master Chaldea's identity, he invited her to join him. However, after seeking a doctor's opinion, she and Mashu join forces to save the United States and expel the aliens from an enemy team.

After that, Geronimo brought Gudako and Mashu to the temporary gathering place of their Servants without a master, Riverton.

Wow~ There are a lot of Servants here, Billy the Kid, American villain, Robin Hood, the faceless king, and Elizabeth... Although Elizabeth was very happy to see her, when she thought of Elizabeth singing, she...

Ahem... In addition, there are the legendary characters, Chiron the centaur sage, and Achilles, the immortal hero of the Iliad, which surprises both the doctor and Da Vinci. "It is a first-class Servant, comparable to Heracles..."

Well~ it seems Chiron-sensei and Achilles-san are very strong.

Ugh? As for why he called out to Chiron-sensei, cough... because Chiron-sensei is Chiron-sensei...

In addition, there is also Nightingale, who is known as the "angel". It is said that she treated a Servant who was seriously injured and unconscious, but Gudako didn't know why she was talking about the treatment, and everyone looked scared, the Servant was afraid of being injected?

After all, with Mashu, there are now a total of nine Servants by his side, and so many friends have gathered as soon as they appear, which is a treatment that the singularity has not given several times before.

After that, Geronimo takes Robin Hood and Billy out with him because he needs to continue investigating the situation of the other troops.

On the other hand, Gudako is quite confused by the question of another power, is there still much power in this singularity? This is different from the previous singularity.

After that, Chiron-sensei answered the question for Gudako and Mashu.

According to current information, the continent is divided into five regions.

Washington, Chicago, Alexandria, Salt Lake City, and San Francisco, with these five cities as their centers, spread to the surrounding areas. Currently, the United States is divided into such situations.

If adding up their single Servant alliance, there were six factions in total.

After all, they can no longer be underestimated now, the number of nearly ten Servants is no worse than other forces.

And their sixth party army occupied places not occupied by the other five powers, and Riverton, where Gudako was now, was the headquarters of the lone Servants.

In addition, every power has a great background. According to Chiron-senseia, they weren't causing any trouble lately, but had gathered intelligence. They found that these five forces consisted of mythological characters in each country, or historical figures.

Celtic, Greek, Roman, Japanese, and local American powers.

And besides the United States, the other four powers have the Holy Grail.

Thinking about it now, King of Magecraft said he had prepared a "gift" for the Assassin. Could this be? But Gudako always felt it wasn't for the Assassin but for her...

As hard as it is to believe, Gudako has to accept the fact that she must defeat the four forces...

After Chiron's explanation, it was already dark, and it was natural bedtime. As a result, in the middle of the night, Gudako was awakened by a Servant who came here unexpectedly.

Kiyohime, who slipped down from the Rocky Mountains, and Spartacus, who rebelled against the Romans.

Seeing the two Berserkers in front, Gudako immediately felt helpless. Just like this and that nurse, they were all troubled Servants.

However, as long as Gudako finds out what she likes about Berserkers, it can be considered easy to get along with, just compromise with them, and then make some rules, and they easily agree.

Spartacus' compromise was easy to say, but Kiyohime was actually asking to be with her all the time, the skin-to-skin kind of contact, which gave her a headache.

But fortunately, Kiyohime also received a contract that only held hands during the day and no contact at night.

Seeing the look in Kiyohime's eyes, Gudako always felt that it would be the same as what Mashu had told her, that his virginity was not guaranteed.

The next day, Carmilla wakes up, and the doctor sends her through the frame.

This time, the strength of our sixth party has grown even stronger. There were a dozen Servants. Hehe~ Then, under the consultation of Geronimo, Chiron, and the doctor, the current combat mission was decided.

Tomorrow, Gudako will go to the American troops located in the far west and ask for unity. After all, they don't have the Holy Grail, and the two sides don't need to be enemies, so they choose to work together in the first place.

Then, after getting acquainted with all of you, night fell.

While preparing tomorrow's itinerary, Chiron-sensei sensed someone was investigating them, and just like that, Spartacus, who had already found him, ran without permission because he was the closest to the one who investigated them.

As expected of a Berserker.

Chiron and Achilles also took the first steps, after all, the enemy was sneaky, and Spartacus might be in danger.

After that, Gudako also pulled Mashu and the others into that position.

In the distance, Gudako saw Achilles tied up with chains.

This time was really bad, after all, even the strongest of them, Achilles, was bound by the enemy.

But when Gudako arrives, it turns out to be an Assassin!

And the Assassin seemed to see it too, loosened the chains that bound Achilles, and greeted her.

Really, it turned out that his own family had just beaten his own family.

Hehe~ No matter what, Assassin doesn't break his promise, no matter what, let's hug first~

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